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Chris Benoit dead


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I'll appreciate Benoit's work the same way. I don't see how the end of his life, this tragedy, in any way affects what he did in the ring or who he was in the ring. If Mozart had murdered five hundred people he'd still be one of the greatest composers of all time. Though, like Chris is destined to be, I don't think he'd be remembered for that. American wrestling has lost one of its virtuosos, you might argue one of the last great American wrestlers.The world's lost three more people in tragic circumstances.And wrestling itself's picked up yet another bruise.

Mate, nobody will be 'allowed' to feel that way about Chris. Hell, even I feel somewhat dirty by mourning Chris after what's happened. I just feel so uncomfortable with it all at the minute.
See, I think you're wrong there. Certainly there'll be some pressure to hate on Chris, we've seen evidence of that in this here thread. But I think Chris is going to be quietly ignored by the wrestling world from now on, ESPECIALLY if the report into his death opens up a massive can of worms. Lets not forget, if its decided by the media that WWE, its lifestyle, or the drugs or whatever is 'really' responsible for this, a lot of the focus of the anger is going to go away from Chris onto the big E. That's always what happens when some report or other decides something else is 'really' responsible. So in the end its down to each fan to come to terms with it their own way, either to look past the end and focus on the life, or to burn the idol and hate him to soften the blow of the deaths. You feel uncomfortable, and that's perfectly understandable, because this is one of the biggest shocks ever and there's a whole lot of issues to come to terms with. But eventually you will come to terms with it one way or the other. From what you've said, I think in the end you'll mourn Chris as much as his family. But I don't know you, and I'm just guessing.I'll fly a flag for him, no matter what anyone says.EDIT: I'm probably way too active in this thread, considering what it is, but I think getting my feelings out about this and talking with you lot is part of my own way of dealing with it. In a way I guess its led to some good, because I haven't posted on the UKFF in ages, and now I feel the need for a little digital company. I mean really, who the hell else is going to be able to share relevant feelings on the matter?
You have a PM mate.
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I'll appreciate Benoit's work the same way. I don't see how the end of his life, this tragedy, in any way affects what he did in the ring or who he was in the ring. If Mozart had murdered five hundred people he'd still be one of the greatest composers of all time. Though, like Chris is destined to be, I don't think he'd be remembered for that. American wrestling has lost one of its virtuosos, you might argue one of the last great American wrestlers.The world's lost three more people in tragic circumstances.And wrestling itself's picked up yet another bruise.

Mate, nobody will be 'allowed' to feel that way about Chris. Hell, even I feel somewhat dirty by mourning Chris after what's happened. I just feel so uncomfortable with it all at the minute.
See, I think you're wrong there. Certainly there'll be some pressure to hate on Chris, we've seen evidence of that in this here thread. But I think Chris is going to be quietly ignored by the wrestling world from now on, ESPECIALLY if the report into his death opens up a massive can of worms. Lets not forget, if its decided by the media that WWE, its lifestyle, or the drugs or whatever is 'really' responsible for this, a lot of the focus of the anger is going to go away from Chris onto the big E. That's always what happens when some report or other decides something else is 'really' responsible. So in the end its down to each fan to come to terms with it their own way, either to look past the end and focus on the life, or to burn the idol and hate him to soften the blow of the deaths. You feel uncomfortable, and that's perfectly understandable, because this is one of the biggest shocks ever and there's a whole lot of issues to come to terms with. But eventually you will come to terms with it one way or the other. From what you've said, I think in the end you'll mourn Chris as much as his family. But I don't know you, and I'm just guessing.I'll fly a flag for him, no matter what anyone says.EDIT: I'm probably way too active in this thread, considering what it is, but I think getting my feelings out about this and talking with you lot is part of my own way of dealing with it. In a way I guess its led to some good, because I haven't posted on the UKFF in ages, and now I feel the need for a little digital company. I mean really, who the hell else is going to be able to share relevant feelings on the matter?
Pretty much encapsulate my thoughts right now as well
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That Chris Benoit's life ended in this manner is upsetting and disturbing. This does not alter the fact that this man used to bus half way across Canada for the sport he loved. This does not alter the fact that he worked hard, damn hard, selflessly for every single wrestling fan whether we laughed or cheered or booed or ignored him. Certainly I am not ingoring the fact that he killed 2 people and then himself. However, I want to remember Chris Benoit for the sound worker he was, for being the guy that made me and my friends believe in smaller technical guys over muscle bound freaks, for his unintentionally hilarious promos in his series with Jericho.Other people might be ashamed of missing Benoit. I for one will wear my Benoit T shirt with pride tomorrow.

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been watching fox news most of the day and they keep going on bout roid rage and how the wwe is gonna have to answer alot of questions. they had meltzer on they to and he didnt really help the cause.

