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I think he has signed to do more than one event so yeah, let's hope they break even off the deal.


Age of Insanity

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I'm quite liking the idea of keeping the ROH TV taping results in the other thread as a going concern... thoughts anyone?


ROH Driven 2008 - Boston, MA 19.9.08


I thought Boston was a weird choice for a PPV location, though Gabe always liked running Boston as he was from there originally, I believe. The production isn't very good for much of this show, with the light levels all wrong making everyone super-shiny-white. I'm not going into detail about stuff I didn't like, but there is plenty to like on this one. Results are listed here...


Austin Aries vs Delirious is the opener, set up by Aries starting the show in the ring in a similar vein to Age of the Fall starting Respect Is Earned II in the ring (I think... there's a clip). Jacobs comes out, but sets Delirious on Aries rather than face Aries himself. The match is a good opener, not excessively over the top with false finishes but with good exchanges and plenty of heat. Aries wins with the combo into the Last Chancery (rather than the 450) for a submission win. Jacobs and Black attack Aries, but Jacobs does go OTT by smashing Aries with a senton off the top through a ringside table, leading Black to be dismayed that Jacobs may have harmed their chances of retaining the tag titles in the main event.


Sara Del Ray vs Jessie McKay is a 30 second (if that) pointless squash.


Brent Albright and Erick Stevens vs Adam Pearce and Eddie Edwards follows, as Sweet 'n' Sour Inc were out there. We get a clip of the fireball from Pearce to Albright from Vendetta II, but nothing of the NWA title change is mentioned. This is a fair, formula tag match. DDD will be delighted to know ROH have reportedly signed Edwards to a two year contract. The powerful face team score the win, not with their powerful faces but with an Albright half nelson suplex on Pearce. Larry Sweeney is then chased out of ringside, but Hero is stopped by...


Jerry Lynn. Lynn vs Hero, with Lynn citing Hero's attack on Lance Storm at the New Horizons PPV (though a similar clip from Northen Navigation is shown) as motivation. The crowd is very much behind Lynn, and I enjoy most of his matches, this one being the 2008 usual of good if not great. Sara Del Ray returns to ringside to slip Hero the loaded elbow pad, and he nails Lynn with it and scores the pin.


We take a break from S 'n' S overload for a video package, documenting Nigel McGuinness taunting Bryan Danielson after he lost the Respect is Earned II tag match because Tyler Black pinned him, and saying Danielson would never get a title shot on PPV unless Danielson beats everyone Nigel has beaten on PPV. I like the PPV specific storylines. So, having beaten Tyler in an absolute belting match at New Horizons, Danielson has Nigel's RIEII and New Horizons PPV opponents to worry about...


Three Way Elimination between Danielson, Go Shiosaki and Claudio Castagnoli is the way we're going to solve this conundrum. Clips of Claudio's heel turn at Death Before Dishonor VI are shown while Danielson gets his (the only) ring entrance. The three way action to start is non stop, rather than two-guys-take-on-one-guy-then-fall-out mode. This is good. It's not much of a story though. Claudio then gets DQ'ed for suplexing the ref after repeatedly pushing him away so he could stomp on the American Dragon. Claudio goes nuts, and hits a Ricola Bomb on Danielson, then loads of guys from the back rush out as Claudio tries to once again stomp a chair into Danielson's head, only for many of those guys to get thrown everywhere until about 25 people drag him away.


The announcers point out technically Danielson beat Claudio by DQ, but after the beat down, how can he possibly overcome Shiosaki? He has to start from underneath, but Danielson is good and his underdog routine is good as that's what the rest of the match leads to. There are some flashes of the excellent match between the two at Live in Tokyo in (June? July?) '07, as Danielson comes back to win via triangle choke, after numerous goes with Cattle Mutilation and elbows.


From there to a seemingly random Scramble match. It's the Briscoes vs Jason Blade and Kenny King of the YRR vs Ruckus and Jigsaw vs The Necro Butcher (on his own), as the announcers pimp that ROH is the originator of the Scramble. That was relevant when the event was taped in September vs the WWE PPV but not so much when the ROH PPV aired in November. Necro is by far the most over participant in the match, but it's the Briscoes pick up the win. Lots of spots.


