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Apparently the Bucks had a tryout before Raw last night. Ho hum - although it will be one in the eye for Rope Opera if they do sign with New York

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Dragon Gate USA: United NYC - Manhattan, NY - 28/1/11


We open the weekend with Reby Sky and Bryce Remsburg showing off the brand new Open The United Gate Championship belts. The round robin tournament for those belts starts later on...


Akira Tozawa vs Sami Callihan - A frustrating bout in many ways, this. I don't have the irrational hate of Sami Callihan, but completely see the stupidity in him repeatedly shouting "Hit Me!" at Tozawa here. I really don't see why Tozawa is so highly praised either, maybe due to my general lack of PWG viewing. My biggest problem is he does some stupid spots, like the repeatedly missing diving headbutts and finally getting a senton. I just don't get it, and it takes me completely out of the match. What makes it all the more frustrating is that there's plenty of good atheticism on show as well, and they have really nice chemistry but it's just swimming in stupidity. After a whole bunch of Saito Suplexes from both men, Tozawa gets the pin with his beautiful Avalanche German at 12:00 even.


Jon Moxley vs Jigsaw - This follows straight on from the previous bout, with Moxley using cheap heat tactics on the mic in running down NYC's sports teams, bringing Reby Sky back out. She cuts a decent promo in defence of her native NYC, actually. Moxley eventually manhandles her, though Tozawa won't hit her despite Moxley's orders. Jigsaw, who's a Bronx native, makes the save instead, and there's some heated exchanges until Moxley starts working the arm of Jigsaw. Jig is still hanging in there until YAMATO comes out, rams him into the ringside barricade, and rolls him to Moxley who gets the Chickenwing for the submission at 6:31. Moxley then gets back on the mic, until his exchanges with YAMATO are interrupted by the music of BxB Hulk...


Open The Freedom Gate Championship: BxB Hulk vs YAMATO - More frustration here, as there's a long period in the first half of this one where YAMATO wears down Hulk's legs with a bunch of holds. You know, to cut out Hulk's agility and kicks, etc. Hulk sells this absolutely fine while he's on the defensive. Then, when he's due his big comeback, suddenly he's able to nip up and do all is usual stuff with no pain whatsoever. The crowd are into it in a big way when they go at it full-on, as you'd expect, and their exchanges are more than decent. Hulk occasionally does sell the knees after landing on them hard, but then goes back to doing all his moves. It's just so occasional, it's really distracting. Then, YAMATO kicks out of everything Hulk can hit him with, which only goes to make Hulk look bad when he stays down after a botched Gallaria at 21:37 for the title change. That looked really weak, and while there is some crowd reaction to the switch, when Lenny Leonard on commentary says "This crowd is in shock!" it's not the title change itself that's responsible. As an aside - Moxley was run off by Julius Smokes (representing Homicide) during this one.


Jimmy Jacobs vs Brodie Lee - One thing continues to lead to another, as Jimmy Jacobs comes out to point out to YAMATO that he's the new end target of his quest for the Freedom Gate title. Well, obviously. Brodie Lee comes out for his match with Jacobs accompanied by all of Blood Warriors. For a big man vs little man bout that only goes 6:15 there's some overkill here, as Jacobs takes a powerbomb onto the stage for no real reason. Brodie gets the pin without too much trouble with a sitdown powerbomb. CIMA, Doi, Dragon Kid and Ricochet join him in the ring, but before they can say anything, here come Ronin...


Naruki Doi & Ricochet vs Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano - Rich Swann's human beatbox entrance for Ronin comes across as pretty entertaining in an intimate venue like BB King's. This is a much better match than anything else so far, with both teams gelling well and coming across as proper units. Gargano looks good against Doi early on, before Ricochet and Doi get the advantage on Chuck for a bit. Blood Warriors haven't brought their heel mojo to DGUSA at this point, so both teams have a fair share of the crowd support, and therefore the heat segment doesn't go for too long before everyone is battling on the outside. There's a neat Doomsday Device spot from the stage to the floor, then some good double team exchanges in the ring to give both teams some good, close nearfalls. In the end it's Ricochet who ends up in the wrong place - that is, on the receiving end of an Awful Waffle - at the wrong time and he's pinned by Chuck Taylor at 16:09 to give Ronin the first 2 points in the United Gate Round Robin Tournament. A fun, fun bout. Rich Swann then gets back on the mic and calls out his opponent...


Austin Aries vs Rich Swann - Dexter is right, in that this is excessively long for Rich Swann in singles action. Aries, who has toned down the "Greatest Man That Ever Lived" persona in this promotion, seems to have a strategy to target the neck, whereas Swann just does random stuff apart from some reliance on interference from his Ronin partners. Credit to Aries for making the best of it though, and I really liked the finish: Aries blasts Swann with a brainbuster off the middle rope straight into the Last Chancery for the submission at 15:32.


