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1PW show off........time to pay up now Danny Boy!


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so Danny didnt want to bring 1PW back but Maurice got involved and persuaded him. So the cock ups of 2010 were Danny's fault, not Maurice's. I cant believe he can have tickets not sent out when charging for postage and DVDs paid for and not received and try to divert all attention to someone else about something else. As usual the selective truth is told and still so many people are out of pocket for other issues, whether it be

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When I spoke to Maurice he told a slightly different story. I realise that he could very well have been feeding me bullshit as he was conning me, so I'm not saying Danny is lying but these are some of the things Maurice told me.


Danny has the code to change details with Companies House and that is why his name is still listed as a director.

Maurice paid all money to Danny from the enterprizeebay account when he "officially" resigned.

Maurice wanted a ring fence account set up that would release the funds once the show had taken place to prevent things like this from happening.


I just want to make it clear that I'm not siding with Maurice or neccessarily believing him either, I just think that some of the points Danny made on the statement needed addressing.


What I do find quite funny though is Danny telling people to do research about Maurice yet Danny didn't do all of this research BEFORE he decided to set up shop with him.

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I think it's very important that everybody remembers that Danny has now quit 1PW. So as he walked into the 1PW offices and hands in his resignation does it still make a sound when a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it?

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To One Pro Wrestling Fans, Friends and Critics


After an extremely difficult few weeks, I would like to take the time to finally publish my side of the horrible situation that has unfolded at 1PW. There is currently a great deal of hearsay and slander going around, but what I will post here will be facts and facts only.


First of all: refunds.

I have issued most of the refunds that I can do personally. The remaining refunds owed need to come via Maurice. Any payments made to enterprizeebay and studio@freshdigitalradio need to go through that very account. Any monies sent to those accounts were sent to Maurice F Brooks. I have zero access to either account and thus cannot refund the money. If any monies were withdrawn from that PayPal account to a bank account it was direct to Maurice’s Bank account, not mine or 1PW’s Bank Account. Please see the details from Paypal’s User Agreement below for confirmation that I am unable to do this:


Section 10 of PayPals User Agreement


10. Your Liability – Actions We May Take

10.1 Your Liability.

You are responsible for all Reversals, Chargebacks, fees, fines, penalties and other liability incurred by PayPal, a PayPal User, or a third party caused by your use of the Services and/or arising from your breach of this Agreement. You agree to reimburse PayPal, a User, or a third party for any and all such liability.



If people spent their energy doing some in-depth research like I have myself, instead of jumping to the nearest public forum to spread your gossip, they would see some very interesting things about Maurice.


Aside from coming on board with 1PW to be a Director, Secretary & Accountant., Maurice has been a Director of 14 different companies in the last 15 years and involved in 26 companies that have been dissolved, insolved/or bankrupted.


Fact, Maurice is STILL a Director, Secretary & Accountant for 1PW. I have NEVER had any paper work from him to say he is leaving, nor has Maurice ever sent off to companies house to say that he has resigned.

As you can view here - http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/4456/heheg.png


However, as of early this week I have resigned as a director of 1PW and have nothing more to with the company.

I will assist the fans the best I can with issues that I feel I can help with. But for me to carry on with a person with such a mysterious background, given the threats I have received personally and to my family because of things that are beyond my control and management, would be utterly unacceptable. I no longer wish to be associated with Maurice or 1PW.


While I understand I am looked upon as the front of One Pro Wrestling Ltd to many people, I would like to make it known now that my involvement with 1PW was Booking Venues, Talents, Artwork & even doing interviews now and then. The money, legal and business side was dealt with by Maurice as that was his apparent “strong point”.


i know there is a lot to take in here, and that people will no doubt struggle to accept this as the truth, but if you do not believe me, feel free to file for a company credit check on Maurice. It lists 14 company names in the last 15 years Maurice has been involved in. Or, you could even check here -http://www.snoop4directors.co.uk. On the right hand side enter Maurice Brookes, look at the 5th one down and it will show you right before your very eyes. 26 Companies, but the company names are not listed. For instance.



Company Number: 03586791 & 03257771

Type that in companies house, make sure all 4 boxes are ticked and see what you get.


People are calling me a con man, threatening my family members, making Facebook hate pages and Yutube videos calling me out (hey, Renfrew, I didn’t know you were that desperate for bookings? I only found out you were a wrestler just now. I thought you were a random alcoholic fan who likes to rap battle with girls during a show! My bad. The only time we spoke is when you asked some food and some of the booze we had...).


Whilst we are on this subject of people doing silly things: Lynskey, really? Trying to play the good guy? Shameful. Seeing as you like to spread a lot of crap about me, why don’t I spread some FACTS about you? I am sure your wife would love to hear about all the female fans you’ve gotten into bed during shows, or maybe even the dirty perverted PMs you have sent to my mum and ex girlfriend? I mean, I could very easily post all them, couldn’t I?


Why has this taken so long to come out to the public? Quite simply, things like this take some time. Rather than issue statements based on theories, my solicitor and I felt it was best to issue one only once we had the full facts in front of us.


There are many other things I could touch onto with Maurice, from his Lordship title, to his parading as an apparently wealthy business man, but this is neither the time nor the place to disclose these, If you want to do your own digging on him, by all means please do.


It actually saddens me to see how this has ended up. Too many good people have been hurt because I trusted the wrong person, and for that I am sorry.