Nigel McGunness vs Roderick Strong for the World Title gets the video package and entrances for both guys treatment, which makes it feel like one of the bigger matches on the show. What it doesn't get is a worthwhile explanation of where Roderick earned his title shot. This is probably better than the shot heel Roderick had at Nigel in the January, but the Nigel title defense formula is followed pretty much to the letter. The PPV crowd accept it and bite on the ultra-close nearfalls, and if you hadn't seen much of Nigel's reign, this would be great, but having seen every one of Nigel's ROH defenses, this one doesnt stand out that much. Having already absorbed a Tower of London onto the apron, a standard version is the finisher of choice for Nigel on this night, which is slightly anticlimatic.


Finally, Jacobs and Black defend the tag titles against Kevin Steen and El Generico. This is the money match for this PPV/DVD. Saving the best for last, this has to slot right up there amongst the very best ROH World Tag Team Title matches, like Aries/Strong vs The Briscoes in Liverpool. Maybe that and this are THE best two. I cannot explain how much I enjoyed this, I don't think, but I'll try. It might not work if you're not a fan of Steen and Generico (I am). It might not work if you haven't followed their 2007 feud with the Briscoes (I did, including live at the 2/3 falls match in Manhattan), and earlier in 2008 their heartbreaking loss to Jacobs and Black in the finals of the 'Up For Grabs' title tournament (a clip of them losing the fall is shown, and the same spot is used for a nearfall here). This match is the culmination. As a live experience, it appears the crowd were feeling every moment of the match. There's a scintillating</JR> spot where Steen catches a flying Black (I think) on his shoulders while perched on the ropes that takes my breath away every time, even on DVD. Then there's the explosion of emotion for the crowning of NEW World Tag Team Champions. I won't go into it any more, but this and Danielson/Claudio from Northern Navigation are my top two ROH matches of '08 to this point...

Edited by gadgetboy
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Revelations from the latest VideoWire include Flair scouting Nigel, Nana being behind Bison Smith arriving in ROH, and Chris Hero inheriting Mitsuharu Misawa's elbow strikes. Ugh at the last one.

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There's an interesting article from the DOI website here about the current state of ROH. While I don't agree with all of it, there's a lot of salient points. For example, how do the undercard guys who've had to take pay cuts feel about that old fool Flair being paid ridiculous amounts of money to come into the company and offer not a lot?


I guess the big question you have to ask yourself is "what else could they have done?". ROH had/ has become bigger than all the other indy's to the point where you can no longer call it an indy, but has nowhere near the financial muscle that TNA does. (That said, ROH has actually turned a profit at some point, whereas its debatable that TNA has ever done so, despite what we're told.). The big problem the company's had for the past few years has been it's failure to create stars. It's not like it hasn't had talent that weren't capable of becoming top guys - Hero, Castagnoli, Richards - but they've all been so badly booked that they all need rehabilitation to an extent to get up them up to main event level. And because they didn't get guys over, the cards got stale... and the company finds itself in a huge rut creatively.


The article also makes good points about Cary. I've always found his "I didn't buy this company to lose money" line slightly odd - why get involved in wrestling in the first place then, as its not generally known as a business where people come out of it smiling financially. Especially if you're promoting an independent organisation. Now the obvious response to this is : "well, if he pulls out now ROH will go down the toilet". Yes, probably...but I'm not sure the HDNet thing and bringing in Ric Flair are going to give the company much of a shot in the arm either.


So what is to be done? Good question. The formula that made ROH big in the first place was indy dream matches mixed with the odd compelling storyline - Punk vs Raven, Corino vs Homcide, Prophecy vs The Saints. Writing killer storylines though, is easier said than done, as ROH fans can attest to from 2007-08's creative effort. Plus the promotion has been generally using the same cluster of guys for so long that there aren't very many fresh matches left for them to put on. The first thing that needs to be done is brings in new talent. Bring in a whole bunch of guys, throw them against the wall and see what sticks. (Not literally). Paul London and Colt Cabana should spice things up temporarily (although the amount of time they're taking to pull the trigger on London suggests there's something going on there we don't know about). It seems Quack is back (no suprise that happened after Gabe left), as is Eddie Kingston - who like him or not, was cut off at the kness when the company bought him in in 2008). A decent start, but more is needed.


And then we come to the big white elephant that no-one - at least on the ROH board - is mentioning. Dragon & McGuinness' contracts are up in May. As much as I personally would love them to stay, you have to say they'd be foolish to. Both have achieved all that they possibly can in the company. How ROH deals with their loss is the REAL acid test - not well how Flair draws, or how the TV deal goes.


