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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Easy there Christophe, I maintain your vote placement is scummy. Bristep getting in on the Lion action is also scummy, hence the post.


Also duly noted that you're trying to discredit me when i'm suspicious of you both.


And that bloody GIF crashed my laptop. Is that part of your scum plan?

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Right, for starters forget Role Pms and number crunching thats just delaying process. In fact I haven't be sent a role PM just told where I sit in the scheme of things i.e. which alignment I am and whether or not I have a role outside of VT. Mike can clarify this as well, in case any scums see this as a opportunist lynch snake move.


At the moment we are floundering around with no real definitive leads. Either people need to stand up and be counted and put a vote in or at the very least we need be looking at one or two individuals.


I have to say though if TDK thought he spotted a scum slip and then didn't follow it up with a vote, that is really scummy play so Brownie can you explain why he would have done this?


Also, how do we know for certain there is a bomb in play? I thought those are the roles that could have been picked but if the numbers don't select it then it won't be in the game?

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Sorry about this, long ass post. This is a breakdown of Ron's activity in the game. Parts in bold are my own thoughts. No links, but each is post numbered to give their placement.


#2 RVS

#21 Joke vote for ChrisB (not valid as calls him Judas)

#31 Reminds everyone that they are hunting for scum, not powers. Says powers are invaluable to town, however also true to scum. Concerns over the draw being public, could be a hitlist for scum.

#34 Asks Swift to clarify about the numbers theory

#49 Talk about the masons, uses this as a reason to dissway from the numbers theory

#53 FOS Swiftstrike because Swift said that 'masons are a town thing so nothing to worry about' because we might lynch a mason rather than scum using the numbers theory - CONTRADICTION (Isn't this is a scumhunt not a powerhunt, by his own words).

#55 Calls swift's numbers theory 'a lottery'

#79 Defense of FOS towards him by Seph, because he was using 'we' and 'they' when talking about town and scum

#89 Lurkers are frustrating, if we have a cop they can remedy it. - Possible Rolefish/softclaim

#92 Calls out the two lowest posters, asks their opinion

#112 Defense against Seph again, Meta discussion regarding the issue between Swift/Bristep, incorrectly recalls a Swift lynch in another game (he was night killed), states that there's a part of Swift that revels in catching out good players - Incorrect Metause was deployed in his defense against me last game. He was scum then.

#147 Calls out Carbomb for opinion, FOS's ChrisB and Lion based on Swift's number theory - CONTRADICTION (Had previously given no support to the number theory)

#152 Calls the number match a strange coincidence, says it's too blatant for a vote. Doesn't think that Lion would deliberately distance himself from someone he picked the same numbers as if both scum

#157 Rubbishes the numbers theory again, but adds that the RVS from Lion makes it valid. Says that it might be distancing - CONTRADICTION (Previous post said that it didn't make sense for Lion to distance from ChrisB). Tells ChrisB that it's Lion's fault that there's suspiscion on the two of them. Also theorises that Swift might be playing a game with Lion and pushing FOS onto ChrisB.

#160 Vote Lion because thinks that Swift or ChrisB are scum with him, mentions a cop again. - Second possible rolefish/softclaim

#167 Unvotes and revotes for Lion because he hadn't unvoted before.

#202 Posts possible scenarios around his Swift/Chris/Lion trifecta, pushes Lion and Swift as the team

#217 Votes TDK even though not convinced he was scum, still pushing a Swift/Lion team. - Voting for someone you think might be town is not pro-town behaviour. Plenty of time to look elsewhere at that point instead of supporting a wagon you don't agree with.

#231 Unvotes TDK and revotes Lion because Lion didn't see what TDK was driving at regarding the vanilla town PM

#234 Goes back to the TDK role issue, says he needs to re-read - 1st mention of 're-reading the thread', gives an impression of scumhunting without doing so

#260 Repost of #202 for spotlightmagnet

#261 Pushes that if Lion flips scum then Swift is likely to be the scumbuddy rather than ChrisB

#263 Asks Lion for his opinion of ChrisB and Swiftstrike

#334 Comments on the lack of clarity in the game, concerned that there will be a no-lynch. Says he needs to re-read the thread again - 2nd mention of 're-reading the thread', gives an impression of scumhunting without doing so

#336 Again states that the numbers theory + Lion's RVS 'cements' his theory. Says that 'if Lion flips scum (and I'm pretty certain he will)' it doesn't mean ChrisB will, 50/50 whether he or Swift is the partner - CONTRADICTION (Wasn't Swift his choice of scumbuddy in Ron's eyes up til now?)