CIMA & Dragon Kid vs Masato Yoshino & Pac - A rock solid main event, though not reaching the upper echelon of DG tags. There's a lot of Pac vs Dragon Kid here, which follows quite nicely from the end of the Shingo vs Yokosuka 2 show in the UK when I last saw Pac in action. In comparison, Yoshino vs Kid happens more sparingly but offers more electrifying moments. CIMA begins to bring the nefarious tactics here in a sign for the future. Things still seem to be heating up when the finish comes, with a powerbomb from Yoshino leaving DK prone to a springboard 450 and a German suplex from Pac for the pin at 20:19. The show ends with Ronin on the stage taunting CIMA because they have 2 points in the tournament and the BW duo don't.


Overall - I get the impression this show was probably more entertaining live than it turned out on DVD. The way the entire show plays out, with no backstage segments and everything that happens in the ring transitioning into the next thing is an old ECW trick. On DVD, it doesn't quite succeed in covering for the fact that some of the matches have obvious problems, and you occasionally want a point to hold to catch your breath. That said, the two tournament matches were very satisfactory, and the Freedom Gate title change is something to consider having for posterity. DVD run time is 2 hours, 13 minutes, plus there's worthwhile bonus match action from Japan...


Open The Triangle Gate: BxB Hulk, Masato Yoshino & Pac vs Dragon Kid, Akira Tozawa & Taku Iwasa - This is action from Kobe on 19/7/09, which means it pre-dates DGUSA by some six days. No feeling out process in this one, it's almost an extended sprint from the get go, but executed very well. The crowd are particularly rabid for Yoshino vs Dragon Kid. Miscommunication between Tozawa and Iwasa leads to Tozawa getting battered by the World-1 trio, eventually ending in Pac pinning Tozawa with the corkscrew shooting star at 17:15. Splendid.

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Open The Freedom Gate Championship: BxB Hulk vs YAMATO - More frustration here, as there's a long period in the first half of this one where YAMATO wears down Hulk's legs with a bunch of holds. You know, to cut out Hulk's agility and kicks, etc. Hulk sells this absolutely fine while he's on the defensive. Then, when he's due his big comeback, suddenly he's able to nip up and do all is usual stuff with no pain whatsoever. The crowd are into it in a big way when they go at it full-on, as you'd expect, and their exchanges are more than decent. Hulk occasionally does sell the knees after landing on them hard, but then goes back to doing all his moves. It's just so occasional, it's really distracting. Then, YAMATO kicks out of everything Hulk can hit him with, which only goes to make Hulk look bad when he stays down after a botched Gallaria at 21:37 for the title change. That looked really weak, and while there is some crowd reaction to the switch, when Lenny Leonard on commentary says "This crowd is in shock!" it's not the title change itself that's responsible. As an aside - Moxley was run off by Julius Smokes (representing Homicide) during this one.


Remember the first ever DGUSA match? That was Hulk vs. Yamato and the exact same thing happened. Yamato works the leg, Hulk sells fine and then Hulk starts hitting kicks and flips and totally ignores all of Yamato's hard work until the match is over when he starts selling his leg again. It's what made me hate BxB Hulk.

Edited by JPC
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Indeed, bit gutted about that. Its further away than Mania on the sunday which was already pushing it. Im staying at south beach so its a 2hour 39min bus journey with 3 changes, yikes and cab is looking REALLY expensive. Might have to give these a miss and go to DG:USA instead if I can't figure out a cheapish way of getting there. :(

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If it's in Ft. Lauderdale i'm wondering if there is a flight between there and Miami? But there is no way i'm getting a bus at midnight in Miami and making a two hour trip back to the hotel. ROH should put on buses for fans for this.

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I really don't see why Tozawa is so highly praised either, maybe due to my general lack of PWG viewing. My biggest problem is he does some stupid spots, like the repeatedly missing diving headbutts and finally getting a senton. I just don't get it, and it takes me completely out of the match.


Tozawa has had some tremendous matches in PWG, he's come on leaps and bounds in the past year. He had a very good match with BxB Hulk the next night at Finale.


EDIT : Just read that Richards will be missing DBD 9 due to a Japan tour. Another missed iPPV. Hmmmm.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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EDIT : Just read that Richards will be missing DBD 9 due to a Japan tour. Another missed iPPV. Hmmmm.


He was already scheduled to go to Japan plus their isnt anyone meaningful for him to defend the title against right now. That said I dont know why they couldnt stretch Eddie Edwards title run out a little longer until he came back.


I actually think the ROH main event needs freshening up, we have a number 1 contenders match between Edwards and Strong coming up and no doubt we will see Richards make the obligatory defences against Daniels and Jay Briscoe.

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I dount he'll defend against Daniels seeing as how the latter has run off back to TNA, true to form.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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