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Taken from pbwwrestling.com


'On March 31st 2006 Premier British Wrestling was born as we presented our first ever show which just so happened to be called Breaking Limits. Over 200 fans attended the Langside Halls in Shawlands, Glasgow as PBW arrived on the UK wrestling scene. The very next year PBW moved to a new home in The Vikingar in Largs which would from then on become the annual setting for Breaking Limits. Over the next 4 years Breaking Limits would become one of the biggest annual shows in the independant wrestling scene in Europe.


Top European stars such as Lionheart, Bad Bones, Dave Mastiff, Drew Galloway, BT Gunn, Martin Stone, Johnny Moss, Liam Thomson, Pac, El Ligero, Bubblegum and many more have all competed live at PBW in Largs. The show is filmed every year and released on DVD and for the first time ever this year Breaking Limits will be released on Blu Ray also. Dvds again are expetced to sell to wrestling fans all over the world through our online store here at www.pbwwrestling.com.


With all this in mind PBW management have once again searched Europe as we intend on bringing the very brightest European stars to Largs in just a few weeks time. It is with great pleasure that we can announce the first match for Breaking Limits 6 has been signed.



This match is sure to have an international feel to it as Denmarks Chaos takes on long term PBW star and former PBW tag team champion Sean South. Both men have huge amounts of experience with Irelands South having wrestled all over Europe for companies in Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, France and Spain where he took part in the Dragon Gate European tour coming up against the likes of Pac and US independant standout El Generico. Chaos is a hard hitting fighter from Denmark and aswell as holding heavyweight gold in his home country he has also held titles in Germany. With a moonsault and big splash in his arsenal of moves that many crusierweights would love to have, Chaos is easily one of the most agile big men in European wrestling today. These two men are sure to have one cracking match as both are more determined than ever to make it big in the UK heavyweight scene.


Tickets are available now priced at the following


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Taken from pbwwrestling.com


'Fans who attended our event in Barrhead Sports Centre on Saturday night will have seen what took place regarding the tag team titles. Wolfgang challenged The Final Cut to a rematcg only to reveal that this tim ehis partner would be none other than Lionheart. Its now official folks at Breaking Limits 6 two former champions join forces when Wolfgang and Lionheart take on PBW tag team champions The Final Cut with Carmel and the titles are on the line.





Card so far

PBW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - The Final Cut with Carmel© vs Lionheart & Wolfgang

Internationl heavyweight contest - Sean South(Ireland) vs Chaos(Denmark)



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Taken from pbwwrestling.com


'It has been almost 6 months since James 'Darkside' Scott returned to PBW after suffering severe injuries in a car crash that nearly ended his career. On his return at Maximum Impact 2010 Scott finally got revenge on Andy Wild and Charles Boddington by beating Wild and then laying Boddington out to teh delight of the fans in Irvine. In the months that have passed Scott has twice been announced for title matches and twice been forced to withdraw days leading into the events. Fast Forward to April 23rd 2011 and Scott once again is set to return to PBW only this time he has set his sights on one goal and one goal only. Scott clearly feels that it should have been him that beat Lionheart in Dumbarton last November and that BT Gunn has what belongs to him. At Breaking Limits 6 we will now see Scott challenge champion BT Gunn for the PBW heavyweight title. These two young stars are easily two of the best Europe has to offer today and just one year on from Breaking Limits 5 where they fought each other in the first match they will once again face each other only this time everything is on the line.


James Scott speaks out - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5rlL4szTGA




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Taken from pbwwrestling.com


'Premier British Wrestling are pleased to announce we have struck a deal with our good friends in England One Pro Wrestling. The deal will now see 1PW DVDs sold at PBW events throughout Scotland starting this month at Breaking Limits 6 in Largs.


Already in stock are 3 titles


Up close and personal with Bret 'The Hitman' Hart

Up close and persoanl with Sterling James Keenan

Up close and personal with the Iron Sheik

A selection of live shows including the fourth year anniversay show which featured TNA star Rob Van Dam vs ROH star Davey Richards are expected to arrive soon. The 3 DVDs mentioned above will be availbale to purchase at Breaking Limits 6 in Largs and then at every show there after.


For more information on 1PW please visit www.oneprowrestling.com'

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I watched the last matchup between Scott & Gunn online and it didn't dissapoint. Despite pulling for Scott I have no illusions that he will actually win.

Final Cut vs Wolfgang and Lionheart is a bit of a surprise. Wolfgang and Lionheart ruling the main event scene in Scotland was becoming stale so this is a good way to see if they can bring some much needed credability to the tag team scene.

