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WWF stickers


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I have sorted out a collection of WWF stickers [swaps] 

So please put the sticker numbers you need so I can assist you.


They are...


WWF 1994 stickers x77 
WWF  1995 stickers x67 
WWF superstars stickers x35 
WCW stickers x74 [not late 90's]
WWF stickers x1991 x105 
WWF Smackdown [too many to count] I'll get the total of these sometime tonite.
I thought I'd throw this up here in case any of you are seeking any stickers for your stickerbooks.
Have A Nice Day. 
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WWF 1994 stickers x77 

Wasn't the 3rd airplane that crashed into the Pentagon American Airlines Flight 77?


WWF stickers x1991 x105

Fucking HELL.


[too many to count]

You heartless bastard!


You're one of those disinformation specialists aren't you, paid by the US Government to bring the search for Truth into disrepute and turn our minds with your subliminal programming. But I've seen through your codes, Man In Black.

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