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Heres my guess to what the ROH Big Bang card will be


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Kings Of Wrestling vs. The Briscoes for the Tag Titles has already been confirmed


Trios Match

Super Parka, Magno and Solar vs. Blue Demon Jr, Misterioso and “El Exotico” Cassandro


Davey Richards vs. Brian Kendrick


Eddie Kingston vs. Joey Ryan


Colt Cabana and El Genercio vs. Steve Corino and Kevin Steen


Necro Butcher vs. Erick Stevens Hair vs. Hair and Falls Count Anywhere


Kenny King vs. Eddie Edwards for the TV title


Tyler Black vs. Austin Ares vs. Roderick Strong vs. KENTA, Four Corner Survival for the ROH World Title


[close spoiler]

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Apparently Kevin Kelly is doing the commentary for the Big Bang PPV. Hmmm... at least you can turn the commentary off on the DVD's now. I was watching one of the 2002 shows the other day, and I'd forgotten how good Corino's commentary was.

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TV taping results including the crowning of the first TV champion, Friday night in the first box and Saturday night in the second....


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Pelle Primeau and John Kermon w/ Sly Stetson beat the Bravados. Kermon and Stetson were trying underhanded stuff which Pelle did not appreciate.

Ricky Reyes beat someone from Quebec.

Bobby Dempsey beat J Sinn from the Set. Lance Lude was ringside for some shenanigans.


This will be in order of how it happens, not necessarily how it will air.



Jim Cornette introduces Tyler Black for his first interview on HDNet as champ. Davey eventually interrupts and says that Tyler has something he wants, saying

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Man alive, I'm miles behind. Have just moved a 37" TV into my room so maybe I'll be more motivated for awhile! In the process of moving around, I took this pic earlier...






Also, i have this done...


Dragon Gate USA: Open The Historic Gate - Philadelphia, PA - 25/7/09


BxB Hulk vs YAMATO - Gabe's booking is immediately evident by this particular match, which reminded me a lot of Naomichi Marufuji vs Rocky Romero at ROH's PPV debut Respect Is Earned - fast paced, hard hitting, smooth flowing, showing the style of the promotion but ultimately not being great, as it didn't really mean anything. Going straight into the action suggests they are already resigned to the fact only the diehards will be buying this show and therefore no explanation as to what the promotion is about is required. YAMATO scores the mild upset after just over 15 minutes.


Too Cold Scorpio vs Kenn Doane - It'd be harsh to say this is going from the sublime to the ridiculous, as I enjoyed this one as well, but it's certainly not your typical DG or even ROH style match. After taking awhile to get going to allow the crowd to get their jokes about Doane's WWE tenure out of the way, Doane eventually stops being the cowardly heel and they have a solid, WWE midcard style encounter. Doane seems to relax, and he has several subtle ways of interacting with the crowd to go with the athletic prowess he displayed at times in WWE, but it's Scorpio who gets the popular win at sixteen and a half minutes.


Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Soldier Ant & Fire Ant vs Gran Akuma, Icarus, Amasis & Hallowicked - It's CHIKARA time, which means another complete change in pace and style here, to say the least. The Arena crowd is obviously made of regular followers of the promotion, as everyone is treated to massive reactions. Akuma and especially Icarus get proper heat, too, which helps everything get over. An extended dive sequence at the end is followed by Jigsaw pinning Icarus with the Jig 'n' Tonic at seventeen and a half minutes for another popular victory.


There's an unusual angle to follow that match, as Quack puts over the blend of CHIKARA and DG, and issues a challenge for a CHIKARA vs DG match in the future. YAMATO answers (nice to have someone come out in this spot that the audience is familiar with after the opening match) and his promo is translated in subtitle form, followed by him lowblowing Quack and forming an alliance with Gran Akuma vs various CHIKARA guys who eventually make the save.


Dragon Kid vs Masato Yoshino - I'm not even going to attempt to cover the action in this one. SHINGO and Doi accompany their respective stablemates to the ring, building to their match against each other in the main event. Needless to say there's a blend of super fast sprint action and wacky mat moves and submissions here before Kid gets the win with the Ultra Huracanrana kinda out of nowhere thirteen and a half minutes in. That makes this the shortest match on the show, not that it was short at all. I'd also say this is considerably better than their match over here at the DG:UK show later in the year. SHINGO and Doi face off afterwards, only for Scorpio to break it up. He compares Kid vs Yoshino to the likes of Guerrero vs Malenko, Rey vs Psicosis and himself vs Sabu in the same building a million years before, and challenges them to have a rematch at some unspecified point in time. Presumably said UK bout wasn't it...


