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Michael Cole as a Manager


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Michael Coles recent ventures away from the commentary, for me, have been reminding me of a time when the male manager was rife in WWF/E and the other promotions and its my opinion that maybe Cole should start to move away from the commentary booth and have a stab at it.

Do you think this would be a good idea?

Who would he benefit as a manager?

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I had that idea a few weeks ago, and I think it would be great. They could keep him with Jack Swagger on Raw, as he adds some personality to him which is always good obviously. Perhaps he could still do commentary for Smackdown anyway.

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It's a great idea. I think I'm in a minority in that I still find Cole fun on commentary, if a little distracting. Although it wouldn't make a great deal of sense given some of the angles they've pulled, I think he'd be a phenomenal GM for RAW, I'd love them to reveal him as the anonymous GM. Alternatively I'd like to see him drafted exclusively to Smackdown (I think they've alluded to the fact he may get drafted when he said "I don't need to worry about getting drafted, I'm on BOTH shows") and replace Teddy Long, being a central character on the show as GM as Paul Heyman and Vickie Guerrero were, but a completely different character. From an entertainment standpoint, that'd boost Smackdown massively.

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There's no reason why Cole can't both be an announcer AND a manager. He could just go over to ringside during Swagger (or whoever)'s matches and return to the booth afterwards. It's pretty much what he already does anyway.

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There's no reason why Cole can't both be an announcer AND a manager. He could just go over to ringside during Swagger (or whoever)'s matches and return to the booth afterwards. It's pretty much what he already does anyway.

I think if he sticks to the announce booth it'll be very difficult for the guy to take his character forward. He'd essentially be relegated to a mere heel announcer. I think the best move is to make him a general manager. He'd probably grate on some people, but sod 'em. There's bags of potential for the guy to be one of the most entertaining authority figures of the brand split.

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Although he would be mint in a manager role, I feel his talents would be absolutely wasted because he has been fantastic as an announcer for the past year- and especially now he has his 'Cole Mine'. Limiting him to a small amount of TV time in a managers role would be wasteful IMO.


However I'm always for bringing in more managers. It's been said before that a managers role is dead in this day & age (was it WWE who claimed this?), but I think that's crap. If done rightly, a manager can add so much value and I think is a role that will never lose its place.

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