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Without the unmasking you don't have much option beyond asking him to do a serious luchadore gimmick. That doesn't mean losing the sense of fun of the character, it just means talking and not behaving like a retard. Tough to pull off though, especially considering he's not really Mexican.Losing the mask and getting something brand new is probably his best option. Being a fake Mexican paints him into too many corners. Even a different mask would be a step up, if he really is hideously ugly or unspeakably bland. Once you except that he can change things up as he wants (The beauty of unmasking would be a 100% clean slate) then it's tough to just shout things out, as you have no idea of his strengths until he gives it a go.

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Motor City Madness 2007 - 14/9/07



Women must weep when they see Becky Bayless, hundreds of years worth of work to get men to take them seriously, and she undoes it all everytime she opens her mouth.


Silas Young vs Davey Richards - first time I

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Rey is one of the best wrestlers of all time who wears a mask because he looks like a twelve year old without it. Generico is a good wrestler who used someone else's mask to get a foothold with a silly gimmick. It's time to let it go.

Of course it's entirely possible that Generico also looks like a twelve-year old without the mask, in which case unmasking is not going to go too well for him either. I don't see why he needs to take it off, he gets reactions with it, without it he might have the same level of matches and Be Taken More Seriously but he'd also be just another lanky scrawny pale indy wrestler. He wouldn't stand out anymore, is I guess the gist of what I'm trying to get at.Unless he's got crazy scars or is actually Benicio Del Toro or something.
The body type and evident facial hair of Generico, along with what Jigsaw looked like on his recent voluntary, angle based unmasking in ROH back up the lanky scrawny pale indie wrestler element of this post, for certain...
This the guy?ramisebei.jpg
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Card for May 10th Hammerstein Ballroom debut, should be good as i'm going to be in NYC!! (plus my predictions - which will be wrong)


ROH World Title Match

Nigel McGuinness defends vs. Claudio Castagnoli


No DQ World Tag Team Title Match

Jay Briscoe & Austin Aries defend vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black


Ring of Honor vs. NOAH

Bryan Danielson vs. Naomichi Marufuji


Battle Of The Brawlers

Takeshi Morishima vs. The Necro Butcher


FIP World Heavyweight Title Match

Roderick Strong defends vs. Erick Stevens vs. Go Shiozaki


Tag Team Scramble

Jack Evans & Jigsaw with Julius Smokes vs. Delirious & Pelle Primeau vs. a team represending Sweet N Sour Inc.


Tag Team Challenge Match

Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. Rocky Romero & Davey Richards

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It looks like a good card. The Orlando shows are out on DVD, make sure you pick them up, night 1 was very good live and night 2 is supposedly way, way better than that. Recently I've watched Final Battle 2007, which has three very good matches on top in the Briscoes vs Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black, Morishima vs Danielson vs Aries vs Hero in an elimination match and Roderick Strong vs Erick Stevens, but some of the undercard isn't great. Then I watched Proving Ground, which more or less avoids the curse of the first show of the year, with good undercard matches in Danielson vs Albright and Steen vs Necro in a streetfight, Erick Stevens vs Austin Aries for the FIP title in a match that takes a while to draw the crowd in, but is molten hot after a restart, and aa fun Ultimate Endurance for the tag titles on top. I'm in the middle of Transform, which is pretty awful so far, and the blame has to go on a weird result, and some uninspiring matchmaking. The crowd heat is hot at the start, but when the YRR upset Delirious, El Generico and Mike Quackenbush in the opener, which makes no sense whatsoever, it just dies completely. I'm also getting fed up of Larry Sweeney, and this is before the much talked about angle at the 6th anniversary show that I've got coming up to watch. Even Claudio vs Aries didn't do much for me, which made me sad as I enjoy both guys work a lot usually. Here's hoping Stevens vs Danielson will give the show one redeeming feature...

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This the guy?ramisebei.jpg

It is! He was staying at our place in Orlando and walked past us outside the hotel (sans-mask) to get his ride to the airport. I was drunk and it was 5AM so I was kicking myself when I couldn't remember what he looked like.
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ROH - Man Up!


Nigel McGuinness vs Naomichi Marufuji vs Chris Hero vs Claudio Castagnoli - a choice FCS to kick things off with. Before the match Nigel gets on the stick and claims he

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Yeah, I remember seeing unmasked Generico in photos from the first PWG euro tour and thinking how he could never pull off a serious gimmick. That photo 100% confirms it.

What? Just because he's striking a pleasant pose in this photo doesn't mean he's not capable of striking a menacing one.
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As a DVD release, I'd say Driven is perhaps a smidgen more watchable, though on the PPV portion alone Man Up! is better. Thoughts?

I agree with that. To be honest the none-PPV portion of Driven blows the PPV itself away. On, a different matter,does anyone want to team up with me to get two sets of the Wrestlemania weekend shows under the BOGOF offer at the mo? Split betwwen 2 it should work out at
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Honor Nation - 5/10/07


Brent Albright & Adam Pearce vs Matt Cross & Erik Stevens - a boring tag effort which the Hangm3n win when Albright hit

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