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Hey guys, four guys are coming back to ROH. Three of them are worth anything whatsoever:


It was announced yesterday that Rocky Romero and Alex Koslov would be returning to Ring of Honor on December 18th & 19th. The company announced today that Jack Evans and ***** **** will also be returning to the company to work the December dates. ROH has a brief history of the competitors and their time in the company, which you can read here.


So who can guess what the name in stars is?


Teddy Hart


Fuck's sake.

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Hey guys, four guys are coming back to ROH. Three of them are worth anything whatsoever:


It was announced yesterday that Rocky Romero and Alex Koslov would be returning to Ring of Honor on December 18th & 19th. The company announced today that Jack Evans and ***** **** will also be returning to the company to work the December dates. ROH has a brief history of the competitors and their time in the company, which you can read here.


So who can guess what the name in stars is?


Teddy Hart


Fuck's sake.



To be honest I doubt it can hurt ROH at the moment...

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Well, here are this weekend's results...


Detroit, Friday night



1.)Bravado Bros over Eddie Venom and some guy with JS on his trunks.

2.)Bobby Dempsey squahes some guy with mutton chops and dickie pants until King and Titus run in.


3.)Tony Kozina wins over some kid with a KO on his knees.Maybe O'Rieley?The kid looks alot like Roddy.


Main Show


Bobby Cruise's shirt is mint.Tie has a design on it.Not in much in the way of GA seating.


1.)Briscoes over House Of Truth with the Doomsday Device.Not a bad match.


2.)Claudio with Nana vs. Tyler is up now.They announced the rankings during the introductions.


Tyler retains his ranking w/ a rollup out of an airplane spin. Crowd was mostly dead until the very end.


3.)Embassy/Super Smash Bros is up now.Dos is maskless.Stevens gets the pin when he clotheslines Dos. Looked like Uno tweaked his knee.


4.)Nakajima/Omega is up now.Hard hitting right from the start.New haircut on Nakajima.Spikey.Nakajima hits a DDT on the ramp.Kenny wins surprisingly.Great match.Few slip ups late in the match hurt this match.Nakajima attacks after the bell.Asks for one more then handshake is followed.


Intermission.Return date is March 19th back in Novi.


5.)Back from intermission.Cabana and Delirious agnaist Titus and King is up now.Cabana and Delirious win when King taps to the Billy Goat's Curse.


6.)Chris Hero vs.Roderick Strong is up now.Hero wins with the loaded elbow pad.Chris Hero is now your new number one in the Pick 6.


7.)Young Bucks agnaist Steen and Generico is up now.Steen and Generico win when Generico hits the brainbuster on Nick for the win.Got That Was Awesome chants after the match.


8.)Main event time.Aries/Davey is up now and this is the first World Title match in Detroit since Nigel/Claudio back at New Horizons.Someone got their streamers stuck in the rafters above the ring.Numerous Davey chants.Davey does a suicide dive into the 3rd row.Whole crowd is on their feet in unison with a Davey Richards chant.Aries is kicking out of everything.Aries hit the brainbuster on the apron.Aries retains by ref stoppage after a series of knees and brainbuster and last chancery.Incredible match.


Mississauga, Canada, Saturday night...


1) Rip Impact and James Stone defeated Hornet and Pee Wee. This was a fun little dark match between whom I believe are all Ontario workers (I know at least Hornet and Impact are). The fans were more familiar with Impact and Hornet and seemed to be reacting to Pee Wee who was failry colorful.

2) Alex Payne and Bobby Dempsey defeated Michael Von Payton and Ethan Page. Page and Von Payton are Montreal guys who got some reactions, Dempsey was fun for the crowd as usual.


Main show:

3) The Young Bucks of Nick and Matt Jackson defeated The Flatliners of Burns and Asylum. This was a solid opener and a good showcase for the Bucks, whom I was seeing live for the first time. Flatliners put on a good show as they`re a good power team that also puts over their opponents. Crowd enjoyed this.

4) Colt Cabana defeated Claudio Castagnolli, Delirious and Grizzly Redwood in a 4 Corner Survival. This was a fun little comedy match that got over with the crowd. Colt, Delirious and Grussly spent a lot of the match working over Claudio.

5) Rhett Titus and Kenny King defeated the Super Smash Brothers. This match dragged somewhat in the middle and the crowd wasn`t as into SSB as they were in the summer, I was disappointed noone was singing the Super Mario Bros music. Titus and King had fun taunting the crowd.