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That Chris Benoit's life ended in this manner is upsetting and disturbing. This does not alter the fact that this man used to bus half way across Canada for the sport he loved. This does not alter the fact that he worked hard, damn hard, selflessly for every single wrestling fan whether we laughed or cheered or booed or ignored him. Certainly I am not ingoring the fact that he killed 2 people and then himself. However, I want to remember Chris Benoit for the sound worker he was, for being the guy that made me and my friends believe in smaller technical guys over muscle bound freaks, for his unintentionally hilarious promos in his series with Jericho.Other people might be ashamed of missing Benoit.

my sentiments exactly.
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I'm pretty disgusted today after reading some of the posts in this thread. None of us knew Chris Benoit or his family, none of us. No one on this forum has a right to judge what kind of man Chris Benoit was.Chris Benoit gave us all years of entertaining matches in pro wrestling and he was one of the best....That's it...I don't know the guy...nothing can take away the fact that he was a great wrestler and for some of you guys to push that to one side over something we don't (And will most likely never get all the facts) have all the details on....is a slap in the face to the man and to every wrestler out there.Who says the young up and coming baby face should be a nice guy in real life? It's pro wrestling. We knew "The Crippler Chris Benoit" not the real person. Let's be sad for the wrestling loss and his family for losing a loved one and not judge someone who we no nothing about.If it turns out he murdered his family it will not take away the enjoyment I have out of watching his matches.When you hear the name Chris Benoit please try and think of the guy who made Triple H tap out at Wrestlemania or the guy who took the headbutt dive of the steel cage, and not what you've heard on some internet site or news program.RIP Chris Benoit - One of the greatest wrestlers of my life time.PS - Mods, can we get a seperate topic of Benoit news/gossip/people speculating and one for RIP Benoit?

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The fact that he murdered two people one of which was only 7 years old out weighs ANYTHING he has done in the past and for that I can never look at him in the same way again.Looks like SV have taken the dvd off their site as well.

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Other people might be ashamed of missing Benoit. I for one will wear my Benoit T shirt with pride tomorrow.

Really? I don't have one but to be honest if I did I wouldn't wear it with pride. I don't think I would wear it again to be honest :(
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I'll think of Chris Benoit the wrestler first. He didn't interest me as a person and I wasn't sitting crying watching RAW or DVD's like he was some hero. What happened was shocking sure. McMahon, Austin, Flair, Vader - some of these are my favourite wrestlers(characters) to watch, however according to different sources they are genuine scumbags in real life. Doesn't mean I don't love their work. And it won't mean I won't still love Benoits.

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What cause is Meltzer supposed to help exactly? It is about fucking time that serious questions are asked about the crap WWE wrestlers are putting into their bodies. The tragedy here is that is took the murder of a woman and a 7 year old child before mainstream press actually gave a fuck.EDIT - responding to Flash's post a few up from here

Edited by BurningHammer
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WARNING SIGNS THAT SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH CHRIS BENOITBy: Bob Ryder 1Wrestling.com6/26/2007 5:08:55 PMIn speaking with close friends and confidants of Chris Benoit contacted this afternoon, apparently there were some warning signs that something was wrong with Benoit.Some of the information learned by 1Wrestling.com by colleagues and friends that did not want to be quoted:"This wasn't roid rage, this was insanity. Roid rage doesn't last for 48 hours. There were signs that something was wrong. Stories have emerged that a year ago he became paranoid and believed he was being followed. He wouldn't let Nancy leave the house because he believed someone was out to get them."“Chris hated religion. He didn't believe in it. I cannot comprehend him putting bibles by the bodies. I am shocked.”In addition, 1Wrestling has learned that sources close to Nancy are reporting that she had a safety deposit box with evidence of past rages and that authorities should check the box if anything ever happened to her.What the fuck was Nancy thinking sticking around? I'd have taken the kid and fled if I was her. She thought there was a chance he would kill her and she stayed?

Edited by Garrett
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I find it odd how people were crying for Eddie and are now spitting on Benoit.This is where Kayfabe would come in nicely, where we know nothing of their personal life.We didn't know any of his personal life or what issues he was dealing with, it is all speculation. I'm not defending him but at least think of all the good moments hes had.Judging by the above, it seems he wasn't complete in the head.

Edited by The Pegasus Kid 1990
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What cause is Meltzer supposed to help exactly? It is about fucking time that serious questions are asked about the crap WWE wrestlers are putting into their bodies. The tragedy here is that is took the murder of a woman and a 7 year old child before mainstream press actually gave a fuck.

Will they hang about to care for long though or when this all slows down through time will the mainstream media turns its attention elsewhere allowing pro wrestling to carry on as 'normal'? Edited by Finlay
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