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Edge V Bret

Mr Lawrence

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Bret by a mile (don't let my avatar fool you, I'm just too lazy to change it back from when I was playing as Edge in a mafia game). Never really bought into Edge as a singles wrestler tbh, I thought his chemistry with Christian made him 10x more enjoyable to watch, and while he's pulled out numerous good matches, there's not one of his singles matches I'd call outstanding or particularly memorable.

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I'm confused how Edge is more entertaining though... because Bret had great match after great match which were all thoroughly entertaining... and Edge was boring as fuck. So I don't get all these votes for Edge really.

Where you're getting confused is thinking that your opinion is fact and that everyone who disagrees has missed something. That's not the case. Bret Hart's matches definitely weren't entertaining to everyone, nor was Edge boring to everyone. Some people prefer a bland fella who did the boring technical workrate stuff and had the charisma of a footballer, which made him seem more like a real sportsman. Some people prefer a goofy skinny lad who didn't do as much of the technical workrate stuff but could talk properly and fell off ladders through tables.


You must all be under the age of 25 or something, right? You all surely aint in my age group, right??

Probably. Everyone who's choosing Edge is just doing so out of childhood nostalgia, the same way you're doing with Bret.


But, yeah, Bret's exciting because he always had the best matches. Every night....

By what criteria?


why's Edge exciting for Edgeheads? Is it a case of long blonde hair and goofey acting with some stupid promos thrown in?

Anyone can use that sort of reductive nonsense. What is it about Bret Hart? Is it a case of long greasy dark hair and wooden acting with the personality of a brick thrown in? Is it the awesomeness of the pink sunglasses? Is it the shoulderpads?


I think this mostly sums it up for me, I'm 23 so i didn't really see Bret at his peak at the time, wrestling is more exciting when current, you get involved with the storylines, the drama, you feel a part of it and i missed that with Bret. However, I tend to find a lot of these 'technical' wrestlers to be bland, i thought benoit was an utter bore, aside from a few bits here and there - the style doesn't grip me and i'd prefer to watch people such as: HBK, Jericho, Edge etc. I find the showman ship of wrestling to be such a big part of it, the wrestling itself is only 10% of the entertainment, it's the rest that brings it together. That said, i do like a good technical match, I just appreciate it in a different way and having said that some people i like when they do them, some i don't and from what i've seen of bret he isn't one i like.

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Has to be Bret for me.


Was my fav Wrestler growing up an for good reason


Will always love King of the Ring when he had three great matches in one night.


Whilst Edge was good...Really good,it took me a long time to think of him as a top guy


Both a credit to the industry tho

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