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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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I successfully got a result on one of my top suspects.


I figured Lion would be taken out by our vigilante, couldn't guarantee I would get any result off him as he claimed Vanilla as Mike said that isn't a role so my result would have come back blank, as well as thinking that with him being so far down the list that the odds of him having a role were very slim.


So you got anything to tell us Nexus?

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Sod it!


I want everyone to role claim.


If we have a bad day / night by lynching the bomb with a townie hammering it, then lose the weak doctor protecting scum, the other vigilante kills town, we could be looking at game over.


We really need results now people.

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I don't care what order we do this in, but we need role claims, reasons why you chose it, what info you have and if you don't have one what role you claimed.


We need this info and results to form our days discussion otherwise we might have lost the game due to some bad gameplay last night.


For the record I didn't investigate Nexus, it was Bristep and I think his role which looks town to me, might have some interesting results.

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Sod it!


I want everyone to role claim.


If we have a bad day / night by lynching the bomb with a townie hammering it, then lose the weak doctor protecting scum, the other vigilante kills town, we could be looking at game over.


We really need results now people.

This seems a bad idea at the moment it will give the scum full knowledge of all roles in the game without really giving us anything else to work on, it will reveal the bomb conundrum that the scum are at best having a risk of 33% of and possibly 50%, if there is a roleblocker out there as bristep suggested there was that will negate either a cop or doctor or even your rolecopping ability if there isn't so a round claim is a bad idea as we just give up everything to the scum and they can pick us off at will.

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Sod it!


I want everyone to role claim.


If we have a bad day / night by lynching the bomb with a townie hammering it, then lose the weak doctor protecting scum, the other vigilante kills town, we could be looking at game over.


We really need results now people.

This seems a bad idea at the moment it will give the scum full knowledge of all roles in the game without really giving us anything else to work on, it will reveal the bomb conundrum that the scum are at best having a risk of 33% of and possibly 50%, if there is a roleblocker out there as bristep suggested there was that will negate either a cop or doctor or even your rolecopping ability if there isn't so a round claim is a bad idea as we just give up everything to the scum and they can pick us off at will.


I don't feel we have much choice.


We need to start somewhere, but due to lack of contribution by a number of players during the last days play, this feels like day 2 but it could be the end of the game if we are not careful.


I think we need to put it to the vote, see how people feel , then take it from there.


I won't be revealing Bristeps role, because I believe him to be town, as well as unlike Snake he is not close to being lynched and is here to defend himself.


If Bristep wants to reveal it, then that is his choice, if he doesn't then that is also fine with me.

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That's fine if we start the day badly then fall back on this but there is no reason for a reveal at this point, given that it is actually all the reveals so far that have got us into a bad place, day 1's mass vanilla claims and yesterday's bomb and bulletproof reveals.

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Vote: Swiftstrike


Don't know why, but I am not liking the way you say this, almost as if you know it doesn't matter what roles we have because it doesn't matter because you know what roles you and your scum buddies have.


I have no actual evidence to back this theory up, but I haven't found your gameplay to be up to your usual high standards, as you haven't offered us any info nevermind the tons of info you normally produce whether it is right or wrong.


Your overall gameplay throughout this day has been very odd!

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It doesn't matter what roles we have as the roles can be taken by either scum or town scum can have town roles so what info is gained by revealing this now?


Also do you not think that the reason that we have lost 2 power roles in 2 consecutive nights is all the vanilla claims on day 1?


This day has barely begun to say that and I don't feel throwing information scum way is a great way to continue it.

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I figured Lion would be taken out by our vigilante

This has got me thinking; Kenny was the town vigilante for last night and he ends up dead, but would his kill have gone through despite him being offed himself? If so then do you think it was Kenny who took Lion out?


Also, I'm dubious about mass role claims as it is just going to give scum a nice big list of all the town power roles in order for them to pick off one by one and/or dispute town power claims and end up getting the actual town power roles killed

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I figured Lion would be taken out by our vigilante

This has got me thinking; Kenny was the town vigilante for last night and he ends up dead, but would his kill have gone through despite him being offed himself? If so then do you think it was Kenny who took Lion out?


Also, I'm dubious about mass role claims as it is just going to give scum a nice big list of all the town power roles in order for them to pick off one by one and/or dispute town power claims and end up getting the actual town power roles killed

Yes all actions happen simultaneously so yes he still would have made the kill an it is the only explanation for two kills last night as no other roles allow another kill.

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I agree with swiftstrike, a mass role claim is a really bad idea. It could hand some vital kills to the scum, and on top of that we wouldn't necessarily be able to tell who was scum from what role they have.


Bugger, I'm pretty sure a certain player is town but I've noticed something about one of his posts, I'm not sure if I should point it out or not because it potentially creates a risk for another player in the game. But the thing is, this post MAY be a day message to scum - though on instinct, I don't think it is. I'm in a quandry here and would appreciate advice from others as to whether I should reveal my spot or not. Does the reward outweight the risk, basically.

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