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Mmmm. You do read results, though... I'm sure I've seen you comment on results on here?One year ago today, I was in the Grand Ballroom of the Manhattan Center for 'Manhattan Mayhem II'...

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  • Paid Members

Mmmm. You do read results, though... I'm sure I've seen you comment on results on here?

Indeed, I follow the results, but I like to see the matches for myself before passing judgement.
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35% off everything sale on ROHwrestling.com this weekend. :thumbsup:They chose this week to take Best of Raw 3 disc set off sale which is a bummer, so I've just picked up 3 old ROH shows which all feature classic matches I've always fancied seeing:All-Star Extravaganza II (December 2004) - Samoa Joe vs CM PunkFinal Battle 2005 (December 2005) - KENTA vs Low-KiManhattan Mayhem II (August 2007) - Takeshi Morishima vs Bryan Danielson

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I bought Vendetta II, Respect Is Earned II, and as gadgetboy thought it was pretty good I bought FIP Redefined. That's quite a compliment - I rarely put my trust in other people's judgement!Changing the subject slightly, Powerslam this month states that Dragon will probably leave when his ROH contract expires in May 2009. Although he is reaching the stage where he has just about done everything he can in ROH, it will still be a huge loss. I'm trying to think of guys he hasn't wrestled yet in ROH. Has he had a singles match with Davey Richards yet? I'd also like to see him have another match with Roderick Strong, instead him wrestling Austin Aries or Dragon for the millionth time.

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Danielson has faced Richards, but in FIP, not ROH yet.I don't think he's faced El Generico in ROH yet either, outside of their two great matches in PWG.The only people on the ROH roster he hasn't faced yet outside of those two are Ruckus & Jigsaw, both of which have only been with the company only just over a year.And DDD I noticed you earlier criticized ROH's lack of multi-layered feuds, well just wait until Aries vs AOTF starts up and all the little off-shoots from that.

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Dragon is head and shoulders the best guy in ROH these days, losing him would be a massive blow. They don't have anyone else who is good enough to work Danielson's role of gate keeper, getting people over enough to go onto main events. It'll be much harder to get guys like Tyler Black ready in the fan's eyes for title runs without him.

Edited by Alexander
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Why would it be harder to get Tyler Black over without Dragon? Yes he had that "breakout" match against Danielson in January, but for those already paying attention he had a great match against Aries in November and was man of the match in the AOTF's tag title win. And his match against Danielson had only just been released the same weekend he had every single person in the Philly Armory believing he was going to be the next ROH World Champion against Nigel.Not to discredit your point, but name-checking Tyler was a bad example. Tyler even after his word of mouth amazing match against Danielson had apathy at the start of his match with McGuinness. And then through beautiful story telling and both guys playing their parts to perfection, he had everyone behind him.I wouldn't say Danielson gets the guys he works with more over than they already were, but they are likely to have better matches against him, if they haven't already found their niche. People hated the fact that Stevens went over Danielson in their first match - And even more so their second - And when Claudio beat him, all the talk was that Danielson was leaving.I like what Danielsons been doing ever since he came back last year of facing guys in their debut weekends - Shiozaki, PAC, Kenny King - So the new guys can show what they have while still taking a credible loss.I still think talent will shine through without Danielson, as ROH survived without him in 2005 and again in 2007. But still it will be a loss. Especially seen as it looks like Nigel might be considering going too according to an online interview. Of course that is hear'say at present, Danielson has at least worked the WWE dark match.

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Maybe Tyler wasn't the greatest example, but I certainly thought he was on a different level after I'd seen the Dragon match. People thought he was ready to win the title during the McGuinness match, he looked ready to carry the title after the Danielson match (he's not, by the way). I'd say ROH's best chance of getting someone primed for a title shot is giving them a good bout against Danielson, the trouble is there isn't anyone else apart from the current champion and the gate keeper, then a massive gap in terms of credibility. Aries and Jacobs are the next two best wrestlers in the promotion, but if Dragon and Nigel both walk away, it's serious trouble for the group as a whole.

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I'm not quite sure. Yeah you've got your top tier of McGuinness, Danielson and Aries, but with how they've been steadily elevating guys you've got Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, Kevin Steen, El Generico, Brent Albright, Claudio Castagnoli, Roderick Strong, Chris Hero, Go Shiozaki, Naomichi Marufuji and Erick Stevens who can all comfortably challenge for the belt or challenge the other two "Aces" on any given card and keep the 'main event' and 'upper midcard' all fresh.If Danielson were to leave, while none of the above names would be able to fully fill his role, they would slot into their own position higher up the card to keep things even more varied as I'm sure other names would be brought in.

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  • Paid Members

And DDD I noticed you earlier criticized ROH's lack of multi-layered feuds, well just wait until Aries vs AOTF starts up and all the little off-shoots from that.

Cool, I'm back at Uni in a few weeks, so hopefully will have a lot more time on my hands to catch up
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Double Feature - 13/3/07 & 14/3/07



These two shows doubled as sets for Darren Aronofsky

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