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The bonus section of this DVD consists of a bizarre interview with Grizzly Redwood in which he spends the whole time combing his beard. As one does.


ROH Revolution: USA

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I'm trying to think if I've ever seen them in a singles match before. I know they had a match in PWG some time back, but I forget when. The problem is Cabana can have a good match with anyone if he puts his mind to it, but these days he's more worried about "being the white Junkyard Dog" or whatever logic he gave for having endless mid-card comedy matches. Shame really. For anyone who's only seen Cabana's recent stuff, check out his ROH match with James Gibson from 2005 - a 30 minute forgotten cracker.

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Recommedations - I really ought to do a new "Best ROH Shows Ever" I suppose. If you havn't watched since the TWC Days, that means 2004 right?


Off the top of my head :


Death Before Dishonour 3


Hell Freezes Over

4th Anni Show

Better Than Our Best


Battle of the Icons


Driven 2007

Manhatten Mayhem 2

Man Up!



Manhatten Mayhem 3


Pick Your Poison

Big Bang





Announced for DBD 9 - Haas vs Elgin and Benjamin vs Bennett. Fuck me, there's a ton of potential mouth-watering singles matches for WGTT and they book these?!?!

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Recommedations - I really ought to do a new "Best ROH Shows Ever" I suppose. If you havn't watched since the TWC Days, that means 2004 right?


Off the top of my head :


Death Before Dishonour 3


Hell Freezes Over

4th Anni Show

Better Than Our Best


Battle of the Icons


Driven 2007

Manhatten Mayhem 2

Man Up!



Manhatten Mayhem 3


Pick Your Poison

Big Bang





Announced for DBD 9 - Haas vs Elgin and Benjamin vs Bennett. Fuck me, there's a ton of potential mouth-watering singles matches for WGTT and they book these?!?!


Ive added these to the above choices, although some are 1-2 match shows


Manhattan Mayhem


Arena Warfare

Death Before Dishonor 4

Glory By Honor 5 Night 2

Final Battle 06

FYF: Liverpool

FYF: Finale

All Star Extravaganza 3

Supercard of Honor II

Race to the Top Tournament Night 2

Supercard of Honor III

Death Before Dishonor 7

Rising Above 08

Final Battle 08

7th Anniversary Show

Supercard of Honor 4

Final Battle '09

8th Anniversary Show

Supercard of Honor 5

Glory By Honor IX

Final Battle '10

Manhatten Mayhem IV

Supercard of Honor 6

Best In The World

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I like the idea of Haas vs. Elgin, but yeah, Benjamin vs. Bennett should be the drizzlers, because Bennett is just shite.


Without a world title match and matches like this, it's gonna be a chore. Thank god they have ladder war to make me feel a bit better about watching it. I'm not looking forward to the Edwards/Strong match. The stipulation seems ridiculous to me.

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I've seen matches along the lines of that Edwards/Strong bout before - it was a gimmick done a few times by the FWA Academy in particular. I seem to remember Mark Sloan winning one of those bouts 7-6 in the ten minute Iron Man third fall, making it a fifteen fall match in total (and it was great).

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For someone who has watched next to none ROH in years (Ever since TWC went down the pan) what shows do some of you reccommend I watch??


Realistically, you probably want a sample of ROH circa-2011 ahead of the new TV show being available online. Go for the Honor Takes Center Stage shows, and I'm guessing Best in the World, based on the reviews of it, and you should be good to go?

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World's Greatest - Dayton, OH - 25/2/11


Jay Briscoe vs Kyle O'Reilly - The crowd are hot for this, but I didn't think that much of it, the structure was way off. O'Reilly broke out his rolling butterfly suplexes spot at just 1:30, and as a result no-one even bought it as a two count. At least they kept the pace going, but then it was too short for them to really wear themselves out. Briscoe wins with the Jay Driller at 7:45.


Steve Corino & Grizzly Redwood vs The Bravado Brothers - The Corino repentance angle continues, though they basically rinse-and-repeat the story of the tag at Only The Strong Survive here. Corino talks about how Grizzly has this inspiring backstory whereas the Bravados are jerks, then gets annoyed when his attempts to pay it clean see the Bravados take cheap shots at every turn. There's nothing offensive here, but it's strictly undercard stuff. Corino is rolled up with a handful of tights to give the Bravados the win at 9:03.


