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Montreal results from last night...


Kevin Steen Dominates Sylvain Grenier

ROH Montreal results 04/17


Kevin Steen led his "Best in the World" Trios team (featuring El Generico and the American Dragon Bryan Danielson) to victory against the team of Sylvain Grenier and the ROH Tag Team Champions, the American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) in the main eventof the Rong of Honor show in Montreal Friday night. As El Generico prowled the ring, keeping Davey Richards at bay, Kevin Steen trapped Sylvain Grenier in the Sharpshooter while Brian Danielson tortured Eddie Edwards with his trademark Cattle Mutilation chickenwing. While to this observer Edwards and Grenier's submissions were simultaneous, backstage Sylvain Grenier was lobbying anyone who would listen to convince them that Edwards had tapped first. The victory brought the crowd of about 450 to their feet chanting "Meilleur du Monde!" and sent the crowd home happy.


The match was arranged when Kevin Steen made a guest apperance during the French broadcast of TNA on RDS (the Quebec sports network), a program for which Sylvain Grenier is colour commentator. Both men are convinced that they are not just the best wrestler in Quebec, but also the most popular. Their clash of egos lead to a war of words culminating in Steen and Grenier agreeing to lead teams against each other at the ROH show. Based on the match Friday night, the only competitions that Sylvain Grenier will be winning over Kevin Steen is the "Best Chicken**** Heel" contest as Grenier used the American Wolves to shield himself from Steen for most of the night.


ROH Montreal

Results Quick and Dirty

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Centre Jean-Claude Mal

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I've been pretty slow on my ROH following recently. I got up to the 6th Anniversary show and never got the urge to buy more DVDs (and the conversion rate hasn't helped). Anyway I went along to the two Houston shows.


On the whole I had fun in an isolated show sort of way. It's worth looking out for the ropes breaking during the six man on the first show. After an awkward struggle through the middle portion of the match there was some serious incredible as Magno (I think) decided that having only the bottom two ring ropes would not stop him from flying around like a lunatic. There were some insane springboard dives and an incredible spot from the ring post to the outside. It was heart in mouth stuff.


As I say, I'm not following the product at the moment but there appeared to be some fued between Albright and Claudio. They handled their interactions as if there was some issue between them but the crowd were dead. You could have heard a pindrop and it was almost embarrassing when Albright finally got his hands on Claudio to be greated by what was, at best, a polite round of applause. It was even funnier on the PPV taping when Claudio, having got a reasonable reaction by bad-mouthing Nigel, was attacked again by Albright. What little heat was in the room was sucked away into the ether and the result was possibly the strangest 3-way I've ever seen (with Blue Demon Jr). It was the first 3 way I've ever seen where they had one man on the apron waiting for tags. Aside from the rules making no sense and the funeral atmosphere the match was truely horrible. God only knows what would have happened if there'd been a double down in the match. I can only imagine it would have ended with someone tagging the guy in who had only just tagged out. Ignoring the oddness of this, a value lesson must be learned. As things are, Albright will never be a vengefull babyface. They need to watch some Martin Stone or Samoa Joe segments to see how it should be done. Maybe it would have worked on a more established crowd that were familiar with the angles but somehow I doubt it.


There was also various AOTF interactions. Hasn't this fued been running forever now? The matches weren't bad but it didnt seem to be going anywhere.


On the plus side, keep an eye out for KENTA vs Davey Richards. Its not a MOTY like many were claiming but, botched finishes aside, it was tremendous fun.

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Markham (Toronto area) report from last night, ripped from the ROH forum...


I had the most fun I've had in months going to the show tonight. There are lots of opinions out there regarding ROH right now, and I've gotten sucked in at times, but there is no better value for money than the show tonight. My past four shows have included the first Markham show, the TNA ppv in Oshawa and a Raw/Smackdown double-taping in December and this in first place by far. It is everyone's choice to support whatever they want but I suggest people keep an open mind and go to a show or watch a recent DVD to make up their own mind rather than just going by negative show reviews.



A) Player Uno and Alex Payne defeated Michael Elgin and Ash. Fun opener with the crowd being into everyone. Nice to see Ash and Elgin on the show.


B) Josh Raymond and Christian Able defeated Grizzly Redwood and Bobby Dempsey. Fun match, Raymond and Able seem like they could do well on the regular card.


Main Show:

1) Brent Albright defeated Jimmy Rave by submission with the crowbar. Jimmy Rave and Prince Nana seem to have fit right back in. The toilet papering went over well. Rave did enough heel stalling to get heat but limited it enough to not be Larry Zbysko. Lots of chopping with good selling by Rave. Albright looked good in victory, he seems to have trimmed and was in the best shape and worked the best I've seen him in a while.


