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My ROH Collection:


Era of Honor Begins

Round Robin Challenge

Night of Appreciation

Road to the Title

Crowning a Champion

Epic Encounter

Death Before Dishonor

Final Battle 2003

At Our Best

Reborn Stage 2

World Title Classic

Testing the Limit

Joe vs Punk II

Final Battle 2004

It All Begins

Do Or Die IV

3rd Anniversary Part 1

3rd Anniversary Part 2

3rd Anniversary Part 3

Trios Tournament

Back To Basics

Best of the American Super Juniors


Manhatten Mayhem

The Final Showdown

Nowhere to Run

The Future Is Now

Death Before Dishonor III

Sign of Dishonor

Escape from New York

Fate of an Angel


Punk: The Final Chapter

Dragon's Gate Invasion

Glory By Honor IV

Joe vs. Kobashi


This Means War

Showdown in Motown


Steel Cage Warfare

Final Battle 2005

Tag Wars 2006


4th Anniversary Show

Arena Warfare

Best In The World

Dragon Gate Challenge

Supercard Of Honor

Better Than Our Best

The 100th Show

Weekend of Champions Night 1

Weekend of Champions Night 2

Ring of Homicide



Chi-Town Struggle

Death Before Dishonor 4

War of the Wire II

Generation Now

Time To Man Up

Fight of the Century


Anarchy in the UK

Epic Encounter II

Gut Check

Glory By Honor 5 (Night #1)

Glory By Honor 5 (Night #2)

Survival of the Fittest 06

Motor City Madness

Honor Reclaims Boston

The Chicago Spectacular: Night 1

The Chicago Spectacular: Night 2

Final Battle 2006

Respect is Earned


Man Up


Rising Above

Final Battle 2007

6th Anniversary Show

Take No Prisoners

Respect Is Earned II

New Horizons

Death Before Dishonor VI

Driven (2008)

Rising Above 2008


+ All ROH HDNet episodes on my hard drive


Not bad. Needs some work.

Edited by The King is Dead
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Episode 11 of Ring of Honor on HDNet is now available to view on YouTube. Those of you who don't get HDNet can catch each weekly episode every Wednesday at http://www.youtube.com/user/ROHBrazil (after the Saturday premiere and Monday and Tuesday repeats are through airing).


For SHIMMER fans, this week's episode features MsChif vs. Daizee Haze vs. Sara Del Rey in a non-title 3-way contest. That match is in Part 3 of the videos below.


The main event this week is a Tables Match with the American Wolves vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico for the ROH World Tag Team Titles, which is one of the best matches to appear on the ROH on HDNet series thus far. The Tables Match is in Parts 5 & 6 of the videos below.



Part 1



Part 2



Part 3



Part 4



Part 5



Part 6




For more information on HDNet...



Foe more information on Ring of Honor...


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From PWinsider...


Ring of Honor's current PPV run will end as of this Friday's Take No Prisoners PPV, sources have confirmed. I am told that ROH opted not to renew their deal with PPV producer G-Funk Entertainment several months back and the contractual agreement between the two sides ends with this PPV.


One source stated the company was "suspending" PPVs, with the wording given in a way that could mean that down the line, they will return to PPV in some fashion. With HDNet involved in ROH's weekly series, one could surmise they could conceivably handle production for PPV down the line.


In speaking to several ROH talents, the news wasn't much of a shock as nothing had been taped or announced for PPV of late and ROH needed to hand a final product in to InDemand for the PPV provider to give final approval a month before airing. The feeling among the wrestlers I spoke to was that the weekly TV show was far more important in the long-term scheme of things.


ROH debuted on PPV in July 2007 with "Respect is Earned", the first in a series of bi-monthly PPVs. The final PPV, Take No Prisoners (which will air this coming Friday) was taped last April during Wrestlemania XXV weekend.