6) Katsuhiko Nakajima defeated El Generico. This match was fun but also had a long middle section. Nakajima`s kicks didn`t seem as stiff as I expected but that`s not a complaint. There was some solid high spots with a good finishing sequence exchanging Yakuza Kicks and brainbusters. There was one point in the middle where Generico attempted to do a handspring moonsault over the top rioe onto Nakajima on the outside but apparently jumped too soon as he landed pretty much still inside the ring but tangled in the ropes. Fans were starting to react but Generico recovered and did and Asaii Moonsault to chants of `That Was Better`.


7) Tyler Black and Roderick Strong went to a 20:00 time limit draw. I`d say this was the match of the night. The guys went at a really strong pace with great exchanges and hitting their signature spots with the crowd being surprised at the time limit draw as there was no Gary Capetta countdown. I think it was good it worked out that way. And the Pick 6 concept seemed to be quite over in this match with the crowd being into who would advance up the rankings.

8) Joey Ryan and Erick Strong defeated Jay and Mark Briscoe. Ryan and Stevens won here. Ryan came off way better here than he did for me at the July shows. And Stevens being a heel and joining the Embassy seemed like it worked well. This is probably the best I have seen the Briscoes since their match in April 2008 against the Motor City Machine Guns as ever since then it had seemed like Mark had either just been injured or was just about to be. They seemed solid, had momentum and were over tonight and the Embassy came off stronger as heels going over.

9) Kevin Steen defeated Chris Hero. Both guys had a good match and the result worked well with the Pick 6 concept. Both guys were quite over.

10) Austin Aries defeated Kenny Omega. Solid main event with another long middle section but a solid effort, Omega felt over as a main eventer.

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Well, I threatened to do a piece looking back at McGuinness' title reign, and here it is.


The Damned Champion?


After the way his title reign began, not many people could have predicted McGuinness would go on to become the second longest reigning champion in ROH history. He was originally supposed to win the belt in the UK tour of Autumn 07, which subsequently never happened due to Alex Shane

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Yeah, Kevin Steen isn't the best worker in the world, but they made their trilogy of matches mean something, especially the Canadian one.


The match at A New Level against Claudio had a big-fight feel, but I did think their match at the PPV New Horizons was a lot more intense and all the better for it.


Sorry to cherry pick two random points, but it's funny how opinions differ. I'm right with you on the Claudio matches - while the first one had the big fight feel, the second match is a lot better as an in-ring battle. The Steen matches, though - I didn't mind the first couple, but the one in Canada is awful. It has some good crowd reactions due to Steen being the local boy, but the match itself had no flow whatsoever, it was big spot, wait 2 minutes, big spot, wait 2 minutes, big spot for way, way too long. One of the most overrated matches in Nigel's reign, for me.

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No it got edited and was a pretty bad cut from where Richards was about to be thrown down in torture rack position, to suddenly facing the other way in a quick second as KENTA's knee smashes him in the face.


And about the Steen match, without re-watching it, all I remember is the big guard rail spot and the atmosphere as the Canadian crowd were gagging for Steen to win the Title. I can't remember it being awful by any stretch of the imagination, just that I was entertained when watching it.


But with the Nigel/Claudio PPV match, I have watched that several times as I did enjoy it so much.

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Ah, so they edited it. It did seem slightly odd, but I was knackered when I watched the match, so I put it down to that.


Re Nigel's title defences. At the risk of being slightly pedantic, I did write "one suspect the majority of matches would predate October 07". Certainly the Aries match from Rising Above 07 was a classic, and I agree that the match with Strong from Jan 08 is overlooked. Of the three McGuinness vs Steen matches, looking back I rated the first one "good, but not great", the second "a passable main event", and the third "ok". For me, the Steen trilogy was ultimatly a failute, but a worthy experiment at the time.


Ultimatly I'm not quite sure what your point was in that piece, as we seem to agree by and large on what Nigel's good outings were. I guess was I was saying was that I felt that the majority of Nigel's work prior to his title reign was superior to that after he won the belt. I tell you what - list the 20 matches you think should grace a Best of Nigel McGuiness DVD, I'll do the same, and we'll compare them?


Take No Prisoners 2009 - 4/4/09


Traditionally after winning the title the new ROH champ started the show with an in-ring promo. But god damn it, Adam wants to put his stamp on proceedings

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Who should be the next guy to hold the title or at least be pushed to face Double A


Tyler Black is the most likely future contender but will he, or even should he, win the belt


guys like Colt Cabana or Rodrick Strong are guys who have been around long enough to deserve the belt but realistically that will never happen


Kenny Omega seems to moving up a bit to becoming a contender,


Claudio Castignoli and Davey Richards have everything.


I was going to make a thread on which ROH PPV was the best but from what ive heard it would be hard for any of them to beat the first Man Up, so there you go, i was also thinking of doing one on ROHs best match ever but there were too many candidates to fit in the poll.

Edited by Emperorseb
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