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WWE Double Scum Mafia *GAME OVER*

Ron Simmons

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I FOS'd you, Bristep. I think the whole Mike wagon was suspicious, but wagon-reading is tough in this game because scum may appear to be acting like town, depending on who they're trying to lynch. I'm absolutely certain of Snake's scumminess, though. I can't be sure that you're not just misguided. Depending on what happens to Snake today, I'll be looking at you tomorrow. On the other hand, if everyone else goes for you and a Snake lynch looks impossible, I'm less uncomfortable with switching my vote to you today than I was with switching on to Mike's.


Why is that though? Explain why you find me scummy. Is it based on my actions? If so what do you think those actions mean and how does it make me scum?


I'm still waiting to hear your case on me...

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Firstly, my apologies for not posting much yesterday, i'd say i was busy but i'd be lying, i was just chilling out with my partner all day and couldn't bring myself to do the reading i needed to do here.


Right so, I looked through Lion's interactions, if i'm honest absolutely nothing stands out to me, he actually managed to go through that whole day phase saying next to nothing and it's my belief that because of TDK and Snakes play he wasn't picked up on it all that much. Lion was posting nothingness but with the other 2 doing so in a much much more provocative way he wasn't pulled up on it. I'm not saying this makes either guilty, but i am saying their play certainly didn't help town.


Now, the Mike lynch, it has to be spoken about at some point right?


It's confusing, it's really really odd and looking back on it quite scummy in the way it built votes. We had reasons for other people to be lynched, we had people going at each other with little more than suspicion but for some reason Mike pushing on Snake was automatically repelled. I mean the argument against mike seemed to come down to 'You're trying to get snake lynched for reason X, i Don't think X makes much sense, you're attatching it to him and that is scummy!'.

Do i believe Snake's comment was indicative of him and Nexus being in the IC? I really couldn't be sure either way - it does seem like a stupid thing for Snake to say though, doesn't it?

In my mind the main pusher of this lynch was obviously bristep to which he admits he had his vote on Mike long before the above case that most people ran with however, his vote stemmed from the fact that mike had voted for him previously due to supposedly trying to work out the code which TDK had posted. Was the vote on Snake from Mike an oppertunity for Bristep to mount an argument on Mike? I believe so whether rightfully so or not it did further push any suspicion mike cast on bristep further to the side. In essence the wagon on mike started because he got on bristep. TDK whilst posting non-sense a lot seemed to hit his peak during this time, or at least his efforts became more about derailing the argument against Snake, the mountain out of a molehill picture very much belittled any argument against Snake and insinuated Mike had other motives, at least in my mind.


I don't think the Wagon was about protecting Snake, whilst that may have been the effect it had, we now have a situation where Bristep is questioning Snake, i'd say Bristep managed to pull the attention off of himself, used the attention on Snake to further push onto mike and now would happily see Snake take the lynch for it. It's my opinion that we got it wrong both on Snake and Mike, Bristep is our scum and i think TDK is sat on the same team.


If the town decides to go with Mike's argument, then once Snake vindicates my concerns if he flips town Mike has to go. He just has to. Then Nexus, his buddy.


Then tell me, since the town went with Snake's argument, and mike flipped town, why does Snake not have to go? Surely if it's either or it should work both ways?


Add onto that - 2 of your 3 scum picks are currently voting for you, with Nexus just adding himself on. Would Kenny and Carbomb sit on your wagon by themselves for so long without anyone else joining?


You seem to be accusing him of running after people for voting for him, is that not how this all began?


FOS: Teedy Kay


So earlier I was scummy for not asking questions, and now I'm scummy for asking questions.


Well done Chris, you've accused me of being suspect for completely polar reasons within the same day phase.