CIMA and Susumu Yokosuka vs The Young Bucks - Well, this goes straight into my personal favourite top few US indie tag matches in an instant. The Young Bucks finish seventeen and a half minutes of steadily increasing craziness with More Bang For Your Buck, then (after the standing ovation dies down) they even get time to cut a promo where they respectfully put over CIMA and Yokosuka but also declare themselves not the tag team of the future but the tag team of the present. The Bucks' presentation here is much more impactful than their ROH matches to this point, and it's light years ahead compared to their repackaging in TNA with the faux-Hardy Boyz look and much shorter matches. Credit to Gabe's booking on that one, I guess.


SHINGO vs Naruki Doi - Main event time, and while the previous match goes into a file marked 'top few US indie tag matches' , this one goes into a file simply marked 'REALLY good matches'. I even did a rewatch without the commentary, which I don't like doing much, but it really focused the action. With commentary on, this is one match on the card where they really push a specific story, that being Doi taking over from SHINGO as Open the Dream Gate champion and Ace of Dragon Gate at the end of 2008, and how both men are now fighting to be the top of the pile in the beginning of DGUSA here. 20:47 of top quality action ends in a Muscular Bomb victory for Doi, and that's our lot.


As much as ROH has been back in the groove lately, this is easily the in-ring card of the year 2009 (not counting WWE, which I find difficult to judge in the same way) to the point that I've seen so far (that is, the end of July).


There's a second disc of bonus stuff as well, with a dodgy preshow match called FRAY!, a six man match from FIP pitting BxB Hulk, Jack Evans & YAMATO vs Delirious, Hallowicked and Jigsaw that's a bit of fun, and an eight man from DG in 2006 pitting BxB Hulk, Jushin Liger, Jack Evans & Matt Sydal vs Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino, Magnitude Kishiwada & Kevin Steen.

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ROH on HDNet tapings #9 & #10 - 14/8/09 & 15/8/09


Episode 25 (airdate 14/9/09)


We start with the first TV acknowledgement that Danielson is off to WWE. His actual final TV matches aren't until the following set of tapings however.


Young Bucks vs Dark City Fight Club - A nicely executed power vs speed battle which, as it never got particularly extravagant with the moves, actually felt like a good WWE tag bout. Nick Jackson rolls up Kory Chavis with a jacknife pin at 7:42 for the mild upset.


Bison Smith vs Sal Rinauro - A 2:18 squash that could have been shorter...


Colt Cabana vs Joey Ryan - Once again I wasn't particularly impressed with Joey here, in singles I just find his work boring. Cabana wins with the Billy Goats Curse in 6:25.


We then get a series of promos. First Prince Nana talks to set up Jimmy Rave vs Necro Butcher next week, which was pretty standard stuff. Nigel then cuts a great promo where he starts sat in the front row and ends up wandering around ringside as he talks, and finally A-Double promises the first ever A-Double L-Double next week. 'Random' drawing shenanigans incoming...


Kevin Steen and El Generico vs The Briscoes - A literal match of two parts thanks to the YouTube, the first part is average Briscoes tag match build, and the second part has only just started to catch fire when The American Wolves run in for the double DQ at 12:16.


That kinda puts a dampener on the whole episode for me, as none of the undercard matches were that great, then the main event was curtailed early... somehow Ladder War II is set up from the DDQ finish.


Episode 26 (airdate 21/9/09)


Austin Aries is accompanied by stablemates Rhett Titus and Kenny King for the drawing of the first A-Double L-Double. The predictable lottery shenanigans ensue, as your first lucky winner is Kenny Omega (Yay!) but he's not at the tapings (Boo!) and the second drawing conveniently produces...


ROH World Title: Austin Aries vs Grizzley Redwood - That's right. Redwood actually doesn't do badly as the vastly overmatched underdog, but it's completely overshadowed by not at all funny comedy commentary from Dave Prazak for the entire 3:56 it takes Aries to score the win with the IED/brainbuster combo. I like the idea of the lottery angle, but Prazak killed it for me this time round.


With this episode airing just days before Glory By Honor in Manhattan, we get some last minute hype for Ladder War II and Hero vs Kingston before the next match...


Erick Stevens vs Brandon Day - In contrast to the Bison squash of the previous episode, Day dominates way too much here before Stevens hits his finishing sequence for the win at 2:57. How do you mess up booking a squash?


Jimmy Rave vs Necro Butcher - This match went something like this: Necro pastes Rave around ringside for about three minutes, Rave then targets the ankle inside the ring, but even with Nana and Ernie Osiris helping, Necro has the advantage again in double quick time so Bison Smith runs in for the DQ at 5:50. The crowd are kept into it by the constant distractions, but there's not much of a match here.