Mark Briscoe vs Mike Bennett - Credit to Bennett for holding up his end of the work to start here, but at about 5:00 in he runs out of moves and hits the chinlock. Oh dear. Mark does his best, keeping the easily pleased crowd alive with rednick kung fu and a couple of flips. What I'm sure Dexter would call "The Johnson" for the finish, as Bob Evans distracts the ref and Bennett low blows Briscoe followed by Generic Side Slam #7 for the pin at 9:24.


Colt Cabana vs Rhett Titus vs Andy Ridge vs Mike Mondo - Titus cuts a good backstage promo before this one. Unfortunately for him, Cabana and his shenanigans (Cabanigans?) completely dominate the proceedings here. Some of his routine, especially pre-match, did make me laugh, but I didn't expect it to be the main focus of the entire match. Titus and Mondo isolate Ridge for a bit, then have a falling out. Cabana ends up submitting Mondo with the Billy Goat's Curse at 8:37. This was alright.


Christopher Daniels vs Michael Elgin - I was very impressed with Elgin here. He takes a proper big man approach and dominates Daniels with his power and strength. Daniels hangs in there but doesn't get too spotty and therefore doesn't overshadow Elgin. Interestingly, the Dayton crowd support Daniels regardless, which enhances the good guy/bad guy dynamic. This may be non-title, but Daniels doesn't win convincingly, instead getting a flash pin with a 3/4 nelson at 14:55. Elgin and Truth Martini attempt to deliver a post-match beating but El Generico makes the save. Solid stuff.


Homicide vs El Generico - Generico does well here to get a watchable performance from 'Cide. Generico is the clear crowd favourite too, and 'Cide noticably heels it up in response, messing with Generico's mask and trying to take it to the outside so he can go crazy. In the end though the finish is a bit naff (again) - 'Cide pulls on Generico's mask then hits an Executive Vice President of Talent Relations Crusher for the pin at 12:33.


Kenny King vs Eddie Edwards - A mostly successful attempt at redoing the finals of last year's Survival of the Fittest where Edwards was injured. What's immediately obvious compared to the matches before it, though, is that the crowd are much less bothered about the characters involved, as they're really quiet early. They are attentive and ready to go crazy for some hard hitting action, so do come alive as the match progresses, but neither guy here is an El Generico or a Christopher Daniels. Aside from a couple of lapses in concentration from Kenny King, the in-ring side delivers well enough. Edwards gets a fairly out of nowhere win with the Achilles Lock at 18:44.


Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas & Davey Richards vs The Kings of Wrestling & Roderick Strong - Well, they have the crowd in the palm of their hand from the very beginning here, which certainly helps. Way too much to recount everything - the excellent KOW/Strong combo get very good heat on first Shelton then Davey, then everything breaks down. One thing I did notice in all this is that Haas doesn't exactly do much of anything for a large proportion of the match. The KOW and WGTT end up disappearing backstage at about the 28:00 mark, leaving Roderick and Davey - who unlike the main event of Champions vs All Stars, did have exchanges here - one-on-one for the final stretch. Predictably, Davey gets a small measure of revenge for Final Battle, submitting Strong with the Falcon Arrow-cross armbreaker at 32:15. Even with the inconsequential nature of this main event in the grand scheme of things, this is a really great bout. It's comparable in length to the 8-man main event of Champions vs All-Stars, but completely blows that match away. A top drawer encounter.


Overall - It's only a Friday night show, but as is often the case, Dayton get the best B shows. A tremendous main event and three solid supporting encounters, and the crowd are really involved throughout. Not a must-see overall, but at the same time well worth a watch. DVD run time is 2 hours, 41 minutes. Bonus features are limited to the singular, a ten questions with Mark Briscoe that he doesn't treat seriously AT ALL, yet somehow manages to keep a straight face throughout. Bizarre.

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I just read somewhere that at Revolution : Canada some fans were asked to leave for booing Eddie Edwards during the main event - is that true?

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ROH Revolution: Canada Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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I have to say that, Ladder Match aside, DBD 9 doesn't look much cop. Most of the reaction I've seen for Benjamin vs. Bennett has bordered on derision - justifiably so

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I have to say that, Ladder Match aside, DBD 9 doesn't look much cop. Most of the reaction I've seen for Benjamin vs. Bennett has bordered on derision - justifiably so



yeah this might be the first ippv I miss, I have too much going on and its not a card that makes me want to make time for right now, so Ill wait for the DVD

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