First of all, that thing about turning my quote around, about Snake's flip and lynching Mike next, it's not a straight swap. I was the one pushing the lynch on Mike, not Snake so Mike's town flip doesn't make Snake seem any more or less scummy. Mike could have been wrong about him, just as I was wrong about Mike. Plus that question from you "Surely Snake is next to flip based on what you said" goes against your theorum that I'm now trying to push Snake as the next scum. I mean you're right, voting for Kenny, then Nicko, then Seph, I can see how you'd think I was now pushing Snake as today's lynch in the wake of Mike's flip OR MAYBE I CAN'T.


I haven't made any accusations towards Snake, I asked him some questions one of which was whether he thought that 2 of his scum picks would sit as 1 and 2 on his wagon. YOU have inferred that I was accusing him of being scum.


You've made a direct contradiction here. First you imply that I'm suspect for not suspecting Snake, then you accuse me of setting him up to be today's lynch. Which is it?


As regards TDK and myself being on the team, which team are we Chris? The team with dead Lion? If so which of us is the IC? If we're the other team then who is our number 3?

Who are the other 3 scum? Who are your suspects there?

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I voted for Mike because Snake had me chuckle a bit in Day One.


And enough of my code, Christ the answer to that is easily found.


So many clues from me that haven't been picked up yet too! Hee Hee.


And the only reply to this:



Is the simple retort of:


You can't actually vote or FOS me anyway Chris Stone, if that is your real name.

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Firstly, my apologies for not posting much yesterday, i'd say i was busy but i'd be lying, i was just chilling out with my partner all day and couldn't bring myself to do the reading i needed to do here.


Right so, I looked through Lion's interactions, if i'm honest absolutely nothing stands out to me, he actually managed to go through that whole day phase saying next to nothing and it's my belief that because of TDK and Snakes play he wasn't picked up on it all that much. Lion was posting nothingness but with the other 2 doing so in a much much more provocative way he wasn't pulled up on it. I'm not saying this makes either guilty, but i am saying their play certainly didn't help town.


Now, the Mike lynch, it has to be spoken about at some point right?


It's confusing, it's really really odd and looking back on it quite scummy in the way it built votes. We had reasons for other people to be lynched, we had people going at each other with little more than suspicion but for some reason Mike pushing on Snake was automatically repelled. I mean the argument against mike seemed to come down to 'You're trying to get snake lynched for reason X, i Don't think X makes much sense, you're attatching it to him and that is scummy!'.

Do i believe Snake's comment was indicative of him and Nexus being in the IC? I really couldn't be sure either way - it does seem like a stupid thing for Snake to say though, doesn't it?

In my mind the main pusher of this lynch was obviously bristep to which he admits he had his vote on Mike long before the above case that most people ran with however, his vote stemmed from the fact that mike had voted for him previously due to supposedly trying to work out the code which TDK had posted. Was the vote on Snake from Mike an oppertunity for Bristep to mount an argument on Mike? I believe so whether rightfully so or not it did further push any suspicion mike cast on bristep further to the side. In essence the wagon on mike started because he got on bristep. TDK whilst posting non-sense a lot seemed to hit his peak during this time, or at least his efforts became more about derailing the argument against Snake, the mountain out of a molehill picture very much belittled any argument against Snake and insinuated Mike had other motives, at least in my mind.


I don't think the Wagon was about protecting Snake, whilst that may have been the effect it had, we now have a situation where Bristep is questioning Snake, i'd say Bristep managed to pull the attention off of himself, used the attention on Snake to further push onto mike and now would happily see Snake take the lynch for it. It's my opinion that we got it wrong both on Snake and Mike, Bristep is our scum and i think TDK is sat on the same team.


If the town decides to go with Mike's argument, then once Snake vindicates my concerns if he flips town Mike has to go. He just has to. Then Nexus, his buddy.


Then tell me, since the town went with Snake's argument, and mike flipped town, why does Snake not have to go? Surely if it's either or it should work both ways?


Add onto that - 2 of your 3 scum picks are currently voting for you, with Nexus just adding himself on. Would Kenny and Carbomb sit on your wagon by themselves for so long without anyone else joining?