2) Chris Hero d. Necro Butcher by DQ after Necro used a chair. This was a fun brawl that went out of the ring a lot and also involved wrestling. The DQ finish didn't feel ill-timed. There was a great taunt by Hero when Necro was down and Hero said "Where's your Oscar?"


3) Colt Cabana d. Claudio Castagnolli via pinfall. Cabana has fit right back into his comedic role and the crowd was right with him. It sucks that WWE wasted two years of hislife but he feels refreshed. Claudio was probably in the best heel mode Ive seen him, which happens when you shave your head and wear a scarf. Fun match.


4) Austin Aries, Rhett Titus and Kenny King d. Kevin Steen Kenny Omega and Player Dos. Aries, Titus and King were great as a trio and come off like a top act. This match was filled with lots of great ???? along with Dos being worked over. It was cool for Generico to be there and kudos to ROH for announcing this upfront. Great match, second best of the night.Great chant of "Heppa-Titus" at Rhett.




5) The start of the second half was being announced when Delirious and Jimmy Jacobs appeared in the crowd already brawling.They were close to me so that was fun. They went into the stands, then to ringside, setting up a table for later. They got ine ring and brawled back and forth. Eventually Delirious tried to suplex Jacobs out of the ring onto the table but Jacobs fought back, hit the ropes and speared Delirious through the table. Eventually Daizee Haze got involved. During the finish, Delirious blew black mist, covering Jacobs' face. Daizee hit Jacobs with his own spike and then Delirious put him in the Cobra Stretch with the spike digging in Jacobs black-covered face until Jimmy tapped. This is the best I've seen from either guy in a while.


6)Jay Briscoe d. Roderick Strong in a strong wrestling match. Lots of chops, lot of nearfalls and an ending sequence of rollups that ended with Jay winning. A really good match that was exactly what it needed to be.


7) Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards vsm Bryan Danielson and Tyler Black went to a 45-minute time limit draw in the best match I have seen live since Danielson v. Black from Detroit last July (ppv match).The 45 minutes flew by and caught the crowd by surprise with the one-minute warning while both Danielson and Black did elbow strikes to the Wolves followed by duelling Cattle Mutilation when the warning was given. Crowd was heated that it ended but good heat and a remacth should be good. Lots of innovative spots including Black and Danielson tagging in and out while taking turns bodyslamming Edwards. Simple, but it got over. The Wolves seem like a great classic tag with lots of great double-teams, many of which involve kicks and leg lariats. Crazy spot with all the guys in the crowd after dives by Richards and Danielson, then both Black and Richards getting back in at 19.5 when it seemed they would't. Danielson also had a crazy bruise on his left thigh the size of a melon and he sold it the rest of the match. I would have though he had broken it except he was able to work on it (stand,run,etc) and his opponents worked it the rest of the match with texas cloverleaf's and dragonscrews.

It was great to see the Wolves in a main event and hold their own. It felt like the old Carolinas tag wars that are legendary.Just a phenomenal match that is worth getting the DVD for.

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as a noob i've got a roh question that may well have been covered but hopefully is quick to answer. ROH has DVD, PPV and TV right? so what order should you watch things in?


say at the moment i'm backed up with all the hdnet stuff to watch and all the dvd releases since All Star Extravaganza IV, is it going to be messed up if I watch the dvds one after the other then the tv show one after the other?


added confusion with the last ppv (caged collision) not being on DVD but shows after it already being released! don't think it would do them any harm to be a bit clearer as there must be other people new to the company who just look at it get confused and give up!

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as a noob i've got a roh question that may well have been covered but hopefully is quick to answer. ROH has DVD, PPV and TV right? so what order should you watch things in?


say at the moment i'm backed up with all the hdnet stuff to watch and all the dvd releases since All Star Extravaganza IV, is it going to be messed up if I watch the dvds one after the other then the tv show one after the other?


added confusion with the last ppv (caged collision) not being on DVD but shows after it already being released! don't think it would do them any harm to be a bit clearer as there must be other people new to the company who just look at it get confused and give up!


your not being a Noob i have watched ROH for about 3 years and still not sure about what order its in with HDNET so have not watched any yet in case of spoliers

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The TV is alright to watch in terms of chronology as the first six weeks (of which the the sixth episode airs tonight) are basically an introduction to everyone for the casual viewer. When they start airing the next set of tapings, it'll get into more storyline stuff.



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Dayton results from last night, via the ROH forum...


