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I can't see why we are making this up as a spoiler, it was impossible to avoid the news if you have a facebook or a twitter and "like" or follow anything wrestling related.


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The 4/1 main event is certainly very interesting now. Christopher Daniels beat Eddie Edwards for the TV title in extra time, Edwards and Daniels then go to a 30 minute draw in a 2/3 falls match and Eddie gets no overtime. Now they will meet in a World title match on 4/1 in Atlanta. I can see a stipulation being added to the match. Perhaps 2/3 falls with no time limit? Or an Iron Man contest? It needs something to finish off their feud.


I hope this isn't the end of Roderick Strong in ROH, i enjoyed his title defenses against Davey Richards and Jay Briscoe.


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That makes him the first guy to win the triple i think then? If only the pure title was still around, as Eddie would been a shoe-in for that also.


Also also, enjoy these:






Damn, I was hoping I'd be the first to bring that up!


I guess that's my chances of seeing a title change in Atlanta gone...

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That makes him the first guy to win the triple i think then? If only the pure title was still around, as Eddie would been a shoe-in for that also.


Also also, enjoy these:






Damn, I was hoping I'd be the first to bring that up!


I guess that's my chances of seeing a title change in Atlanta gone...

Got in there first!


Will Daniels/Edwards be Title Vs Title? As HDnet is gone now?

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I would think a title vs title match between the two would be further down the line. Eddie hasn't beaten Daniels at all yet (they've had two matches so far from what I understand?)

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No wonder Daniels was always quick to slap down the "Fuck TNA" chants....


DG:USA - Untouchable 2010

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Glory By Honor IX - New York, NY - 11/9/10


A nice HDNet-produced video kicks off the iPPV. There's a couple of other videos inserted from HDNet as the show goes along, which helps, and the regular show footage looks fine enough, but the commentary from Kevin Kelly and Joe Dombrowski (no Prazak!) is often inaudible...


Jay Briscoe vs Kenny King - A solid opener with a hot crowd. There's one scary moment as Jay catches King when he goes for double knees and just DUMPS him recklessly on his head. Rhett Titus comes to ringside about a minute from the end, but Jay dives onto him before he can get involved. He then goes for the Jay Driller, but King counters and hits the Royal Flush for the relatively clean pin at 7:39, to the shock of the live fans. Titus and King commence a beatdown, so Mark runs out, and we move on...


Mark Briscoe vs Rhett Titus - The in-ring standard here is pretty similar to the opener, but the crowd takes awhile to get back into it. Titus dumps the bow tie mid-match, as he (deservedly) is starting to act more like a serious wrestler. The back-and-forth doesn't pan out for him though, as Mark gets the win with the Cutthroat Driver at 9:30. Still, the ANX looked decent in both matches with the Briscoes here.


Ballz Mahoney & Grizzly Redwood vs Erick Stevens & Necro Butcher - He doesn't take many bumps in this one, but you can't blame ROH for using Ballz as a pretty entertaining undercard gimmick for a couple of these NY shows. He brings a chair to the ring with the ECW logo on it, but doesn't get to use it. The Embassy punish Grizzly to set up a decent hot tag to Mahoney, but Nana interferes with, erm, Ballz, which almost sees him eats a Nutcracker Suite as a result, until Erick Stevens makes the save and pins Ballz with Ghanarrea at 7:45. This was fine for what it was.


Double Chain Match: Kevin Steen & Steve Corino vs El Generico & Colt Cabana - Another violent spectacle of a match between these two teams, but it falls short of the BFSE2 match for me due to an extended sequence at the end where Cabana gets chained to opposite sides of the ring, and Corino & Steen just fail to do anything of consequence to him. Actually, I guess there's also the fact the NY Athletic Commission had forced them to cut back on the more extreme violent spots. Cabana finally escapes from his predicament, then quickly powerbombs Corino on a chair and forces him to tap to the Billy Goats Curse at 19:47. Generico attempts to nail Steen with the turnbuckle brainbuster afterwards, only for Steen to unmask him! Generico and Cabana naturally scarper backstage, so Steen then uses Corino's blood to recreate his t-shirt image of Generico's mask on a chair with 'Mr Wrestling' written in blood. Gross.


Jim Cornette conducting a pre-taped interview with Davey Richards where Richards talks about his life and why he was considering retirement, but now isn't going anywhere, fits in nicely where intermission was on the live show. More of this sort of thing would be great, as it stands out from the wrestling while also fitting the tone of the promotion.


