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Just seen most of the Glory By Honor X results on the ROH Facebook. Looks like a really good in-ring show but the opportunity to advance anyone new wasn't taken (WGTT over ANX, Briscoes over Bucks, etc)

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ROH Glory By Honor 10 Results


Andy Ridge over Mike Sydal

Michael Elgin over Mike Bennett, Adam Cole & Grizzly Redwood

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Tomasso Ciampa goes to no-contest when Steen attacks Jacobs

Tomasso Ciampa over Harlem Bravado

Eddie Edwards submitted Kyle O Reilly

Briscoes over the Bucks

Jay Lethal over Roderick Strong. Match went to 15 min draw, Lethal wins after restart. Strong guaranteed TV Title shot

WGTT over Titus and King

Richards over Generico. Steen ran in after match


Incredibly disappointed to see WGTT retain over K & T. Their tag title reign has been a complete washout, but presumably SBS wants the belts on them because "they used to be in WWE".

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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A more detailed account nicked from PWI Insider


Kevin Steen hit the ring and attacked Richards. They brawled as the entire locker room and all the officials ran out. Jacobs and Corino hit the scene and attacked Steen. He whipped him into all four sides of the rail and brawled with him. Everyone tried to hold them apart. Generico dove off the apron onto everyone trying to get at Steen. Steen was again dragged out of the building. The show ended with Corino, Generico, Jacobs and Richards in the ring.


Richards took the mic and said he's not going to take any time giving that fat piece of sh** any mind but if he wants a fight, he doesn't need to do anything but ask. He said to Generico that their actions speak louder than any words can. Generico hugged him. Richards said don't give the fat piece of crap any time when Generico deserves it and lead the crowd in singing "Ole Ole". He turned to Steve Corino. He said he hasn't been in the ring with him but has seen Corino's trial and tribulations. He said it takes a real man and honor to admit their mistakes before the world and try to become a better man. The crowd chanted for Corino. He said that he doesn't know what Corino's plans are but he's followed honor and has earned Richards' respect. They shook hands. Richards said that what everyone should take from tonight is the fact that people can indeed change.


The main event was an extremely stiff and hard fought match that went back and forth. The dragon superplex was quite a sight to behold. Richards' intensity live in the ring is incredible and something you really have to see live. The closing brawl was a ton of fun.

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Richards said that what everyone should take from tonight is the fact that people can indeed change.


I still can't see it being Generico who turns heel as he is the company's top babyface imo. It will all lead to Colt Cabana returning and turning heel. Steen was wearing a Cabana shirt at the show.

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Richards said that what everyone should take from tonight is the fact that people can indeed change.


I still can't see it being Generico who turns heel as he is the company's top babyface imo. It will all lead to Colt Cabana returning and turning heel. Steen was wearing a Cabana shirt at the show.


I think, if a double turn DID happen, Cabana could easily join a babyface Generico/Steen alliance to go against the Corino/Jacobs alliance, and you could possibly add the two Wolves on either side of the fued as well. I think it's all coming down to a Kevin Steen title win. It certainly seems to be his end game.

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I'd love to see a Kevin Steen title run with Cabana and a third heel taking the tag titles and the three basically having an NWO type hostage situation hold over Cornette and ROH. As long as the third guy isn't Generico. The third guy needs to be someone who was outcast from the roster too. Steen banished, Cabana not signed in the summer, who else has been mistreated or has good reason to join them?


I can't see a Generico turn being justified.

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I can't see a Generico turn being justified.


And in something other than wrestling, I could see that being a problem. There's a loose logic to it. That's all that's needed.


It's easy to sort really. Steen "accidentally" helped Generico to win the TV title. He went after Richards rather than Generico. They STILL haven't come to blows. You have Steen vs. Corino with Jacobs as the ref at Final Battle, so that's almost a surefire way for Corino and Jacobs to turn heel and completely obliterate Steen to the point that the fans are begging for the run in, and Generico finally sees enough and comes out and makes the save.


EDIT: That Final Battle bit is helped by Steen being popular no matter what he does.


Of course, you can worry about the explanation later, because the moment will do enough on the night to make people love it. And it wouldn't be hard to explain away either. Some shite about past feelings and all can be forgotten. As I said. It's wrestling. And ROH aren't exempt from such ridiculous logic gaps. At times they're the kings of it.

