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Reborn Again is average, I remember Sydal & Marufuji being quite good but the rest is quite forgetable IMO.Fight @ The Roxbury is pretty decent, the 4CS with Hero/Nigel/Claudio/Quack is very good though as is Sydal vs Generico. Skipped United We Stand but I heard good things Dragon/Nigel vs Morishima/Marufuji.As for Caged Rage, the Briscoes/Steenerico Cage Match was entertaining but not as good as I thought it would be, didn't really care for the Jack & Roderick Cage match. I did like the World Title 3-Way though but overall quite a mediocre show. Hope that helps.

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This is just my opinion but there's is no one on the indys that can draw you into a match like Kingston can, he makes you believe his feuds are real and that there's genuine animosity between whoever he's feuding with, and thats a hard thing to in the indys. His matches with Tim Donst are a prime example, after the beating he lays on him physicaly and verbally through out you really want Donst just to beat the shit out of him by the end, I'd say he single handidly made Donst after that first match they had.

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I just read on ROH website that BJ Whitmer and ROH have parted ways. It seems like a mutral agreement but i was wondering if anyone heard if he signed for someone else (TNA or WWE?) Still i think he was a good wrestler if a little bland. Shame to see him go.

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I've just been reading that as well, seems like he's leaving on good terms and it'll be interesting to see what happens for him next. I don't see him going to TNA or WWE but you never know, Japan's a more likely destination I think and probably a return to more regular work with other indys like IWA:MS.

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B.J. Whitmer gone - :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup:As for the four shows queried - Reborn: Again was shite, Fight at the Roxbury and United We Stand were ok, and I havn't seen Caged Rage yet. Kingston seems to be polarising opinion. He's probably the best guy on the indies at the mo not have a have had a shot in ROH. so probably deserves to be bought in on that basic alone, at least for a couple of shows

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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So there's nothing good particularly from Reborn Again (11/5), Fight @ The Roxbury (8/6), United We Stand (22/6) or Caged Rage (24/8)?

I was quite disappointed by Caged Rage (the only one of those four I've seen) - the cage matches in question weren't fantastic (the Briscoes/Steenerico one in particular didn't measure up to the street fight they had a couple of weeks before at DBDVN1), the triple threat title match is okay, as is Danielson vs. Pac, but the show looked a lot better than it actually turned out to be. For me, anyway.
Reborn Again and United We Stand REALLY suffered from being the odd show out on PPV weekends. The Dragon/Nigel vs Morishima/Marufuji match at the latter certainly isn't enough to make you seek that show out. Fight at the Roxbury was much more enjoyable, but nothing stands out in the memory. I liked Caged Rage, but it's not essential. It does have one of the best matches of the now-defunct Resilience. I think the best shows have already been covered - Race to the Top night 2, Death Before Dishonor V (night 1 over night 2, but both are really good), Manhattan Mayhem II (essential), then maybe Glory By Honor VI Night 2 after that.
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Thank You B.J. Whitmer Thread from the ROH boardSome of the shit here is hilarious

The only time I've ever been more disappointed in seeing someone leave was Samoa Joe. I can only hope and pray Whitmer will return one day.

In fact, of all the live shows I've been to (about 10), I don't remember seeing a bad Whitmer match at any of 'em

Man it feels so weird he is gone. You will be missed BJ!

My personal fave

This news just made my day.Man I just feel great

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I was discussing BJ Whitmer with an American friend at IPW:UK vs The World on Saturday night, and we couldn't work out what he brings to ROH in 2008!!I think I compared him to Matt Stryker who got a good run once, and even had a title shot against Samoa Joe..I appreciate not every wrestler has 'got it' but BJ bored me too tears..a definate fast forward wrestler!!

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I was discussing BJ Whitmer with an American friend at IPW:UK vs The World on Saturday night, and we couldn't work out what he brings to ROH in 2008!!I think I compared him to Matt Stryker who got a good run once, and even had a title shot against Samoa Joe..I appreciate not every wrestler has 'got it' but BJ bored me too tears..a definate fast forward wrestler!!

Matt Stryker was quite good, the problem with him was that Gabe tried to push him to the moon as a main event guy when he was clearly an upper mid carder at best. One of the worst ever matches in ROH history was Matt Stryker vs BJ Whitmer at FB 03. Dreadful stuff!
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I didn't mind BJ but he has got stale, i'm watching his match with Jacobs at Dragon Gate Challenge right now, good match.

Only because he nearly killed poor Jimmy Jacobs!! Good riddance to Whitmer, and fair play to Punk for banging his wife!
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I just want to say quickly that Cary Silkin is a top class guy. After the Philly show we were having trouble getting a taxi to the Greyhound station so he let us use his mobile to sort it out and spent some time to talk to us about the show. Above and beyond what you'd expect really.

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