Bryan Danielson, Roderick Strong and KENTA vs The American Wolves and Chris Hero - Wow, after not that much of note in the tapings so far, this is an absolute cracker. With Danielson off in the near future, he plays a supporting role including taking a beatdown while we wait for the hot tag, and the main men of the bout are Hero and his elbows, including a series of teases for a Hero vs KENTA singles match, and Roderick Strong, who gets the pin with a Gibson Driver on Eddie Edwards at 16:44.


Great main event, just filler stuff for the rest.


Episode 27 (airdate 28/9/09)


Straight into the action this week...


Jerry Lynn & Tyler Black vs Kenny King & Rhett Titus - A good opening tag bout overall, though King seemed a step off, which is unusual. Character work supersedes action in the first half, with Lynn mocking Rhett's hip swivels and stuff. King and Black blow more or less their first move together, and King is also a step out leading into a miscommunication spot with Titus near the end. Lynn pins Titus with the cradle piledriver at 12:47, and they push him mentoring Tyler, though I can't imagine this angle lasting.


Sara Del Rey vs Nikki Roxx - Sad to see Nikki Roxx only get 3:14 in her ROH return, as her efforts in the TNA Knockouts division were always pretty good. She gets some competitive moments, but it's really all about Death Rey here as she wins with the Royal Butterfly into the powerslam. Would really have liked more from this one.


Sonjay Dutt vs Alex Payne - Good news and bad news here. The good news is that Sonjay doesn't do any of the TNA parody stuff. The bad news is that the match is booked to be all about Sugarfoot's development, and so Sonjay sells for four minutes before putting Payne away after next to no offense with the Camel Clutch at 4:30. The good news bad news good news sandwich ends with Sonjay challenging Delirious to a rematch from the previous tapings which is set up quickly for next week. That should be better.


Rather randomly, they fill about a minute by going from that to a comedy video of Delirious being trained in martial arts, which is actually ripped from a DVD or VideoWire from several months earlier. It did make me laugh again this time round. More seriously, we then get quick Colt Cabana and Nigel McGuinness sports-style promos before our main event...


Cage Match: Claudio Castagnoli vs Brent Albright - Needless to say this won't go into the history books as one of the great ROH Cage matches, but it's not bad as a TV main event I guess. Brent Albright plays Hulk Hogan for the most part, using punches for most of his offense, getting distracted by Prince Nana and doing a lame blade job. The final five minutes have some good spots, with Claudio taking an Exploder Superplex, and being made to pay for his cheating ways when Albright finally puts an end to the feud by stomping his head in with a chair for the pin at 13:25.


Two watchable matches, though neither on par with the previous episode's main event, unsurprisingly.


Episode 28 (airdate 5/10/09)


Sonjay Dutt vs Delirious - A hot way to open the second night of tapings, this is about as good a sub-ten minute match as the HDNet show has produced so far. Fast, fluid junior action with just a spot of Delirious shenanigans, until Sonjay gets his win back by countering Shadows Over Hell with an ace crusher and rolling into the Camel Clutch and using the tassles for the tap out at 9:41. DVD quality.


Eddie Kingston vs Kyle Matthews - First thought here: "Isn't that John Walters?" Second thought: "Man, Kingston is really showing fire." This is how a squash should be done. Backdrop Driver. Spinning backfist. It's over at 2:30...


Promo time. The Honor Rumble gets one of those sports style promos with comments from several teams. I like. Then they announce Hero vs KENTA is next week. Win. Hero cuts a good, short promo to hype that one.


Roderick Strong vs Joey Ryan - Before this one even begins, Nigel makes his way through the crowd and cuts a promo about Roderick playing up to the fans at his own physical expense, which serves as a good distraction for Ryan to jumpstart the match. It immediately becomes obvious that Strong and Ryan have better chemistry than Colt Cabana and Ryan, as this one is actually watchable. Strong has the match won only for Nana to pull him out of the ring, and while Roderick dumps Nana in the laps of the front row fans, he then walks into a superkick and Ryan follows that with a small package for the upset at 8:45.


Tag Team Honor Rumble - This is a fun, different way to end the show. The structure of the match is fun, as teams enter together so they can have a flurry of double teams when they first come in, and both members have to be eliminated to eliminate the team. Ernie Osiris and Jimmy Rave are the first in and the first out. Team #2, The Young Bucks, and Team #3, Dark City Fight Club, end up eliminating each other and brawling to the back. There's an interesting moment as the brawl is going on, as The Briscoes make their entrance at the same time and we get a three way split screen. The teams of Albright & Stevens and Titus & King turn out to be strictly making up the numbers, as the last three in are the Briscoes, Steen & Generico and the American Wolves. Davey does a Steve Austin circa 1997 by being eliminated out of referee's sight, and comes back to eliminate Steen & Generico, leaving the Wolves and the Briscoes. Mark Briscoe ends up surviving 2-on-1 odds to give the Briscoes the win at 13:46.