Edited by The Cum Doctor
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I'd love to see a Kevin Steen title run with Cabana and a third heel taking the tag titles and the three basically having an NWO type hostage situation hold over Cornette and ROH. As long as the third guy isn't Generico. The third guy needs to be someone who was outcast from the roster too. Steen banished, Cabana not signed in the summer, who else has been mistreated or has good reason to join them?


I can't see a Generico turn being justified.


Chris Hero if he does not end up going to Florida

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Richards said that what everyone should take from tonight is the fact that people can indeed change.


I still can't see it being Generico who turns heel as he is the company's top babyface imo. It will all lead to Colt Cabana returning and turning heel. Steen was wearing a Cabana shirt at the show.


I think, if a double turn DID happen, Cabana could easily join a babyface Generico/Steen alliance to go against the Corino/Jacobs alliance, and you could possibly add the two Wolves on either side of the fued as well. I think it's all coming down to a Kevin Steen title win. It certainly seems to be his end game.


I think this is the bit I'm going to quote, because it's difficult to predict any Steen title win this far out. My head just can't get from the matches set for Final Battle to the point in 2012 where Steen wins the title, as for him to take the title from Davey, one of them has to be heel, but they both get cheered regardless *head explodes*


The idea of Cabana joining a babyface Steen/Generico doesn't work either, as if they were keeping Cabana face they would have just kept him under contract in the first place surely?

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ROH Revolution : Canada - Toronto, ON - 7/5/11


Claudio Castagnoli vs Kyle O'Reilly - Straight into the action here with a tremendous opener, one of the best starts to an ROH show in ages. Claudio makes O'Reilly look super competitive here, and the Canadian youngster makes the most of it in front of his countrymen who are extremely receptive. Indeed, there are several very convincing nearfalls for him before Claudio picks up the win with a massive chokeslam followed by a Ricola Bomb at 11:53. Great stuff.


Steve Corino vs Mike Bennett - Corino is the next to take advantage of the home country reception, and while 16:03 is probably too long for any match involving Mike Bennett, they don't make a bad go of it and the crowd stay with them for the duration here. Corino again talks about his sponsor before the match, but doesn't attempt to introduce him this time, and while Bennett takes advantage of Corino's attempt to not be evil early on, Corino ends up brawling around ringside and not hesitating to bring the punching. All things considered, Corino's storytelling at least elevates this to watchable. Bennett wins with a second Side Effect followed by a piledriver, then adds a second piledriver for good measure after the bout. That's a good choice of finisher for him.


Double Danger Scramble: Rhett Titus vs Adam Cole vs Michael Elgin vs Tommaso Ciampa vs Grizzly Redwood vs Andy Ridge - A new gimmick match here, with two pinfalls or submissions required to win this Scramble, and no eliminations except by DQ. Ciampa gets the first decision before things have really got going, pinning Cole with a roll-up as he attempts a dive at just 2:30. Things are well under way when Titus scores the second fall, pinning Ridge at 7:35. The spots and heat only increase towards the end, which comes when Michael Elgin decides to just kill everyone, first powerbombing Ridge over the top onto Titus and Ciampa on the floor, then hitting Cole and Redwood with an Alabama Slam AT THE SAME TIME then pinning them one after the other for the two falls required at 14:40. A brilliant finish to an enjoyable spotfest, Elgin gets a massive reaction afterwards, which is much deserved.


Davey Richards vs Kenny King - I have to admit to going into this one with certain (low) expectations, thanks to talking to Dearly Devoted Dexter about it a while back. Sure enough, while there was some good work in the body of this match, the whole thing lacks focus. Kevin Kelly and Eric Santamaria spend most of it talking about Davey's mindset regarding challenging Eddie Edwards for the World title, Davey randomly leaves the ring to talk to a ringsider at one point for no clear reason, and there's a major mess up of a top rope German spot right near the end. Davey then gets the submission win with the ankle lock at 21:19, and bolts for the exit without even getting his hand raised. The crowd are bemused at that one. King did look competitive for the most part, but even he was shown up when he did a nip up just seconds after escaping from the ankle lock. Not a worthy sucessor to their match at The Big Bang.