You seem to be accusing him of running after people for voting for him, is that not how this all began?


FOS: Teedy Kay


So earlier I was scummy for not asking questions, and now I'm scummy for asking questions.


Well done Chris, you've accused me of being suspect for completely polar reasons within the same day phase.


First of all, that thing about turning my quote around, about Snake's flip and lynching Mike next, it's not a straight swap. I was the one pushing the lynch on Mike, not Snake so Mike's town flip doesn't make Snake seem any more or less scummy. Mike could have been wrong about him, just as I was wrong about Mike. Plus that question from you "Surely Snake is next to flip based on what you said" goes against your theorum that I'm now trying to push Snake as the next scum. I mean you're right, voting for Kenny, then Nicko, then Seph, I can see how you'd think I was now pushing Snake as today's lynch in the wake of Mike's flip OR MAYBE I CAN'T.


I haven't made any accusations towards Snake, I asked him some questions one of which was whether he thought that 2 of his scum picks would sit as 1 and 2 on his wagon. YOU have inferred that I was accusing him of being scum.


You've made a direct contradiction here. First you imply that I'm suspect for not suspecting Snake, then you accuse me of setting him up to be today's lynch. Which is it?


As regards TDK and myself being on the team, which team are we Chris? The team with dead Lion? If so which of us is the IC? If we're the other team then who is our number 3?

Who are the other 3 scum? Who are your suspects there?


The thing is, whilst you pushed against mike in the way you did you couldn't come out and say 'And if Mike flips town, lets jump on Snake' but the questions you asked in my mind to push a little suspicion toward him. Personally I think you didn't expect to be able to Mike out in the last day phase, at least at the point where you made that quote, you still thought snake would be hung, so it's easy to push the suspicion on mike the next day. You can't do that so easily this way around, you can however hope that Snake would be brought to justice for his hand in killing mike, after all, even I before i read back the thread thought you had voted him when he voted Snake, i had to remind myself of what had happened before.


You posed questions toward Snake, i find the mention of '2 of your suspicions are voting for you, do you really think they'd sit on a wagon alone as scum?' to be leading, of course you want him to say 'No, that doesnt make sense' then 'ah, so how can they be your suspicions?'. It also echo's what happened in the lynching of mike, you sat on that wagon for quite some time, would ANYBODY do that if scum?! Your questions can and likely would have easily led to a lot of questions toward Snake, they also only came up after the mike lynch was hinted at... were you waiting for that in?


Now on to your questions:


If you are on the same team and that team is the one which only has 2 members left i'd suggest that you're like the IC - the wagon on mike built quickly and i wouldn't be surprised if the IC as well as scum team were pushing that along. However, they're big if's and i can't say that it's 100%.


As for other scum members right now? I'm not 100% sure, i realise even if i'm right about the two of you there's 3 left and I don't have much of a read on them, Nexus perhaps, if i'm wrong in my theory i think perhaps snake, but i honestly do believe the theory i've came up with so far over the idea that Snake is scum.

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Firstly, my apologies for not posting much yesterday, i'd say i was busy but i'd be lying, i was just chilling out with my partner all day and couldn't bring myself to do the reading i needed to do here.


Right so, I looked through Lion's interactions, if i'm honest absolutely nothing stands out to me, he actually managed to go through that whole day phase saying next to nothing and it's my belief that because of TDK and Snakes play he wasn't picked up on it all that much. Lion was posting nothingness but with the other 2 doing so in a much much more provocative way he wasn't pulled up on it. I'm not saying this makes either guilty, but i am saying their play certainly didn't help town.


Now, the Mike lynch, it has to be spoken about at some point right?


