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1PW show off........time to pay up now Danny Boy!


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To me, until everyone gets theirvrefunds for everything that is owed (tickets, DVDs, postage, etc) it means that anyone who has took payment will be looked upon as a thief, taking other people's money is theft. The authorities need to be made aware, whether that be police, small claims, whatever it takes to get money back. Anyone who took money knowing Danny and co's reputation is guilty by association. Anyone who paid money knowing Danny and co's reputation is a moron. Anyone else out of pocket is damn unlucky and probably wont consider dealing with a British wrestling company again to avoid getting their fingers burnt.

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Just to gain son knowledge here. Has anyone met Maurice at all? The reason i ask is i was thinking if no one had ever met Maurice before then how would we know Danny is not spouting bullshit and Maurice and Danny are the same person?

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Just to gain son knowledge here. Has anyone met Maurice at all? The reason i ask is i was thinking if no one had ever met Maurice before then how would we know Danny is not spouting bullshit and Maurice and Danny are the same person?

One of the wrestlers posted on here claiming to know Maurice and put him over as a true gent. Think it was Lionheart.

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Just to gain son knowledge here. Has anyone met Maurice at all? The reason i ask is i was thinking if no one had ever met Maurice before then how would we know Danny is not spouting bullshit and Maurice and Danny are the same person?


Quite a few people met him at the show. Also if according to Danny you can google/search/dig/trace the guy. Would have to have gone to an awful lot of effort if they were the same guy, including the actor at the show

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Anyway I dug up some old posts on it from that old The Last Stand thread.


Here's my original wonderings about Maurice plus some spot on predicting that he'd be blamed fully by Rodd if any shit cropped up.

Yes when they started up again I saw mention of that man and in Danny Rodd's friend list on Facebook were 3 Maurice Brooks, all with barely any friends and details that don't match on the other profiles, that all only had Rodd in common, that seems to be no longer the case now but I found the accounts, all strangely starting up at the same time as the company re-registered. So either he is a front or a fictional character to be a scapegoat when Rodd eventually gets hit with the lawsuits or claims.


1) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100...340&sk=info


2) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000617416789


3) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000099208552


Here is Lionheart's reply to it.

Maurice is very much a real person and IMO a perfect gentleman. He was present at the show in February and came to meet us Scottish lads to direct us to the venue.
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Anyway I dug up some old posts on it from that old The Last Stand thread.


Here's my original wonderings about Maurice plus some spot on predicting that he'd be blamed fully by Rodd if any shit cropped up.



Here is Lionheart's reply to it.


Have to be honest , I met Maurice myself , it could very well be that Danny has in fact been taken for a right ride but does not hide the fact that he has put a lot of people in a shit position by puting so much faith in someone who might very well be a tad shady

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Even if thats so, it's sickening that Rodd has just said "Not my problem" and walked off whistling. He's even abandoned the fan page now. Think this should go to the courts and let them decide who is responsible for the debts and who should be paying back these poor sods that are

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When I spoke to Maurice he told a slightly different story. I realise that he could very well have been feeding me bullshit as he was conning me, so I'm not saying Danny is lying but these are some of the things Maurice told me.


Danny has the code to change details with Companies House and that is why his name is still listed as a director.

Maurice paid all money to Danny from the enterprizeebay account when he "officially" resigned.

Maurice wanted a ring fence account set up that would release the funds once the show had taken place to prevent things like this from happening.


I just want to make it clear that I'm not siding with Maurice or neccessarily believing him either, I just think that some of the points Danny made on the statement needed addressing.


What I do find quite funny though is Danny telling people to do research about Maurice yet Danny didn't do all of this research BEFORE he decided to set up shop with him.



This is exactly what I was going to say. Danny mudslinging in the direction of Maurice and Lynskey tells me that he has plenty to hide. They're all as bad as eachother in my book and I wouldn't trust any of them with my money (or my mother as it would seem) but it all makes for a hell of an interesting saga for the neutral onlooker. I feel for the fans out of pocket because the more this goes on the more the stories are getting clouded and you just wouldn't know who to trust or believe. I know Adam Curtis (somebody I do have alot of faith in) keeps saying that one day he'll tell his story well for the sake of those out of pocket maybe now would be a good time to offer them some hope in this situation.

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Even if thats so, it's sickening that Rodd has just said "Not my problem" and walked off whistling. He's even abandoned the fan page now. Think this should go to the courts and let them decide who is responsible for the debts and who should be paying back these poor sods that are
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This is exactly what I was going to say. Danny mudslinging in the direction of Maurice and Lynskey tells me that he has plenty to hide. They're all as bad as eachother in my book and I wouldn't trust any of them with my money (or my mother as it would seem) but it all makes for a hell of an interesting saga for the neutral onlooker. I feel for the fans out of pocket because the more this goes on the more the stories are getting clouded and you just wouldn't know who to trust or believe. I know Adam Curtis (somebody I do have alot of faith in) keeps saying that one day he'll tell his story well for the sake of those out of pocket maybe now would be a good time to offer them some hope in this situation.


Trust me when I tell you, his side of the story wouldn't give ANYBODY any hope. Adam may just have lost out the most of any single person in this whole fiasco

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Trust me when I tell you, his side of the story wouldn't give ANYBODY any hope. Adam may just have lost out the most of any single person in this whole fiasco



This plot just keeps getting thicker. Shame about Adam if that's true; he's the one member of 1PW management who 'seemed' reliable. OK, I don;t know him well enough to say that as a definate but he certainly always seemed to be doing the right thing throughout all of 1PW's many incarnations. No wonder his faith in Britwres disappeared.


....and anyway Mark....don;t you have an update to be busying yourself with?! ;)

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