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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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I'm fine with Elgin winning it. I disagree that Titus is the weak link in that tag team. Everyone's been waiting for King to step up and break out for the past few years, but it just hasn't happened. Titus in the meantime has come on leeaps and bounds. I agree that ROH is struggling at the moment, and if they had a stronger roster perhaps Titus wouldn't get a look-in to win SOFT. But you can't really hold it against Titus that the roster's a bit weak ATM.

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Kenny King could break out though. He's not the best wrestler, but he's good enough and has fucking BOATLOADS of charisma and more recently has shown some skills on the mic too. He's a good package. The ANX fued with The Briscoes was a good start for him. The tag team titles would be the next logical step for him. I don't see a problem with him not being thrown into the main events yet. I suppose they could blow it and throw him right in the deep end and fuck it up, but I think the alternative is probably the best option.

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I don't see the Kenny King hype. Titus has much more all rounder appeal to me, seems naturally funny and he can talk the talk much more fluid in promos, Kenny falls over his words aswell. Too many weak talkers in the indies, can be a bit frustrating.

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Agreed, I was really disappointed that ANX didn't take the tag belts at GBH 10, Haas and Benjamin have been a bit of a damp squib. Just started watching Best in the World - I will say one thing for Lethal; he probably deserved a better opponent on his return than Mike Bennett.

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I've not watched a ROH event for quite some time but still keep up sometimes, mostly thanks to the Steen angle. Now, even to someone with my limited knowledge, surely it's rather obvious that Jimmy Jacobs will stab Corino in the back at Final Battle?

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Rhyno vs. Homicide was actually pretty boring. Didn't deserve more than two sentences. The tag match they were involved in next time out was much better. Actually, I thought it was a perfect opener. This match was just the usual Homicide shitfest though.


As many have pointed out, the finish kind of buried Edwards a bit
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Two sentences? Are you kidding me? Rhyno was way, way over and I notice you chose not to mention that. Too WWE-ified for you?


Not especially - it didn't strike me that he was particularly over. Nothing to do with him being ex-WWE. I don't know why everyone thinks I hate WWE. Granted, its pants ATM, but like most people I got into wrestling through the WWF, and therefore if not for WWF I wouldn't be watching ROH/PWG/ Chikara et al. Now TNA on the other hand...


How is, after 36 minutes of war, Richards having to kick the ever loving shit out of Eddie Edwards to beat him burying him? In ANY way?


Buried was probably the wrong turn of phrase. It wasn't so much the kick to the head as the way it was set up - that finish was way too decisive for my liking, it failed to get over the fact that they'd had a super-close match-up. I've have booked something like an inside cradle/ small package - I didn't see how you could build a rematch out of the BITW finish, which might explain why it's taken them six months to get around to it.

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Buried was probably the wrong turn of phrase. It wasn't so much the kick to the head as the way it was set up - that finish was way too decisive for my liking, it failed to get over the fact that they'd had a super-close match-up. I've have booked something like an inside cradle/ small package - I didn't see how you could build a rematch out of the BITW finish, which might explain why it's taken them six months to get around to it.


I'm not sure why they needed to do a rematch any sooner. It's a big match for ROH and blowing it right away again would have been poor booking.


As for putting over how close the match was, the previous 35 minutes did a fantastic job of putting over how close the match was. The decisive finish wasn't supposed to make anyone look bad, and it didn't. What it was supposed to do was put Davey Richards over huge, which it did. Having a Small Package win or something in that match would have been a complete cop out. They made the right move ending it as they did. The only way which Eddie Edwards looked weaker is that he looked like he had lost to the better man on the night. Which he did.

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