It's confusing, it's really really odd and looking back on it quite scummy in the way it built votes. We had reasons for other people to be lynched, we had people going at each other with little more than suspicion but for some reason Mike pushing on Snake was automatically repelled. I mean the argument against mike seemed to come down to 'You're trying to get snake lynched for reason X, i Don't think X makes much sense, you're attatching it to him and that is scummy!'.

Do i believe Snake's comment was indicative of him and Nexus being in the IC? I really couldn't be sure either way - it does seem like a stupid thing for Snake to say though, doesn't it?

In my mind the main pusher of this lynch was obviously bristep to which he admits he had his vote on Mike long before the above case that most people ran with however, his vote stemmed from the fact that mike had voted for him previously due to supposedly trying to work out the code which TDK had posted. Was the vote on Snake from Mike an oppertunity for Bristep to mount an argument on Mike? I believe so whether rightfully so or not it did further push any suspicion mike cast on bristep further to the side. In essence the wagon on mike started because he got on bristep. TDK whilst posting non-sense a lot seemed to hit his peak during this time, or at least his efforts became more about derailing the argument against Snake, the mountain out of a molehill picture very much belittled any argument against Snake and insinuated Mike had other motives, at least in my mind.


I don't think the Wagon was about protecting Snake, whilst that may have been the effect it had, we now have a situation where Bristep is questioning Snake, i'd say Bristep managed to pull the attention off of himself, used the attention on Snake to further push onto mike and now would happily see Snake take the lynch for it. It's my opinion that we got it wrong both on Snake and Mike, Bristep is our scum and i think TDK is sat on the same team.


If the town decides to go with Mike's argument, then once Snake vindicates my concerns if he flips town Mike has to go. He just has to. Then Nexus, his buddy.


Then tell me, since the town went with Snake's argument, and mike flipped town, why does Snake not have to go? Surely if it's either or it should work both ways?


Add onto that - 2 of your 3 scum picks are currently voting for you, with Nexus just adding himself on. Would Kenny and Carbomb sit on your wagon by themselves for so long without anyone else joining?


You seem to be accusing him of running after people for voting for him, is that not how this all began?


FOS: Teedy Kay


So earlier I was scummy for not asking questions, and now I'm scummy for asking questions.


Well done Chris, you've accused me of being suspect for completely polar reasons within the same day phase.


First of all, that thing about turning my quote around, about Snake's flip and lynching Mike next, it's not a straight swap. I was the one pushing the lynch on Mike, not Snake so Mike's town flip doesn't make Snake seem any more or less scummy. Mike could have been wrong about him, just as I was wrong about Mike. Plus that question from you "Surely Snake is next to flip based on what you said" goes against your theorum that I'm now trying to push Snake as the next scum. I mean you're right, voting for Kenny, then Nicko, then Seph, I can see how you'd think I was now pushing Snake as today's lynch in the wake of Mike's flip OR MAYBE I CAN'T.


I haven't made any accusations towards Snake, I asked him some questions one of which was whether he thought that 2 of his scum picks would sit as 1 and 2 on his wagon. YOU have inferred that I was accusing him of being scum.


You've made a direct contradiction here. First you imply that I'm suspect for not suspecting Snake, then you accuse me of setting him up to be today's lynch. Which is it?


As regards TDK and myself being on the team, which team are we Chris? The team with dead Lion? If so which of us is the IC? If we're the other team then who is our number 3?

Who are the other 3 scum? Who are your suspects there?


The thing is, whilst you pushed against mike in the way you did you couldn't come out and say 'And if Mike flips town, lets jump on Snake' but the questions you asked in my mind to push a little suspicion toward him. Personally I think you didn't expect to be able to Mike out in the last day phase, at least at the point where you made that quote, you still thought snake would be hung, so it's easy to push the suspicion on mike the next day. You can't do that so easily this way around, you can however hope that Snake would be brought to justice for his hand in killing mike, after all, even I before i read back the thread thought you had voted him when he voted Snake, i had to remind myself of what had happened before.