In the worst thing on the show to this point, we then get the Bravados going on and on and on via the mic until Cole and O'Reilly come out to kick their ass. At least the Bravados get heat and not silence, I guess.


Delirious vs Colt Cabana - A pure comedy bout in tribute to "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney, and well done it is too. Cabana wins with a top rope elbow at 8:03.


Christopher Daniels vs El Generico - Daniels as the TV star heel under Truth Martini has to be his best role anywhere in wrestling in 2011, it's really enjoyable. I don't know if he still has that top gear available to him any more, but at least he's working his character all through his matches here. Generico vs The House of Truth is going pretty nicely too, and facing Daniels is the logical follow-on from the recent matches with Roderick. While this isn't a technical classic, it ticks all the storyline boxes, and moves us towards Generico challenging Daniels for the TV title later on. Generico manages to see off Truth Martini's attempt at interference, and when Michael Elgin runs out, he's countered by the appearance of Steve Corino, who has been verbally criticising Daniels for being a turncoat when he'd been trying to use him as an example of someone to look up to. Generico then pins Daniels with the Yakuza kick-brainbuster combo at 15:06, and comes face to face with Corino for the first time since the Steen feud. Generico walks out, and Corino then gets laid out by an Elgin powerbomb. Corino just can't catch a break. Good booking here, and a solid match.


ROH World Tag Team Titles: Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas vs Jay and Mark Briscoe - The first real disappointment on the card, as after some basics early on, and a long heat segment by the Briscoes on Haas, Shelton doesn't get much of a hot tag, and there's not much of a finishing stretch either. Jay Briscoe distracts the ref while Mark tries to get one of the tag belts to use as a weapon, but the ANX run out to stop it, and Shelton hits Mark with Paydirt for the pin at 16:33. This wasn't outright bad, just fairly irrelevent.


ROH World Title: Eddie Edwards vs Chris Hero - In a nice touch, Hero comes out here to his old Larry Sweeney "Chris is Awesome" entrance. Once the entrances are out of the way, there's still some 40 minutes left of the DVD, so you know this is going to be a long one. The first ten minutes or so are extended matwork, then Sara Del Rey and Shane Hagadorn get caught in the act of going to attack Edwards and get thrown out. Edwards then gets in some big offense until Hero gets a chance to target his arm, albeit the opposite one to the arm he has injured in matches in the past, and works that for several minutes.


The heat is still very much only simmering as the 20 minute mark rolls by, then Hero cuts off an Edwards comeback with a rolling elbow that sends Edwards crashing through the ringside table. It's from the aftermath of that point on when Edwards begins absorbing big move after big move and kicking out of everything, though I liked the extended sequence where both guys were absorbing elbows and kicks on wobbly legs but refusing to go down. However, by the time Hagadorn and Del Rey re-emerge at the 34 minute mark, the kickouts by Edwards in particular have reached the level of being unrealistic, and he kicks out again when Claudio Castagnoli takes advantage of the referee being distracted and nails a Ricola Bomb. Still, despite the epic nature of this match, the build for the Battle of the Wolves requires Davey to come out and get rid of Claudio in spite of Edwards not wanting the help, and Eddie kicks out of Hero's following roll-up. Finally, Edwards traps Hero in the Achilles Lock and adds in the stomps to the head, and ref Todd Sinclair calls for the bell at 37:20 to a seemingly very mixed reaction.


That's probably fair enough, as while this got a lot of time, the match could have been better at ten minutes shorter, Edwards wasn't that well supported as the match went on, and the overbooking at the end doesn't befit the ROH World Title. A solid match, but not a great main event (and it also pales to Richards vs Hero earlier in the year).


Overall - ROH has had some great events in Canada, especially when running this big building in central Toronto in the summer so they can get a really big crowd in, like here. This time round started with similar promise, with an electric crowd helping a better than usual undercard, but then Davey Richards vs Kenny King fell apart, and the two big title matches lacked the heat of either the undercard here or the title matches of previous years. So, while I'd describe this as a good show, it's not as good as Northern Navigation in 2008 or Death Before Dishonor VIII in 2010, or the best I've seen from ROH so far in 2011. DVD run time is a very generous 3 hours, 25 minutes for the main feature, plus there's two post-show Video Wires and a couple of other bonus promos.

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