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Worst interview / promo guys ever?


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Scott Steiner is crap too - "We're gonna liminate yoooou, and after we liminate yoooou, the Undertaker is gonna BURY yoooou!"


This is along the lines of the Warrior argument for me. Steiner can't string two sentences together, but in my book he's a wildly entertaining promo. Somehow the fact that he can't pronounce a word right adds to the air of a roided-to-the-gills lunatic who's liable to flip at any minute - you want to laugh at him, but you'd be shit scared to.

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Bulldog was always a shit promo, but I thought he was piss funny in 1999. Not intentionally mind you, but things like this:


Lilian: "Bulldog, why did you assault the Rock last Thursday night?"


Davey Boy: "I didn't insult the Rock".


I'd have kept the "I want my 'tidal' shot" storyline going for years. If he was still alive, I'd have brought him back now throwing dustbins around saying "I want Tribble Ache".

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I remember that one interview where he decided to call Triple H 'Gameboy'. He was so pleased with coming up with it that he kept prolonging his sentences as if he was about to announce the 'King of the Sheep' winner just so he could call him Gameboy another 3 or 4 times.

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