You posed questions toward Snake, i find the mention of '2 of your suspicions are voting for you, do you really think they'd sit on a wagon alone as scum?' to be leading, of course you want him to say 'No, that doesnt make sense' then 'ah, so how can they be your suspicions?'. It also echo's what happened in the lynching of mike, you sat on that wagon for quite some time, would ANYBODY do that if scum?! Your questions can and likely would have easily led to a lot of questions toward Snake, they also only came up after the mike lynch was hinted at... were you waiting for that in?


Now on to your questions:


If you are on the same team and that team is the one which only has 2 members left i'd suggest that you're like the IC - the wagon on mike built quickly and i wouldn't be surprised if the IC as well as scum team were pushing that along. However, they're big if's and i can't say that it's 100%.


As for other scum members right now? I'm not 100% sure, i realise even if i'm right about the two of you there's 3 left and I don't have much of a read on them, Nexus perhaps, if i'm wrong in my theory i think perhaps snake, but i honestly do believe the theory i've came up with so far over the idea that Snake is scum.


Again I'll say this. Your theory about me wanting to lynch Snake is based on conjecture. I've asked him 4 questions, 3 days into the phase where I really haven't paid him much heed up to now. I wanted some expansion on his scumreads and I asked for it. You have installed motive and reasoning into my questions where there isn't any.


Anyway, back to the thing you failed to address. Earlier in the day you pushed me as suspect because I didn't ask any questions. Now you're pushing me as scum because I did ask questions.


WASUPWITDAT? Oh wait Brownie is Hurricane, not me.

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I'm pretty sure part of my push was that you wouldn't make a case, not that you weren't asking questions and you asking Snake things in itself means nothing to the points i've raised now. My analysis of the last day and your actions there, the way the wagon on mike progressed is what holds my argument together. The fact you're asking Snake questions at this point in the way you did just leads me to further believe that protecting Snake wasn't your main concern, you wanted Mike dead. The idea that you now want Snake dead, is conjecture but i think it to be pretty well backed up from the previous days play, if you're scum you absolutely would want to see Snake die now.

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I'm pretty sure part of my push was that you wouldn't make a case, not that you weren't asking questions and you asking Snake things in itself means nothing to the points i've raised now. My analysis of the last day and your actions there, the way the wagon on mike progressed is what holds my argument together. The fact you're asking Snake questions at this point in the way you did just leads me to further believe that protecting Snake wasn't your main concern, you wanted Mike dead. The idea that you now want Snake dead, is conjecture but i think it to be pretty well backed up from the previous days play, if you're scum you absolutely would want to see Snake die now.


I shot Lion.



Vote Chris_Stone

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I'm pretty sure part of my push was that you wouldn't make a case, not that you weren't asking questions and you asking Snake things in itself means nothing to the points i've raised now. My analysis of the last day and your actions there, the way the wagon on mike progressed is what holds my argument together. The fact you're asking Snake questions at this point in the way you did just leads me to further believe that protecting Snake wasn't your main concern, you wanted Mike dead. The idea that you now want Snake dead, is conjecture but i think it to be pretty well backed up from the previous days play, if you're scum you absolutely would want to see Snake die now.


I shot Lion.



Vote Chris_Stone


That is an extremely quick claim, isn't it Bristep? Even if true it doesn't mean i am scum for suspecting you. Tell me, what convinces you that i am?

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It's not a quick claim, quick would have been coming straight out of night phase blowing the smoke off my gun (or downstairs lady bits as it goes).


I just think that your whole theory on me wanting Snake dead is really contrived, it goes completely against what we argued about the other day and it's been kicked off by a few general questions that I asked of him. It's a large leap of logic to say that my questioning of Snake's scumspects is in any way a commentary that I want him dead, and one that is only facilitated by taking day1 and twisting the facts around a little to fit. Since I know I'm town, I know that you're either wrong or have scum motivation for doing so. Throwing in TDK wasreally suspect too, you and Seph are on the same team if I have my reads right so it's good to see you're backing up your buddy by throwing his main antagonist as my buddy.