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler



a. Josh Raymond & Christian Able vs. The Soul Shooters ends in a no contest when The Dark City Fight Club comes in and destroys everyone.


b. JT Vega & Ernie Osiris d. Tim Donst & Andy "Right Leg" Ridge (according to kcping1's twitter, Ernie pinned Donst with a Flatliner)


c. Mikey Nichols d. Sampson in your pre-show main event!




There are extra bleachers to accommodate those still arriving...attendance looks to be at least 600, could be more. And just heard from bigstu2076 as well who said easily 500-600 already.


1. Bryan Danielson d. Eddie Edwards (details according to kcping1's Twitter - Danielson reversed a small package for the win).


2. Claudio Castagnoli d. Silas Young, Matt Cross, and Rasche Brown in a Four Corner Survival when Claudio pinned Silas Young.


3. Jimmy Rave d. Grizzly Redwood: Rave wins with the Ghana-rhea (details per kcping1)


4. Austin Aries & Rhett Titus d. The Phoenix Twins: Aries wins with the brainbuster (details per kcping1)


5. Colt Cabana d. Chris Hero with the Billy Goat's Curse


Intermission - Return date is September 18th


6. Jimmy Jacobs d. Egotistico Fantastico with the End Time


7. Davey Richards d. Tyler Black with a school boy roll up, sounds like it was a really good match (details per kcping1)


8. Kevin Steen & Jay Briscoe d. The Dark City Fight Club when Steen rolls up Rainman (Chavis right?) (details per kcping1)


9. Jerry Lynn d. Roderick Strong to retain the ROH World Title: Roderick got busted open hardway on the guardrail. bigstu sent me a message and said that he bled like a "stuck pig" and had the "crimson mask all over the right side of his face"


[close spoiler]



I just caught up on the last week's worth of ROH news, and I don't think the two (well, three, kinda) show cancellations mean much. Danbury, CT and Pittsburgh aren't major markets for them (even though the Danbury venue and crowd are way better than Edison on DVD), and the scheduling conflicts could be because they have to be available when the HDNet production truck is. The Montreal cancellation in favour of a second night at the bigger Toronto venue makes good business sense, as they drew 1000 or more there last summer, and they may as well make the most of it while it's available, as it's an ice hockey venue during winter (when ROH runs Markham in the Toronto area instead).


Also, I liked the new ROH video wire,

even though some of it (Kenny King and Rhett Titus with Aries especially) was pretty indie and minor league. Joey Ryan is getting good hype, though...
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Chicago results from last night via the ROH forum... a review of "Bound By Hate" should also appear in an hour or so...


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler


Thanks to RoHFanatic who will be sending me results tonight to share here on the board! I will also keep an eye on those who have said they were Twittering results tonight (or whatever the verb is there) and will add details from them as needed.


--Return date is June 27th (meaning 3 straight Chicago show misses for me...crazy!)--


--Attendance is around 450 right now, as the pre-show is beginning (don't panic folks, Chicago arrives late usually)--




a. Grizzly Redwood d. Andy "Right Leg" Ridge with a double axehandle. Ridge was said to look decent.


b. Eric Scott & Brandon Moreno d. Tony Kozina & Ernie Osiris with a roll up. Ernie came out with Redwoods boots tied to his log.


c. Bobby Dempsey d. Stevo Molinski very quickly with a Death Valley Driver in your pre-show main event!




RoHFanatic says a generous estimate would be roughly 650 fans right now. bertptmfus on his Twitter says around 700...so, it's in that range.


1. Egotistico Fantastico d.

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Bound By Hate - Markham, Canada - 8/11/08


Show #2 in the post-Gabe era, as ROH returns to the Toronto area. The venue in Markham was noted at the time for drawing a smaller crowd than the central Toronto venue they used in the summer at "Northern Navigation", but as that's used for hockey the entire winter, it was unavailable for ROH. The crowd here still seems respectable though...


Jerry Lynn vs Davey Richards starts us off. The crowd is hot, Lynn is on form, and Davey gets a crowd shocking clean win with the alarm clock followed by the DR Driver. Good match, everything you can ask from an opener really.


In a strange twist on booking, the Age of the Fall team become the faces in match 2, Delirious and Brodie Lee vs Kenny King and Rhett Titus. It all starts as Titus taunts Delirious about the Daizee Haze stuff, and so we get a surprisingly fun tag match with Rhett trying to avoid Delirious, yet the King/Titus team also not really wanting Brodie Lee in the match much. The new King/Titus team have some chemistry together, which automatically makes them better than most of the 2007-8 faction warfare. Nothing is settled here (surprise surprise) as we get a countout finish when Delirious (the legal man) chased Titus (not the legal man) to the back, handing King and Titus the victory in their first match as a team.