In related news, the final PPV will not be airing on DirecTV. ROH had a per-PPV deal with DirecTV and with this being the final PPV, DirecTV opted not to go forward with airing it via that provider. As you can guess, the planned Video on Demand ROH service on DirecTV is also kaput.

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Yeah the TV show is getting really good. The Lynn/Black/Aries/Danielson 4 way was actually great, and had crowd reactions and everything! The shows aren't perfect or anything but there much more like what they should have been when it first started. Dropping the PPV's is a great thing as far as being a fan goes. It's confusing enough with the dvd's on a delay and the tv show. People are calling for live PPV's now, which is retarded. I seriously don't imagine that the HDNET show gets more than a couple of thousand viewers, and the PPV's no way sold more than 1,000 ever. The fanbase just isn't that big. HDNET really needs to try and get the ROH show out in the international market somehow.


ROH is going to be different without Gabe, and whilst the new booking has lots of things that annoy me, there's still some fun to be had with ROH, and I see no reason why it can't be succesful.

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I can't help but chuckle, as I seem to remember finding The French Connection a bit crap. I await your review of Bound By Hate with interest...


It wasn't mind blowing by any stretch of the imagination, but considered some of the crap ROH has put out in 2008, it wasn't bad relatively speaking. I read somewhere the other day that Bound By Hate was supposed to be a bit useful. We shall see...

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Last nights results from Manassas:


Match One


Six Man Tag Team Grudge Match


The Necro Butcher, Colt Cabana, & Grizzly Redwood defeated Jimmy Rave, Claudio Castagnoli, & Ernie Osiris, via submission in 15 minutes.


Match Two


Bonus Match


Shawn Spears defeatd Alex

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Manhattan results from PWinsider....


Ring of Honor returned to the Hammerstein Ballroom tonight, presenting "Manhattan Mayhem III"


Before the event, the entire ROH locker room assembled around the ring. Ring announcer Bobby Cruise announced that earlier today, Mitusharu Misawa passed away in Japan. He issued ROH's public condolences to Misawa's family and friends as well as their Japanese partners in Pro Wrestling NOAH. The promotion held a 10 bell salute for Misawa, followed by a moment of silence. It was a classy moment.


After everyone departed, ROH commenced with their usual entrance music and pageantry to officially open the show.


Austin Aries made his way to the ring. He cut a promo talking about how tough New York City is supposed to be. He began cutting down NYC and at one point said, "You weren't so tough on a certain day in September a few years ago." Believe it or not, the line didn't get much of a reaction. He then ripped on the crowd noting that at the last show, a fan took a poke at him and got destroyed. THAT the crowd reacted to. He introduced Kenny King and Rhett Titus.


*The Young Bucks defeated Kenny King & Rhett Titus. Really good opener. The crowd was all over the Bucks for being Hardy-looking pretty boys, but by the end, had been completely won over. They started slow but built to a ton of highspots that blew the crowd away.


Necro Butcher pinned Jimmy Rave. Necro pretty much killed Rave early. Rave got the better of Necro by attacking the knee while Necro was being restrained as he tried to get through the ropes into the ring. Butcher caught Rave with a small package out of nowhere. The Embassy began beating Butcher. Colt Cabana finally saved Butcher, coming out after his theme music hit.


Ric Flair cut a promo about the NYC fans and tonight's ROH title bout. Flair then left the venue so he won't be appearing ringside as advertised for the ROH title bout. I have more on this on the main page.


Roderick Strong defeated Sonjay Dutt in a solid match.


Jimmy Jacobs defeated Tyler Black in a short First Blood match after stabbing him in the forehead with a screwdriver. Tyler Black then destroyed Jimmy Jacobs and then announced he was going to use his World title shot tonight, making the main event a three way match. The match was too short to really be anything of note, but given how Black was to work a main event bout, it made sense.


