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My local Blockbuster has got Project Zero II for a fiver as well. I quite enjoyed the bits I played of the first one. Is the sequel any cop?

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Eh, can't sleep, so I'm going to rant about videogames for a bit.


I'm about halfway through Devil May Cry 3, in which the bastard offspring of Chow Yun Fat, Buffy and Julian Clary hits a great many minor hellspawn with a whopping great sword and gets his arse handed to him by a stupidly difficult boss every fifteen minutes. It's a fine, fine game but be aware that it's very difficult throughout. The saving grace and the reason it all works is that you're forced to become good at the game in order to make any progress at all. Half-assing it just will not work. And once you're good at the game, it's more fun and rewarding than practically anything else. Still, it's not for the faint of heart or those with dodgy wrist tendons. If you like this, also get the original DMC, but not DMC2 - it's pants.


Raw vs Smackdown 2006 for PSP is quite fun. Most of you have probably played the game so I won't dwell on the gameplay - just the PSP-specifics. Although the game looks great and sounds OK (but no in-match commentary - no bad thing if you ask me) on the PSP, it suffers from APPALLING loading times. The problem is that they've done a straight port from the PS2 game to the PSP, and UMD just doesn't provide the data rate that DVD can. Your average match takes two minutes to load before you even get to the entrances. The most extreme example I've seen is in the Create an Entrance mode, where it'll take around 90 seconds to load a ten-second clip so you can preview it. Change the lighting or the pyro and you'll probably want to preview it again. If they'd just made pre-rendered mini-clips of the entrance animations using the featureless green man they use in the move list creation, they could have sped up the whole process literally a hundredfold. Searching for the right article of clothing in CaW mode is painful too - it'll take 5 seconds to load each time you press Down to go to the next T-shirt. It is a pretty good game, but I'd advise against getting it for PSP. Your average bus journey is shorter than the average match anyway.

Edited by Spatular
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Raw vs Smackdown 2006 for PSP is quite fun. Most of you have probably played the game so I won't dwell on the gameplay - just the PSP-specifics. Although the game looks great and sounds OK (but no in-match commentary - no bad thing if you ask me) on the PSP, it suffers from APPALLING loading times. The problem is that they've done a straight port from the PS2 game to the PSP, and UMD just doesn't provide the data rate that DVD can. Your average match takes two minutes to load before you even get to the entrances. The most extreme example I've seen is in the Create an Entrance mode, where it'll take around 90 seconds to load a ten-second clip so you can preview it. Change the lighting or the pyro and you'll probably want to preview it again. If they'd just made pre-rendered mini-clips of the entrance animations using the featureless green man they use in the move list creation, they could have sped up the whole process literally a hundredfold. Searching for the right article of clothing in CaW mode is painful too - it'll take 5 seconds to load each time you press Down to go to the next T-shirt. It is a pretty good game, but I'd advise against getting it for PSP. Your average bus journey is shorter than the average match anyway.

Can you copy your GM mode saved game (or other saved stuff) from the PS2 over to the PSP?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, sweet new games.Firstly: Asterix and Obelix II. Fun Jak and Daxter/God of War fusion fun for the PS2 - marked out by ridiculous video game references all over the place. Seriously now: one of the generic enemies is Mario complete with water cannon (and when you kill him, he does the wahooooo)the doors that are explodable are made out of Tetris blocks, and when you succeed in exploding them, you get the sound you make when you make a TetrisThere's a section of a level called the 'Fatalitum', and it's decorated with Mortal Kombat logos and sections of mosaic that look a lot like the MK energy barsthere's a bit where you must avoid barrels with initials on them, being thrown at you by a gigantic monkeythere's a boss that is basically Kratos from God of War. His name is Deathmach. His hideout looks like a Quake arena.There's a bunch of others (you can buy a postcard with a gladiator nailing another with a Hadoken, for example) but this is just ridiculously fun with all the references thus far. Also: there seems to be a level called WCW, but I'm thinking it has to be some kind of coincidence. Tell you when i get there.Oh, and BUY SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS IMMEDIATELY. It's a beautiful, wonderful game, and it hits you in places where games usually don't. I'm trying to bring my girlfriend back to life, stop making me feel like a cunt for doing so. I know that those animals have done absolutely nothing wrong to anyone, but needs must. Stop looking at me like that. STOP IT :(

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Ikaruga is excellent and suitably challenging.

I agree... kind of. It's lots of fun and I'm definitely getting better but it's just not mindless enough for my taste. You have to learn patterns and react quickly, as in all other 2D shooters, but where it deviates is that you REALLY need to pay attention not just to what's shooting at you but also what you're shooting at. Things you carelessly shot a second ago can still kill you if you change colour at the wrong time. I'm enjoying it but I prefer to be able to disengage my brain completely when playing shmups and that just isn't possible with Ikaruga. On the plus side, the selection of practice modes is really useful.
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