I am sorry that the fans fell victim to this, and Adam Curtis is another person that I feel truly sorry for. He worked his fucking ass off to make the 1PW Storylines the best he could, and he even helped out by taking some PayPal money for us while Maurice’s was froze. Adam instantly transferred it to Maurice when Maurice’s account was reinstated, and now Adam is also left with a massive problem, as the money he took on behalf of Maurice, he cannot get back to issue refunds


Honestly, I didn’t want to bring 1PW back after 2010 and all my mistakes from back then which I have always said was totally and 100% my fault, nobody else’s, but after seeing a article or two about how UK wrestling used to be so good, and having seen Maurice itching to have a go at doing this, I decided to take a punt.


Hindsight is a wonderful thing. If I knew then what I know now, none of this would have ever happened and 1PW would have stayed on the shelf.


Thank you for reading.




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I like how the "formal" statement Danny still throws the shit out. For Christ's sake, it's not really the time to be throwing punches, is it?


The biggest problem people had with Danny was not the things he done, but more so the fact he was silent about what was going on, wouldn't answer questions, and was deleting anything negative or inquisitive from those that was owed. That was what really pissed people off.


Funny how this comes mere hours after I text a number given for him to say he had until Tuesday before I take legal action. If those two events are related and Danny is reading this, then I'd like to inform/remind him that the legal action will be taken against him personally and not One Pro Wrestling Ltd, as the deal agreement was via his personal email account, and not a @oneprowrestling.com email address.


EDIT: Also, isn't a limited company required to have two directors?

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  • Paid Members
I like how the "formal" statement Danny still throws the shit out. For Christ's sake, it's not really the time to be throwing punches, is it?


The biggest problem people had with Danny was not the things he done, but more so the fact he was silent about what was going on, wouldn't answer questions, and was deleting anything negative or inquisitive from those that was owed. That was what really pissed people off.


Funny how this comes mere hours after I text a number given for him to say he had until Tuesday before I take legal action. If those two events are related and Danny is reading this, then I'd like to inform/remind him that the legal action will be taken against him personally and not One Pro Wrestling Ltd, as the deal agreement was via his personal email account, and not a @oneprowrestling.com email address.


EDIT: Also, isn't a limited company required to have two directors?


RE: THE STATEMENT... and this suprised you? mate, their marks

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To One Pro Wrestling Fans, Friends and Critics


After an extremely difficult few weeks, I would like to take the time to finally publish my side of the horrible situation that has unfolded at 1PW. There is currently a great deal of hearsay and slander going around, but what I will post here will be facts and facts only.


First of all: refunds.

I have issued most of the refunds that I can do personally. The remaining refunds owed need to come via Maurice. Any payments made to enterprizeebay and studio@freshdigitalradio need to go through that very account. Any monies sent to those accounts were sent to Maurice F Brooks. I have zero access to either account and thus cannot refund the money. If any monies were withdrawn from that PayPal account to a bank account it was direct to Maurice

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If only I could quote my post from months ago saying how Maurice was being set up as a scapegoat to take the fall but alas it could be any of the many sleaze threads. Rodd is so predictable, its never his fault. He's always a poor victim.


But, just suppose he is telling the truth here, which I heavily doubt, he's basically said, "Hey, i got in bed with a guy thats a huge business failure, I found tons of shit on him after the fact, I could have checked beforehand but I didn't cause I'm a stupid, gullible, naive mark cunt that couldn't wait to book huge names in order to get fellated online by fans and get back in their good graces, I didn't check before cause I don't really care about the fans possibly getting ripped off, I just wanna take ex-WWE guys' finishing moves so i can feed my ego. So if you got ripped off, tough tits cause I left ages ago and have been innocently sipping lager shandy's in the pub knowing its not my mess, oh by the way, Psssssst, you hear about Lynskey *insert tons of libel*. Please believe me, I'm an honest man and just as much a victim as all you guys"


Oh and by the way the spam filter is deleting all the FB comments according to Rodd, who still runs all the 1PW sites despite quitting, and thats why 300 posts on there have vanished, most days after they were posted, its not Rodd, its the spam filter. Always someone or something else is to blame at Rodd Towers. What a cuntfaced twat.

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I just love the bit about lynskey trying to fuck rodd's mum and girlfriend, and ring rats as well.

To be fair though, if you're lynskey, bird or not you're gonna take whatever comes up from whatever name you can make for yourself, cos that face and build ain't gonna do it on their own.

There's a joke somewhere about lynskey and rings which really should be made, but buggered if I can come up with it.

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Well Well Well,


i honestly couldn't see the ole Secondary School "it wasnt me Miss" line coming. I think that shambles of a statement just shows no one is getting their money back. Has Maurice got it? he says no. Has danny got it? he says no. Oh and by the way Danny i would sack your solicitor if he advised you on that statement because it comes across as though a 12 year old wrote it.


Its an absolute clusterfuck and how on earth they can call themselves a company. its bollocks!


So Danny after the past year isn't 1pw owner at all? hmmm.... he has sure portrayed himself as that.

This whole thing makes me so angry and i have never parted ways with my cash to 1pw or Danny Rodd.


The simple fact that when you read the comments on FB, its ridiculous how many email addresses Danny and 1pw have used to take payment, a new one keeps cropping up every day. Its alarming.


I love the fact that Danny is pretty much saying, people who paid need to sort it out amongst themselves..... i own my own company and if i knew i owed people money and it was going to completely destroy my reputation i would be trying any which way to sort it out and make sure people got whats theirs.



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