I'm not really a fan of Sean South in singles competition, I did love the former tag champions though :(

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It will be hard to top last years event but the card is starting to look good. Wolfgang and Lionheart teaming up looks very interesting although it would be nice to see Dallas eating his hat I think this is a "boom, crush, night, losers, winning" match!

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Taken from pbwwrestling.com


'PBW management are pleased to announce that top British heavyweight Jack Jester has signed to appear at Largs on April 23rd. Jester arrived at PBW at the end of last year when he made an impressive debut against BT Gunn in Dumbarton. As impressive as Jester is though he hasnt done much to win over the PBW fans and has went as far as calling them 'idiots who would cheer for a donkey'. It was these comments that angered PBW fan favourite and former tag champion Johnny Star who contacted PBW management requesting a match with Jester at Breaking Limits 6. Johnny Star is easily one of the most well known wrestlers in Scotland today having entertained thousands across the nations holiday parks over the last 10 years. Star has pulled of many huge victories in his career and surely beating Jester in Largs would be one of the biggest ones yet.




PBW HEAVYWEIGHT TITL EMATCH - BT Gunn© vs James 'Darkside' Scott

PBW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - The Final Cut with Carmel© vs Lionheart & Wolfgang

International heavyweight contest - Sean South(Ireland) vs Chaos(Denmark)

Johnny Star vs Jack Jester



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Jester v Johnny Star - jeez its gonna be a beating and a half for the high flying Star. Jester is just like the duracell bunny - he just keeps going. Even if Star chucks the kitchen sink at him he will still have his hands full - this is turning out to be an excellent card that promises so much!

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Taken from pbwwrestling.com


'As the excitement continues to build with Breaking Limits 6 now just over one week away we can now announce that the final two matches for the event have been signed.


The first match is a singles contest as Andy Wild once again returns to The Vikingar with manager Charles Boddington and his newly hired enforcer TJ Rage. Wild has been on a run ever since introducing TJ Rage as his enforcer with TJ playing an effective yet unpopular role in Wild's last 3 victories. Add to that the fact that just last month Wild alongside PBW owner Kid Fite made his debut in America for 3 different companies including Combat Zone Wrestling and its easy to see why he is full of confidence as we head into Breaking Limits 6. 9 days from now though may be his toughest challenge yet as he will face one of the hottest prospects in Ireland today in Sean Maxer. At this stage Scottish fans may not know much about Maxer but pbwwrestling.com caught up with PBW owner Ross Watson who had the following to say.


'I am very excited about the upcoming debut of Sean Maxer for PBW. Over the last 5 years I have took great pride in bringing top European stars to Scotland for the first time. Guys like Bubblegum, El Ligero, Bad Bones, Sean South plus many more were all spotted by myself and brought to Scotland as I knew the fans here would love them. Maxer will be no different. He has a wealth of experience already, having trained alongside Prince Devitt in Ireland and having wrestling for American Rampage Wrestling on their European tours coming up against top names such as Rob Van Dam plus many more. I think if the referee can keep control of Wilds manager and enforcer then their is the potential here for him and Maxer to have one of those matches people talk about for months and I for one cant wait to see it'



Also just signed for Breaking Limits 6 is a match that will see the young popular tag team of Blaze & Rampage make their debut in Largs after a string of impressive displays over the last few months. Waiting for them will be a man who these young men once looked up to and respected. That all changed last November when 'Old Skool' Colin Mckay attacked Davey Blaze in an unprovoked attack putting him through a table in the process. Two months later Mckay struck again after beating Stevie Xavier in a brutal match, it was young womans star kay Lee Ray that got put through a table in Alloa Town Hall by Mckay. Mckay has since went public on why he has changed 'for the better' as he believes the young stars of today have no respect for the older more experienced stars such as himself. Many fans however are claiming that Mckay is nothing more than jealous of the success that some of the younger stars to emerge from The Scottish Pro Wrestling Academy have had. Well come April 23rd Mckay will have his chance to prove that he is better than the young lads he hates so much as he has informed us that Red Lightning feels the same way and is willing to stand by Colin Mckay and 'teach these youngsters some lessons' The match has since been granted by PBW and accepted by Blaze & Rampage and will take place in 9 days time in Largs.



With two huge matches announced above and 4 more already announced in previous weeks the full card for Breaking Limist 6 is as follows


PBW CHAMPINSHIP MATCH - BT Gunn© vs James 'Darkside' Scott

PBW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - The Final Cut with Carmel© vs Lionheart & Wolfgang

Jack Jester vs Johnny Star

Sean South vs Chaos

Andy Wild with Charles Boddington & TJ Rage vs Sean Maxer

Blaze & Rampage vs 'Old Skool' Colin Mckay & Red Lightning

Tickets are available now priced at the following


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