Roderick Strong and Erick Stevens vs Go Shiosaki and Eddie Edwards is next. Strong and Stevens mercifully cut short the verbiage of Shane Hagadorn to kickstart the match and it's clubbering time with those two and Go in the same match, while Edwards and Go have some smooth early double teams. Stevens then gets isolated, which leads to a Strong hot tag which revives memories of 2006. It's good action all the way down the home stretch, until Strong makes Edwards tap out to the Stronghold. Nice stuff here.


Jimmy Jacobs vs Austin Aries in a Dog Collar match finishes the first half well. Jacobs is really ramping up the heel tactics and cutting down on anything flashy or pop-getting. In contrast to Jacobs' tactics of attacking Aries while only Aries has the collar on, and using cheap shots to maintain the upper hand, Aries works great with his intense, explosive comebacks. Jacobs keeps the early control with a low blow, pulling the chain across Aries mouth, and tying him into the corner and bludgeoning him with a chair.


The thing I like about the whole feud is Aries always carries himself as superior, so as much as Jacobs beats him down, the crowd never dies like they have in many of ROH's other programs, such as Nigel title defenses and S 'n' S Inc. matches. When Aries escapes, he then makes Jacobs pay in a satisfying way, as Jacobs gets busted and bleeds everywhere. Good stuff indeed.


Jacobs next tactic is to try and escape, and when Aries follows him to try and pull Jacobs back towards the ring, Tyler Black jumps him to turn the tide back in Jacobs' favour. Once Tyler then leaves, it doesn't last though, and why should it with Aries having the size advantage and Jacobs bleeding everywhere? Speaking of bleeding everywhere, you can quite graphically see the blood pouring over Aries when Jacobs mounts the corner to ht Aries with punches. Gross. Jacobs then goes for a chain assisted End Time, but Aries can still escape, then finish Jacobs off with kneestrikes using the chain into the Last Chancery for a tap out. Excellent finish to a second really good match between the two. Roll on round 3, under I Quit rules, at the Rising Above PPV.


Grizzley Redwood vs Alex 'Sugarfoot' Payne is your filler post intermission match, as the Littlest Lumberjack chops Sugarfoot down to size. Nigel, on commentary, demands Redwood gets in the running for a title match. Next...


Bryan Danielson vs Tyler Black vs Kenny Omega is a killer all action match. Fantastic stuff here, Danielson goes 2 for 2 in great Toronto area ROH matches. Not only is this a great match, it's good booking with all three men having clearly defined roles, which they stick to, and everyone gets over as the victorious Danielson puts over Omega even by defeating him. I won't spoil any details, just seek this out.


Nigel McGuinness vs Necro Butcher for the ROH World Title starts with a surprisingly still hot crowd. Nigel cuts a hilarious promo where he tries to barter with Necro that he won't attack his injured leg from the night before if Necro doesn't punch him in the face. So, Necro promptly starts outwrestling Nigel, and Nigel unsurprisingly cheapshots the leg. Boo. Nigel being in control is... well, the usual really. What you probably want to know is what happens when Necro starts to come back, is it dramatic, is there a good finish? Well... as soon as Nigel looks in severe danger, Delirious and Brodie Lee attack Necro drawing a DQ. Boo again. Steen and Generico run in for the save, and Nigel escapes. Nigel once again used minimal lariats, another indication he was probably already hurting here.


That ending helpfully leads straight into the main event, Kevin Steen and El Generico vs The Briscoes for the ROH Tag Titles. Their first match against each other since the Ladder War ended their 2007 feud at the Man Up PPV, this can't measure up to the Streetfight, 2 out of 3 falls and Ladder matches from that series, but is still a good match, a worthy main event, and up there with their 'straight' matches in 2007 at Fifth Year Festival: Philly and Driven. The Canadian crowd love their countrymen and the Briscoes too, so going straight to this match negates any heat for the DQ in the World Title match. I'm not going to try and recount the ins and outs of a match between these two teams, just know, if you liked their matches before you'll like this too. Steen and Generico retain, naturally, and everyone goes home happy. Well, not the Briscoes. Ha!


Really good show by current standards, one of the better ones in 2008 and the first hit of the post-Gabe era. There's definitely not so much staleness about the product here, and signs of some forward moving stories, so I have to say Yay! for ROH here.


I have seen 'Escalation' as well, which was not the abomination of a show reported at the time... a review may follow in the week.

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Glory By Honor 7 - 20/9/08



Dreadful promo by Steen to kick things off. It

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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A Wrestling Legend Makes His ROH Debut

Monday, May 04, 2009



Ring of Honor Wrestling is very happy to announce that a Hall of Fame wrestling legend will be in attendance on Friday night, July 24th when ROH returns to the Ted Reeve Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.



The legendary Bret

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