This somewhat haphazard piece turned out slightly longer than I anticipated, so I'll leave on this point. I've often spoke of the parrallels between ROH and ECW, in terms of how both were at their creative best in their early periods when they weren't making a lot of money, and then by the time they started making strides - ECW on TNN, ROH with their TV deal (although obviously there's a disparity between the two to an extent), creatively they were dying. A remark Raven make in a shoot about 1999-2000 era ECW sticks in my mind - "it didn't matter what time or channel the show was on - the storylines sucked[and that's why ultimatly ECW died]". The same could be said for ROH. Unless the overall product gets better, it wont matter a fuck about the TV deal, or those ridiculous two month delayed PPV's they keep insisting on running.


So there you go...

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There's an interesting article from the DOI website here about the current state of ROH. While I don't agree with all of it, there's a lot of salient points. For example, how do the undercard guys who've had to take pay cuts feel about that old fool Flair being paid ridiculous amounts of money to come into the company and offer not a lot?


I guess the big question you have to ask yourself is "what else could they have done?". ROH had/ has become bigger than all the other indy's to the point where you can no longer call it an indy, but has nowhere near the financial muscle that TNA does. (That said, ROH has actually turned a profit at some point, whereas its debatable that TNA has ever done so, despite what we're told.). The big problem the company's had for the past few years has been it's failure to create stars. It's not like it hasn't had talent that weren't capable of becoming top guys - Hero, Castagnoli, Richards - but they've all been so badly booked that they all need rehabilitation to an extent to get up them up to main event level. And because they didn't get guys over, the cards got stale... and the company finds itself in a huge rut creatively.


The article also makes good points about Cary. I've always found his "I didn't buy this company to lose money" line slightly odd - why get involved in wrestling in the first place then, as its not generally known as a business where people come out of it smiling financially. Especially if you're promoting an independent organisation. Now the obvious response to this is : "well, if he pulls out now ROH will go down the toilet". Yes, probably...but I'm not sure the HDNet thing and bringing in Ric Flair are going to give the company much of a shot in the arm either.


So what is to be done? Good question. The formula that made ROH big in the first place was indy dream matches mixed with the odd compelling storyline - Punk vs Raven, Corino vs Homcide, Prophecy vs The Saints. Writing killer storylines though, is easier said than done, as ROH fans can attest to from 2007-08's creative effort. Plus the promotion has been generally using the same cluster of guys for so long that there aren't very many fresh matches left for them to put on. The first thing that needs to be done is brings in new talent. Bring in a whole bunch of guys, throw them against the wall and see what sticks. (Not literally). Paul London and Colt Cabana should spice things up temporarily (although the amount of time they're taking to pull the trigger on London suggests there's something going on there we don't know about). It seems Quack is back (no suprise that happened after Gabe left), as is Eddie Kingston - who like him or not, was cut off at the kness when the company bought him in in 2008). A decent start, but more is needed.


And then we come to the big white elephant that no-one - at least on the ROH board - is mentioning. Dragon & McGuinness' contracts are up in May. As much as I personally would love them to stay, you have to say they'd be foolish to. Both have achieved all that they possibly can in the company. How ROH deals with their loss is the REAL acid test - not well how Flair draws, or how the TV deal goes.


This somewhat haphazard piece turned out slightly longer than I anticipated, so I'll leave on this point. I've often spoke of the parrallels between ROH and ECW, in terms of how both were at their creative best in their early periods when they weren't making a lot of money, and then by the time they started making strides - ECW on TNN, ROH with their TV deal (although obviously there's a disparity between the two to an extent), creatively they were dying. A remark Raven make in a shoot about 1999-2000 era ECW sticks in my mind - "it didn't matter what time or channel the show was on - the storylines sucked[and that's why ultimatly ECW died]". The same could be said for ROH. Unless the overall product gets better, it wont matter a fuck about the TV deal, or those ridiculous two month delayed PPV's they keep insisting on running.


So there you go...


Nah! Nigel and Danielson(and anyone else on the roster for that matter) won't go anywhere, especially WWE, just watch. All the ROH wrestlers are marking out big time for the HD Net deal coming off of the TV tapings. I wouldn't be shocked to find out Nigel and Dragon have signed new deals either right before the tapings or sometime in the last week.

