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do fixer vs embassy and yoshino is fantastic in fact, god ROH was at another level back in 2006


I still enjoy ROH 2010 and can't wait to be front row at the 9th Anny show (providing that Chicago as the iPPV doesn't need the Anniversary tag and NYC in March get it)

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To be honest i was never a fan of roh, I still knew what was going on and from time to time id check out certain matches but it never got my interest however as of late iv found myself downloading ROH TV and checking out its ippv Im not saying Im a fan of ROH yet but they have caught my attention and I find myself curious to see whats going on more and more.....

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That was the prior show, Supercard of Honor. Better Than Our Best had Yoshino/Rave/Shelley vs Do Fixer and Aries/Strong vs Blood Generation for the tag titles...


Eeeek! As a professional historian I shouldn't be getting things like that wrong.... :blush::blush:

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do fixer vs embassy and yoshino is fantastic in fact, god ROH was at another level back in 2006


I still enjoy ROH 2010 and can't wait to be front row at the 9th Anny show (providing that Chicago as the iPPV doesn't need the Anniversary tag and NYC in March get it)



oh dont get wrong, still a fan of the product, after abit of a meh run, this year they've had some bloody good shows and things going on, notably steen/generico, just staying that the 2005 era was insanely good, up and down the card.


might need to rewatch some 05 stuff before the hols end.

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ROH on HDNet - Tapings 24 & 25

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Do all of the roh fans hate Adam Pearce as a booker and if so what was wrong with him


Whoever came in to replace Gabe was always going to find it tough to win over the fans. I liked him, especially the booking from late 09 - 2010 but that also may have more to do with Cornette. Putting the belt on Lynn and failing to pull the trigger on Black were definate lows. The Tag team division is the best its been in a long time

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Do all of the roh fans hate Adam Pearce as a booker and if so what was wrong with him


Suddenly there were a slew of screwy/non-finishes and an element of bait 'n' switch. His first weekend at the helm saw a marked increase in outside interference, an unnecessary walk-out/turn in a thrown-together tag team, and two non-finishes including one in a World title match.


The weekend after he booked a no contest ending in a match that could only end by referee 10 count and an advertised World title triangle match was changed on the night to non-title.


For a lot of fans it was an uphill struggle from there. Personally I'll echo what Davey says, I'll always be grateful to Pearce for giving the Wolves a chance to run with the ball.

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The thing is Richards would have been a star anyway regardless of the formation of the Wolves or not. If anyone needs to be grateful for that bit of booking its Eddie Edwards.

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Good stuff DDD, and you're definitely right about Eddie Edwards.


I'm almost done with the pretty awful Civil Warfare show from Manassas in early May last year..


Has anyone seen the new DGUSA forum, which includes a 30+ page thread of Gabe answering questions on his booking during his time at ROH?

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yeah can i get a pm or link to that forum cant seem to find it either.


for me what hurt the pierce era too was trying to coordinate the television tapings, ppvs and live shows together, without diluting the product and trying to make it coherent. i remember struggling to keep up with what i was supposed to know going into a show etc i think gabe admitted that he never really got into a stride with that aspect either.

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Cheeers Cobystag.


Civil Warfare - Manassas, VA - 7/5/10


Ten Minute Hunt: Eddie Edwards vs Bobby Dempsey - Oh dear, Big Bad Bobby is still doing trainee-level opening sequences here. Edwards makes Bobby tap to the Achilles lock at 7:17, therefore denying him a shot at the TV title. Metal Master lasted more than ten minutes in Chicago, he got screwed!


Jay Briscoe vs Claudio Castagnoli - Some three-quarter pace action here in front of the not exactly massive Manassas crowd. Jay counters the UFO into a roll-up win at 10:11. This was decidedly average.


Mark Briscoe vs Chris Hero - The action continues immediately as Hero runs in for a beatdown of Jay and Mark makes the save. This is a bit better than the previous match and follows the usual elbow strike and flash kick pattern of recent Hero bouts. Hero makes sure it's honours even between the teams, pinning Mark after using the *sigh* loaded elbow pad at 9:04.


Pick 6 Series: Roderick Strong (1) vs Erick Stevens - What is this, 2007/08? There's some action reminiscent of the old feud here, only not quite as good, and everything is hindered by more tiresome managerial interference (this is the third match in a row with multiple bodies at ringside, it gets old after awhile). The last couple of minutes are solid, Strong unleashing a flurry of kicks culinating in the running big boot for the three count at 14:10.


Pick 6 Series: Kenny King (5) vs Colt Cabana - A decent effort, in spite of Cabana spending the first five minutes encouraging the Manassas crowd in their chanting for snapmares, side headlocks and stuff. The match listing telegraphs another lame finish, as Steen runs in just at the fifteen minute mark and the match is ruled a no-contest. This has gone from a B-show to a D-show at this point...


Pick 6 Series: Kevin Steen (2) vs Christopher Daniels - Once Cabana has been cleared out of the way, Steen calls out Daniels and, what do you know, we get another solid match with some more D-show booking. Referee Todd Sinclair goes down, Cabana runs in with a chair, Sinclair revives in time to stop Cabana, but the distraction allows Daniels to hit the B.M.E. for the pin at 15:49. The crowd pops for the finish, but it's pretty lame on DVD.


Tyler Black & Delirious vs Austin Aries & Rhett Titus - This is the main event? Really? Why is the World Champion coming out to the theme music of Delirious? This would actually have been solid enough as a midcard match, but there isn't enough here for a main event. Aries spends the entire match avoiding Delirious, and they don't waste Delirious getting his hands on Aries at all on this irrelevent event. Instead, there's more miscommunication in Camp A-Double, and Titus ends up being pinned by Delirious in 19:04 after a Bizarro Driver. And that's your show.


Civil Warfare is a lame event by the standards of ROH at any period. DVD run time is just 2 hours, 11 minutes, so it's padded out with The Kings of Wrestling defeating The Set in 7:54 of pre-show action and a handful of really early HDNet matches, though the 43 minutes of bonus footage is still not enough to justify anyone purchasing this one...

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