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It's not a quick claim, quick would have been coming straight out of night phase blowing the smoke off my gun (or downstairs lady bits as it goes).


I just think that your whole theory on me wanting Snake dead is really contrived, it goes completely against what we argued about the other day and it's been kicked off by a few general questions that I asked of him. It's a large leap of logic to say that my questioning of Snake's scumspects is in any way a commentary that I want him dead, and one that is only facilitated by taking day1 and twisting the facts around a little to fit. Since I know I'm town, I know that you're either wrong or have scum motivation for doing so. Throwing in TDK wasreally suspect too, you and Seph are on the same team if I have my reads right so it's good to see you're backing up your buddy by throwing his main antagonist as my buddy.


I had actually typed the first bit of my first big post toward you before i noticed that you had asked Snake questions (thus why it is tacked on to the end). As i've already said, that was not the main consideration for push on you, and whilst you may well be the one shot vig as you claim (i've no reason to disbelieve that and you did question me on congratulating the vig etc) you should at least see that my reasoning is / was sound. Your vote on Mike did seem reactionairy, you did continue to push on Mike when the Snake issue came up and you were in a perfect position to be scum leading a wagon. I'm willing to admit I was wrong about the circumstances and that in itself does not paint Snake in a good light in my mind. I added TDK in simply because of his picture, which pops up as soon as Mikes arguement against Snake picks up steam, it's not a massive link and it was a short sentence in my post. Am i convinced TDK is town? Absolutely not, but i now know that he's not linked to you. You have to remember the information I had to work with, I knew mike was town, I knew the reasons for lynching him were fairly weak (something i said pre lynch if you look back) and that the wagon on him seemed scummy, your part in it can easily be seen to be.


The wagon on mike did seem to be about protecting Snake, it was quick and reactionairy just as Snakes vote was, with the information i had however, i thought that scum had propelled it from the begining.


I'd like to see Snake answer the questions you've posed now, I'd ask for more of TDK and why he played down mike's arguement but not snakes (that i remember) but i feel that is unlikely to happen.



FOS: Snake

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I'm pretty sure part of my push was that you wouldn't make a case, not that you weren't asking questions and you asking Snake things in itself means nothing to the points i've raised now. My analysis of the last day and your actions there, the way the wagon on mike progressed is what holds my argument together. The fact you're asking Snake questions at this point in the way you did just leads me to further believe that protecting Snake wasn't your main concern, you wanted Mike dead. The idea that you now want Snake dead, is conjecture but i think it to be pretty well backed up from the previous days play, if you're scum you absolutely would want to see Snake die now.


I shot Lion.



Vote Chris_Stone


You may have shot lion but how do we know your not scum? You haven't claimed vig you have just claimed to have clipped lion, how do we know you aren't smackdown scum? and I haven't forgotten about my round up I have been extremely busy the last few days, ill get it done as soon as I can.

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I'm pretty sure part of my push was that you wouldn't make a case, not that you weren't asking questions and you asking Snake things in itself means nothing to the points i've raised now. My analysis of the last day and your actions there, the way the wagon on mike progressed is what holds my argument together. The fact you're asking Snake questions at this point in the way you did just leads me to further believe that protecting Snake wasn't your main concern, you wanted Mike dead. The idea that you now want Snake dead, is conjecture but i think it to be pretty well backed up from the previous days play, if you're scum you absolutely would want to see Snake die now.


I shot Lion.



Vote Chris_Stone


You may have shot lion but how do we know your not scum? You haven't claimed vig you have just claimed to have clipped lion, how do we know you aren't smackdown scum? and I haven't forgotten about my round up I have been extremely busy the last few days, ill get it done as soon as I can.


Le Sigh. I was a vig, and I shot Lion. Really? That couldn't be inferred from my post?

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