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WrestleMania XX Thoughts/Discussion Thread


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Bullshit. Rikishi and Scotty go over with A F'N BUTT DROP and then dance.Jesus, this event needs a big fuckin boost.Stat.

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Guest Niall

5 matches left with 2 hours or so remaining.....10 minutes tops for this then probably! Poor show so far with best match being Christian-Jericho so far for me but the most memorable has to be the Boo Boys outing. Eddie and Angle have to pull out all the stops to get remembered. Cool Skin The Cat into the doubleteam spot there.

This crowd have decided they dont want to cheer anybody now.I'm happy with that so long as they shit on Triple H worse than Lesnar/Goldberg. If they are as internet smart as they seem, they'll have plenty of shit left to shit on Trips.
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Man, I hope Rikishi gets cancer. Of the ass. Because it's really big, and it'll hurt him lots, and he deserves it for being awful. OH JESUS HE'S FUCKING DANCING NOW.Thought - last ppv in MSG was that SummerSlam where Brock was a heel but got over as a face because he's a good big man and stuff. This time, he's still a heel, but the crowd HATE HIM. Good. Anyone think that Vince leaked the rumour to the crowd in order to teach Brock a lesson, 'I made you' type stuff? Goldberg wasn't hated nearly as much, and he's an ex WCWer to boot.Ooh, Jesse.

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Who invited Saddam? Oh thats Jesse and his partner for the evening, The Beard of A Thousand Men!

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Trump is booed out of the building! What's with his hair? Is he seeing Elton John's hairstylist? A wrestler in the Whitehouse? Please God make it Kamala

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What the hell is Vince doing? I'm all for the legends segment, but what the hell is with him thanking the crowd and then sending Jesse out for no aparant reason? Want to make up time Vinny? Stick Angle and Eddie in there for 45 minutes.Loved the Edge advert, wasn't expecting much hype for his return, but I guess that's the privelages Triple H job status gets you.

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