Colt Cabana won a Four way when he made D'Lo Brown submit. Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli also competed. Lots of cute comedy with Cabana trying to get Danielson to dance early, then rolling him up for a near fall. This was easily the best Brown appearance to date from an in-ring standpoint.


ROH Tag champs American Wolves defeated Steen and Generico in a submission match. Really good match with lots of near submissions and cool spots. The Wolves are probably the most underrated team in the business right now. The crowd was really into Steen and Generico's saves and come from behind spots. Davey Richards finally caught Generico's bad knee in a submission and he tapped. Steen cut a good promo after saying they would get the belts.


Jay Briscoe pinned Little Guido with the Jay-Driller in a really good match. Guido got a nice reaction coming out and fans chanted, "Where's my pizza?" Guido worked a serious style. They had an awesome exchange of mat wrestling early. Guido missed a dive out of the ring. They went back and forth until Jay nailed the finisher. If Guido didn't earn a job here, there is no justice in the world. He got a standing ovation and a thank you chant on the way out. Great stuff.


Austin Aries became the first 2 time ROH champion defeating Jerry Lynn and Tyler Black. Nigel McGuinness was the outside enforcer. This was an elimination style bout. Black's ankle was worked on for a long time. Aries locked a figure four outside the ring around the ringpost on Black but Nigel broke it up. Black pinned Lynn to eliminate him and the crowd went nuts, realizing there would be a new champ crowned. Aries and Black went into overdrive with tons of stiff kicks, back and forth exchanges and near falls. The crowd was dying to pop for a Black win but it was not to be as Aries drilled him with the brainbuster and won the belt. Aries was announced as the first two time champion, which has been the direction ROH has been building to with him for several months. He won his first title from Samoa Joe with the same move. The title change left the crowd buzzing on the way out.


Notes: ROH will return to NYC on 9/26 with Bret Hart appearing. The show will be held upstairs in the Manhattan Center's Grand Ballroom. ROH originally had the Hammerstein booked but the venue came back to them and asked them to release the date for a Latin themed event taking place over that weekend....In a departure from previous events, ROH did not bring a lighting truss to the Hammerstein....Former WWE developmental talent Danny "Inferno Kid" Gimondo was visiting at the show...I have more on the Ric Flair situation on the main page.


I'm ecstatic at Aries becoming champion again :D

Edited by gadgetboy
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Ric Flair was originally advertised as the special guest referee for tonight's ROH title bout in New York City. With his return to World Wrestling Entertainment, Flair pulled out of his role as ROH Ambassador and shortly after, ROH announced that Flair would instead be an out of the ring enforcer. That change was made at Flair's request.


Tonight, Ric Flair appeared as scheduled for a pre-show autograph session and cut a promo mid-way through the event at the Hammerstein Ballroom. The promo started with Flair putting over the excitement of the ROH title bout and then turned into his usual spiel, flirting with women at ringside and pulling out his catchphrases.


Immediately after the promo, Flair packed his bag, left the Arena and got into a rental car, leaving the event. The departure caught ROH off guard, since as of this afternoon, Flair had no issue with what was scheduled. Several ROH officials, including Adam Pearce, came to the front of the venue trying to catch Flair, but were too late.


According to several different sources, backstage at the event, when Flair was given several spots to do in the match, he responded that he was only there to do his promo and sign autographs and that's what he would be doing. Flair also turned down doing the scheduled appearance because HDNet had cameras on hand to shoot footage (I'm assuming of the title change, although they were also filming the opening bout) and he didn't want to appear on ROH Television.


During the ROH title bout, Austin Aries came out to Flair's music to get heel heat. He then announced that "due to circumstances beyond ROH's control", Ric Flair wouldn't appear as the enforcer. Aries did so in a way to get heat, which led to Nigel McGuinness coming out as the Enforcer. McGuinness ended up doing several spots with Aries, both of which were built around a figure four, so it was apparent those were the spots Flair declined to do during the bout.


ROH has Flair scheduled for three more appearances in the next month.

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