Edited by Kyle
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Battle of the Best - 13/9/08


Eddie Edwards vs. Yamato - let it be noted that Yamato looks like a Japanese version of Chuck Taylor. A solid if somewhat unspectacular match. Yamato wins with the Galleria Special.


Austin Aries vs. Ryo Saito - again, a solid match that never threatened to trouble the match of the year stakes. Aries wins with the Last Chancery.


Roderick Strong vs. Davey Richards - overall, I really enjoyed this match. It was a little slow to get started, but gradually built and built into a gripping back and forth battle. Davey Richards is one of the main guys in ROH, and they badly missed him this summer. He also looks in awesome condition - if he

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Hopefully I'll be proved wrong about this, but after seeing the show results from Collinsville last night....ROH.is.fucked.

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credit: ROH board





Ring of Honor

Gateway Center

March 13th, 2009- 8:00 pm belltime

One Gateway Drive

Collinsville, IL 62234






a) Grizzly Redwood & Aaron Scott over Sigmund & Sean Schultz


b) Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne over Travis Sawyer


* Belltime pushed back to 8:15pm CST; attendance estimated at 650-700.




1.) Roderick Strong over Jay Briscoe after reversing a victory roll; really good match.


2.) SHIMMER Women Athletes Title Match: MsChif© over Daizee Haze. Jimmy Jacobs tells Delirious in the post-match that he needs to deliver in a major way tonight or bad things will happen...Jacobs tells Daizee to stay out of things and that she wants to hurt Delirious. Jacobs then threatened to spike Daizee.


3.) Four Corner Survival Match - Austin Aries over Kenny Omega, Silas Young & Claudio Castagnoli when Aries pinned Omega; Another really, really good match that Aries took with a turnbuckle dropkick and brainbuster.


* Ric Flair and Dave Prazak head to ringside!


Flair says that he and ROH are "one." Says that the next HBK is in the ROH locker room and puts over the locker room. Nigel interrupts.


He welcomes Flair and says ROH is the hottest thing in wrestling today. Nigel indicates that he won't say that Flair is not one of the best wrestlers ever...but rips him as a husband and a father! Flair says he'll bring Reid Flair to ROH to challenge Nigel. Flair tells Nigel that to be the man, he has to prove it in the ring. Flair said he'd bring Reid in "next week."


* Return Date is October 9th. Great reaction for Flair.


4.) Six Man Tag Team Grudge Match - Chris Hero and The American Wolves of Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards w/ Larry Sweeney over ROH World Tag Team Champions Kevin Steen & El Generico and Bobby Dempsey when Davey made Steen tap out to the Cloverleaf. Steen was going for a moonsault, but Sweeney cracked him on the knee with a chair to prevent the move. SnS Inc. attacked Steen with chairs and Generico made the save.


5.) Kenny King & "Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus over Irish Airborne of Jake & Dave Crist using the finisher they've used together (powerbomb/blockbuster combo)


6.) Grudge Match - "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson over Bison Smith via Count Out when Danielson made it back into the ring a '19' when both men were brawling on the floor.


7.) Tyler Black & Jerry Lynn over The Age of the Fall of Jimmy Jacobs & Delirious when Black pinned Delirious after Jacobs mistimed a chair shot for Black and hit Delirious instead.


Jacobs was about to help Delirious up, but then shoved him down. Daizee came out to make the save and gets spiked by Jacobs! Jacobs then went to spike Delirious, which was blocked. Delirious hits a Cobra Suplex, spikes Jacobs (!) and hits 5 Panic Attacks! Daizee slowly rises and jumps into Delirious' arms and they embrace and hug.


Ric Flair is out to ringside for the Main Event!


8.) Ring of Honor World Title Match - Brent Albright over Nigel McGuinness© via DQ when Claudio Castagnoli attacked. Nigel and Claudio double teamed until RIC FLAIR made the save, throwing punches and chops. Flair raised Albright's hand and that was it.

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  • Paid Members
Hopefully I'll be proved wrong about this, but after seeing the show results from Collinsville last night....ROH.is.fucked.


Having just read the results above, the show sounds fairly sports entertainment heavy, but watchable, and they finally finished this part of the Daizee/Delirious story, thank goodness.


Glory By Honor VII review to come today...

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