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WWE Double Scum Mafia *GAME OVER*

Ron Simmons

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I've explained my thoughts on kennys 'role fishing' and why i don't think it to be an issue, the fact some do find issue with it however isn't surprising.


If we're pulling people up on such things as congratulating the vig on a good shot (again an assumption it was the vig - though feel free to believe i'm scum because of it - funny you didn't aknowledge the fact it could also mean i was the vig who did it (i wasnt - but it would be possible if you're reading into it)) now pulling following the line on Brownie (even if he is smackdown scum, does anyone know it wouldnt be announced in red? It may well be, we simply don't know and from what i took from his statement was taking out scum not a specific team)


First point about the scum colours. I've played a couple of games with 2 sets of scum and they're usually differently coloured when they flip. I didn't think about there being 2 teams when I made the flip some reds comment, I was just being cocky and brownie rightly picked up on it. Usual form is that different scum teams have different colours when they flip.


That was me that said that for the record. As it happens, I'm voting for Brownie not necessarily because I suspect he's RAW scum (though I do) but because I think his interaction with Lion is our best lead following Lion's flip.


Ah so it was. Soz min.

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I seem to be getting who posted what confused in my mind now!


When i do my read through a bit later i'll make sure to take note of interaction between Brownie and Lion, hopefully that will lead to good information. Although at this point i'll be looking at all of Lion's interactions - shame there aren't going to be many :(

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I'm just waiting for Bristep to pull out the WIFOM defence... Seems its been a whole day phase snce he did it last.


Well I'm not going to do it *now* am I. Isn't it OMGUS you say I always do anyway? At least be consistent with the snide remarks sweetheart.

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OMGUS WIFOM its all the same. A bunch of capitals that are helpful at making everyone bow down at your greatness of playing MS.


Fo Sure Word Life.



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Just to highlight one very valid point.


When one person is Town and they do something that warrants a host of folks, usually other Town members, to go after them for the lynch. It should be noted that a OMGUS defence is 100% valid.


I am a massive advocate of them, and people should not be so quick to dismiss them.


WIFOM defences also have there place in every game if you ARE town and are trying to defend yourself.


So can we please quit with the 'You defence is cack and smells of poop' attacks, they are just as clich

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OMGUS WIFOM its all the same. A bunch of capitals that are helpful at making everyone bow down at your greatness of playing MS.


Fo Sure Word Life.




Well aren't I delighted I actually defended when nexus called you a bad player. What would you like me to do to make my play more tolerable for you?

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Had a read through this morning after the flips. Lets start whittling down those red players even more shall we?


Interesting choice of words there Bristep. Any reason you only want to "whittle down" the Red players? After all the Smackdown scum team will almost certainly be blue?


Anyway, I think the flips tell us a lot. I knew Lion was scum and it's nice to have it confirmed. Looking back through the thread, I am a bit suspicious of brownie's interaction with Lion. Twice Lion ignored my attempts to question him and, reading it back, it looks like brownie asked him some fairly easy to answer questions (not that mine were exactly hard but would've at least given more of a read on him) so that when his non interaction came up again, he could say "I answered brownie's questions". In retrospect it seems very rehearsed.


It's early in the phase but brownie seems to have avoided any real attention so far so....



You actually have a fair point there, Lion didn't answer your questions. I didn't like Lions play and that's why I questioned him. As we can now see, I was right to be suspicious of it. It's also intriguing to see that he named Spotlight Magnet as his suspicion (because I questioned him and got him to actually stick his neck out rather than being continuously beige and non-committal) and then Spotlight Magnet was killed overnight.


I'm sorry that Lion didn't answer your questions, but I didn't like his play and called him on it. He responded. He was scum. I was right to be suspicious.

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SIDI i like it.


Right where we at? Oh and Bristep just becuase you defended a point for me doesn't mean I can't switch my attention to you at any given moment. Please dont take anything in game I say personally either. It's all about the game. Sweetheart


Right here's what I think currently I don't beleive that Teedy or Stone are scum, however Im quite surprised that if Stone was town why the scum didn't target him. being as we had 3 kills I can only assume that 2 were scum and 1 vig, although if they were 2 vig shots, we need to know who the Vig's were and who they shot (If they are 1 shot vig's?) as they now will have used their shot and we can work from there.


Word Life.

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Hmmmm.. I'm waivering over my next vote. This is a lot more challenging than the previous phase.


Bristep - It appears some people are suspicious of you. Why should I not vote for you?


Teedy - You appear to have accused me of farting, in your SIDI defence creation. Again, since I've had some intereaction with you in the past, why should I not recast my sights over you?


Nexus - With you going away from the game, Can you give us some sort of statement to assure us that you are not scum and to keep you safe while you are away from here?


Kenny McBride - For someone usually very active, I've not seen a lot of you.. For no other reason that I know you're around, What can you do to prove to me that I shouldn't vote for you?