World TV Title: Eddie Edwards vs Shawn Daivari - The crowd are hot for Eddie on his entrance for this one, and he throws himself about to try and get some heat, but there's only so much interest you can get for a match with Daivari and it's an uphill battle he struggles to win. Thankfully it doesn't go on for too long, as Daivari crashes into Nana, then quickly submits to the Achilles Lock at 7:42. Onwards and upwards, Eddie...


Austin Aries vs Christopher Daniels - This is billed as a "Battle of the Best", but while it starts well, the match never really gets any momentum going. The crowd are quiet as Daniels kicks out of first the brainbuster and then the 450 splash of Aries, though they react for the finish, as Daniels plants Aries with Angels Wings from the middle rope (!) more or less out of nowhere for the pinfall at 13:06. Watchable, but unspectacular.


The Kings of Wrestling vs Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas - While this isn't as good as the super-intense KOW vs Briscoes bout from The Big Bang, this is tremendous in it's own way. There's a spectacular big fight atmosphere that gives the whole thing much more life than the average ROH tag, particularly as the crowd decide to bite on the heat segments. Haas and Benjamin look in really good shape and don't have any problems keeping up, which should only make their later big matches even better as they get to know their ROH opponents more. For now though, the Kings win this non-title match when a distraction from Shane Hagadorn allows Hero to break up the Haas of Pain with a loaded elbow drop off the middle rope for the pin at 20:42.


ROH World Title: Tyler Black vs Roderick Strong - It's difficult to know what to say about this, as for about ten minutes Tyler and Roderick wrestle a match similar to some of their better encounters of the past, then there's a series of sports entertainment spots leading to a title change. It's a fun ride, and personally I have to give it the thumbs up, but it's not what you think of when you contemplate an ROH World Title match.


The shenanigans start when referee Todd Sinclair is encouraged into the way of one of Roderick's flying big boots by Tyler, and ringside enforcer Terry Funk takes over in hilarious fashion. Truth Martini's attempt to influence things backfires as Tyler instead blasts Roderick with the Book of Truth and then God's Last Gift for a nearfall. The House of Truth try to interfere, but Funk fights them off, then catches Martini in the ring.


In the end, it's down to Roderick as he survives a combo of 'Buckle Bombs and superkicks, avoids the Phoenix Splash then blasts Tyler with one of his own backbreaker/gutbuster/big boot combos for the pin and the title at 15:04. The pop isn't on the level of some previous title changes, but the title change certainly goes down well. The crowd, which has been chanting negative stuff at Tyler throughout, does an about-face with "Thank You Tyler", but he gives Roderick and the crowd the middle finger rather than following the Code. That's hilarious, but follows the booking of his character in the last couple of months of his ROH tenure pretty well. Roderick's celebration is then cut short by the return of Homicide, which gets a MUCH louder reaction than the title change itself, and the iPPV fades to black with both men in the ring and the crowd chanting for 'Cide.


Overall, Glory By Honor IX was a very enjoyable show indeed, with three very good matches and all the others were at least watchable. It also marks the end of another chapter for ROH, as Tyler Black moved onto WWE at the top if his game, and Austin Aries also made his last appearance (I think) in mostly unheralded fashion, while Haas and Benjamin's debut went about as well as it could have and Homicide's return played out as a huge deal. DVD run time is 2 hours, 35 minutes, with three VideoWires and post-show video of Strong and Black in the extras. Thumbs way up.

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Hmmm, the sad thing is I can see it happening - Gabe was always a HUGE Whitmer mark....

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I really liked the Whitmer/Jacobs team, to be fair. Then they were given Lacey to "take them to new heights" and they jobbed the belts to Tony Mamaluke and Sal bloody Rinauro immediately. Whitmer and Jacobs should have held the belts until Aries and Strong won them.


EDIT: I've just started EVOLVE 3. Don't think I can be bothered to do a full review, as the undercards on these shows annoy me. Sami Callihan and Adam Cole debut in the opener, and do what they can but are hamstrung by only getting 7 minutes. Johnny Gargano vs Ricochet in a battle of men with 1-1 records isn't dynamic enough for a nearly 12 minute match, and the double countout with the first man in being the winner finish will take some getting used to, to say the least. Mercedes Martinez wins a third straight squash then challenges Amazing Kong, did the match ever happen? Finally, for now at least, the three team tag match was just ridiculous. Cheech of Up In Smoke being the biggest, most in shape guy in the match is one reason why. An 80lb guy doing a Hamrick bump on the wooden floor is another. Hope for more at the top of the card (which EVOLVE usually has, to be fair...)

Edited by gadge
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