A good main event that let the top three teams in ROH interact without having to do a full match, this nicely capped off an excellent hour all round.


Episode 29 (airdate 12/10/09)


Austin Aries Lucky Lottery - Alex Payne turns out to be the lucky winner this week. Aries retains the title with the Last Chancery at 3:30 after pulling Payne up following the IED/brainbuster. More noteworthy than any of that, Bryan Danielson comes out after the match to accuse Aries of rigging the draw. Looks like we might have a match between them coming up...


Necro Butcher vs Bison Smith - A hot big man brawl that goes to a double countout when they become more focused on duelling chairs at 5:10. They keep brawling into the crowd until the locker room comes out to (eventually) break them up.


Tyler Black vs Rhett Titus - A good singles showing for Rhettski the Jetski, but it's Tyler who understandably gets the duke with God's Last Gift at 6:31. Solid action.


Kenny King vs Jerry Lynn and Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson are announced for next week. Sounds good.


Chris Hero vs KENTA - This is as good a payoff for the episode 26 main event as I could possibly have hoped for. An excellent singles match that probably would have got longer on a DVD show and could well have ended up worse for it. Hero's control portion is much more watchable than it would have been 12 months prior, as he stays focused on his elbow strikes for the most part. KENTA does his usual brutal striking in response, and the two put together a killer exchange of running boots in the closing sequence. A bit of storyline advancement plays a part in the finish, as Eddie Kingston stops Hero's Loaded Elbow shenanigans, and KENTA hits Go 2 Sleep for the pin at 16:30. Not enough to ruin the match though, as they executed the distraction perfectly. Hero continues to step up as the time moves towards Nigel and Dragon's departures...


Just the main event is really good this week, but it's definitely required viewing.


Episode 30 (airdate 19/10/09)


Kenny King vs Jerry Lynn - A decidedly average match with pretty standard levels of action here. Bad Sports Entertainment Finish as Lynn goes for the cradle piledriver, Rhett Titus runs out and jumps on the apron, and King gets a rollup with an armful of ropes that the referee had to have in his line of sight, but he counts three anyway at 6:41. Titus and King put the boots to Lynn afterwards, then leave him in need of medical attention after a disgusting looking spike stump piledriver. I believe that's Lynn out of ROH action until So Cal Showdown in January 2010...


Nigel McGuinness vs Sal Rinauro - Nigel promises not to hurt Sal like Lynn just got hurt, then makes him tap tap tap to the London Dungeon in 2:08. Next...


Colt Cabana vs Claudio Castagnoli - A no shenanigans, no outside interference World of Sport match delivered at good pace with no botches. A nice change of feel for the TV show. Cabana beats Claudio with a bridging pin at 7:34.


Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson - One of ROH's longest running rivalries, I've loved many of the Aries/Danielson encounters, even the ones some people considered lesser bouts. While this TV affair isn't one of their very best, it's a really solid bout, a fine showcase for ROH style and a good main event. Danielson gets pinned after running into an exposed turnbuckle, then getting his head sandwiched between said 'buckle and Aries' IED at 14:55.


An opener that inadvertently set up a feud with Kenny King for when Jerry Lynn eventually returns and two really watchable wrestling matches to conclude the show make this episode one of the must watch ones....


Overall, this became a really good set of tapings to watch after the first one and a half episodes. The KENTA matches are must see in particular. Next up, the Final Countdown tour begins with TV tapings #11 and #12...

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somehow Ladder War II is set up from the DDQ finish.


Looking at the airdate, was it GB8 the next weekend? Maybe trying to hype the show, even though I think it was sold out already at that point.


Hero's control portion is much more watchable than it would have been 12 months prior, as he stays focused on his elbow strikes for the most part.


Agreed. I think Hero's had a superb year in the ring this year [well, 2009] - things have clicked for him in a way they just didn't in 2008. Indeed, Hero, Castagnoli & Strong are three wrestlers who've all bounced back from deeply disappointing 2008's to have excellent 2009's ; a fact that's probably been one of the core reasons ROH has been much better in 09 than it was it 08.


Review of Aries vs Richards should be up tomorrow. The Omega vs Nakajima match is worth a look a look - man, Nakajima beat the piss out of that poor boy....

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somehow Ladder War II is set up from the DDQ finish.


Looking at the airdate, was it GB8 the next weekend? Maybe trying to hype the show, even though I think it was sold out already at that point.


I think they actually set it up in real terms after their match in Canada, the TV explanation for it was just done really badly.


Watching TV #31 now...

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