Sorry for the barrage of questioning, but, I feel it's nessesary to get a view of the overall landscape.

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Right here's what I think currently I don't beleive that Teedy or Stone are scum, however Im quite surprised that if Stone was town why the scum didn't target him. being as we had 3 kills I can only assume that 2 were scum and 1 vig, although if they were 2 vig shots, we need to know who the Vig's were and who they shot (If they are 1 shot vig's?) as they now will have used their shot and we can work from there.


Word Life.


Whilst i'm all for having a confirmed town I feel that at this point with little to back up a claim and the fact it'd basically be a vanilla claim we may just be allowing the scum another person to happily avoid killing for a while, whilst our doctor protects the now vanilla confirmed townie. I'm not sure whether a reveal would be best.

What i would be interested in however is if one of the kills on town was a vig kill. If so, was one of the scum kills too? I think this could help us determine who the scum were trying to kill since it means either one of the scum leaders was roleblocked by the other scum team or a doctor got in there. It might help giving leads, ofc i'm not asking for doctors to reveal, nor even the vig's but if you killed a town member as a vig last night, you might want to think about what information this gives us in terms of the scum kills.


on why i wasn't targeted (we'll assume i wasn't, there's a chance i was but it doesn't look like it) there's multiple reasons, again i'd have thought you might have been a target snake and wouldn't have been surprised to see Teedy shot at if not scum either. Perhaps they thought we'd be protected or maybe our accusations right now aren't right and they're hoping on one of us to lead a kill on a town in this phase. I'm thinking however with the 2 killed they were perhaps going for 'seem town, but havent added too much' in a way to give as little leads as possible at this juncture. I think in this night phase however we may well see some kills toward people who are more vocal.


I need to still reread the thread, it's a daunting task with how large it has grown but i'll get that done sometime today. I too want to figure out why i seemingly wasn't targeted, I feel i'm missing something from day 1 which might be important.

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SIDI i like it.


Right where we at? Oh and Bristep just becuase you defended a point for me doesn't mean I can't switch my attention to you at any given moment. Please dont take anything in game I say personally either. It's all about the game. Sweetheart


Right here's what I think currently I don't beleive that Teedy or Stone are scum, however Im quite surprised that if Stone was town why the scum didn't target him. being as we had 3 kills I can only assume that 2 were scum and 1 vig, although if they were 2 vig shots, we need to know who the Vig's were and who they shot (If they are 1 shot vig's?) as they now will have used their shot and we can work from there.


Word Life.


The whole spotlight kill was interesting, because Lion was pushing him as scum prior to days end. Would his team then kill SM? I mean Lion couldn't have expected to get fucked like that, so surely having his lynch target die would be an alarm bell (unless he was planning to WIFOM it up).


It looks to me that they were looking for PRs, because neither were obv-town, and I don't think there was any softclaims that I saw. Tom pushed Nexus hard but killing off people because they are fingering you is bad scum play and gets scum lynched.


Dazz - You shouldn't vote for me if you don't think I'm scum. If you do think I'm scum then you should.


Does anyone expect Dazz to make some columbo style turn around and just nail the game to the board? I would mark hard for that.

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Dazz - I had a pretty hectic day yesterday. For what it's worth, today's going to be a busy day at work too and I'm going out tonight as well. I should post a bit more tomorrow, hopefully once more of our lurkers have shown their shadow-cloaked faces again. I don't know that I can prove anything. All I can say is that I've been trying to draw out the lurkers and trying to get explanations out of the more obtuse players since the game started. I made a "slip" that seems to have upset a few people, but I think I've explained that pretty clearly, and the more rational players seem to have understood. All we can do at this stage is look at the Castle wagon and see what we can glean. Obviously some of the players on it were town, but there were almost certainly a few scummers on there too. Lion's vote was about as clear a scum tell as you can get, and whoever killed him almost certainly picked up on that. Now we need to look at who else made similarly scummy wagon-jumping votes and possibly look at who they were protecting. As I said, the Snake wagon was still viable at one point - really, up until the middle of Saturday it could still have gone either way. But why, when Snake's play had been SO questionable since the start of the game, did the Castle wagon pick up such momentum? Could it be that at least four scum players, including Snake, knew Castle wasn't one of them and wanted to avoid Snake getting lynched? That's my working theory for now.


I'm concerned about the Nexus situation too. With all the drop-outs and Carbomb Macavity in this game, I don't like the idea of someone disappearing from the game for so long. Nexus - can we get a read of the game and a vote before you vanish?

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VOTE El Nicko Loco


Get in here. Day phase has been on for a day and a half and you've been around so lets have some participation.


Carbomb too, busy of not you've been on the site this morning and you can't even make a quick post?


Dan, we've yet to hear from you this phase too, you've not been posting elsewhere on the site but it would be good to get everyone participating again.

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