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Posts posted by Mab

  1. For anyone who wants to download videos from Youtube, Dailymotion, etc;Copy the URL, go to keepvid.com and paste it there. It'll give you the option to save the video in either low or high quality. I'd opt for the latter since it'll be in MP4 format, which is more compatible than the low quality FLV.

    Where's the best place to download full ppv's?
  2. After all the discussion about the new Impact game I remembered this...WCW/NWO Revenge IntroNow that is how you start a wrestling game. I think I nearly had a heart attack from excitement when I got and first watched that on christmas day.

    Yeah I used to love the introductions to the THQ games. They had them on the Wrestlemania and No Mercy games too. Also if you edited your wrestlers attire it would change on the intro.
  3. At least the kid will KNOW that people are likely to botch his name...That amount of times I recieve something saying Micheal on it is amazing. Despite people always saying that the name can be spelt either way, I have never met anyone who has the name spelt "Micheal", it's ALWAYS Michael. Hell... just think of the pronounciation with the mispelling "Mike-eel" that ain't how I pronounce my damn ya tit.At least Dyllan would be able to say "oh, and it's two l's, not one." Tho' I don't like the name regardless... always reminds me of those Dizzy games from the Amstrad, lol.

    Mate, you think youve got problems?Everyday i have letters adressed to Mr Jamie Blundell.(my names Jaymee Bundell :p )
    Is "Dyllan" taking your surname or his fathers?
  4. You've got to tell us how much it was now after going on how expensive it was.

    If you're that bothered, google it.That's a very nice and thoughtful gift by the way.
    Why the fuck do you have to comment on everything I write? You really are a sad bastard. I was just intriegued after MAT was saying it was really expensive.
  5. Its a habit ive picked up from waddling around the house with tied back greasy hair, yesterdays makeup smeared across my face, glasses on and generally looking like death warmed up.

    <Mab> What kind of makeup?
  6. Who really gives one, i want to read more from Seven & TBP.

    I do actually, I'm enjoying this thread. It's been an interesting journey for MAT. I've learned a few things from this thread too, that may help me in a few years when me and my girl decide to have babies.
  7. Its true what they say about pregnant women being really randy.Its a nightmare :(I had no sex drive for the first 2 and a half months and then BAM! I allways thought i was quite a sexual person, and a little pervy, but this is ridiculous :((but then again when you do have sex it makes up for it. best sex EVER.)My tummys gone really hairy :(I feel like some grotesque moomin :(

    Haha in all honesty I like your honest approach.
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