#338 FOS's ChrisB over his (perfectly valid) use of the world 'co-incidentally - Incorrectly jumping on little mistakes to push a scumslip

#342 Pushes the theory that Lion and Swift are scumbuddies, Pushes the Lion vote again, 2nd use of 'If he flips scum (and I'm pretty certain that he will)' - Caveat, can be pointed to if Lion flips town

#370 Says he isn't sure about Unfitfinlay's theory of Andrew the Giant and Swift picking 1,1 and 1,2. Turns the distancing claim against finlay. - Pseudo-aggressive way to back Finlay off of Andrew.

#372 ATG points out the scum no daytalk rule, Ron calls it a good spot. - Possible ATG/Ron team?

#374 Says he needs to re-read the thread regarding spotlightmagnet's play, admits to tunnelling on Lion/Swift/ChrisB at the expense of studying other player's play. - 3rd mention of 're-reading the thread', gives an impression of scumhunting without doing so

#377 Starts querying bristep about his mod request to clarify the daytalk rule.

#378 Continues querying bristep

#381 Asks bristep if he had read the rules, admitting that he hadn't either

#384 springs a 'trap' on bristep based on bristep pasting from the signup thread earlier in the game - Incorrectly jumping on little mistakes to push a scumslip

#385 realises that the rules were in the signup thread, and retracts the FOS.

#387 admits that he was getting excited waiting for bristep's response, said "I'll get you next time" - Just an odd phrase to use

#391 reposts his Lion scum theory with Chris or Swift as the scum buddy. Pushes that he is lynch candidate.


There are no slips, but I seem to get a definite scumread from Ron.


Vote Ron Simmons

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I have to say though if TDK thought he spotted a scum slip and then didn't follow it up with a vote, that is really scummy play so Brownie can you explain why he would have done this?

What specifically are we referring to?

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My initial suspicion of scum was tdk/brownie, based upon early use of language to heavily imply he was town and thus position himself as some sort of game leader, and also his seeming reluctance to vote for someone that he said he truly believed had made a slip [a slip surely meaning he was scum, as otherwise it wouldn't be a slip].


From the previous page.

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My initial suspicion of scum was tdk/brownie, based upon early use of language to heavily imply he was town and thus position himself as some sort of game leader, and also his seeming reluctance to vote for someone that he said he truly believed had made a slip [a slip surely meaning he was scum, as otherwise it wouldn't be a slip].


From the previous page.

Tom, what were you referring to with this?

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On my phone doing this as I'm out until about 6 and it's proving hard to do quotes, but brownie, Post #113 highlights it well including bristep's retort.


On my phone doing this as I'm out until about 6 and it's proving hard to do quotes, but brownie, Post #113 highlights it well including bristep's retort.

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Right 2 days left no real waggoning or strong contenders going on. Lion screams frustrated town to me and Bristep and Swift are also currently on my town reads. Having a quick peek through the thread and I like Kenny could do with a brief update on where we are at.


Tom and Unfitfinaly I don't hink Ive played with either of you before and possibly spotlightmagnet too so would you mind giving me you reads on who you think could be scum and why?


Brownie my former brother in scum before any of you jump off on scumslip trolleys. You've replaced in too, seen anything odd from coming in late?


Oakey dokey skip.


I have a finger towards Lion because of the allegation by Ron claiming that the way Lion had played in particular (having the same numbers, random voting Chris B., claiming to be Vanilla Town (which is likely) when it could almost sentence Teedy.) But I think it's thin ground for a vote so I'm holding off.


Bristep's long post against Ron seems very interesting and is something I have to read in detail and go through the thread again.


Swift was looking at numbers and ufitfinlay found something incriminating Andrew the Giant and Swiftstrike. (one had 1,2 and the other 1,1)


But while looking at that I found another pattern, three people have picked the numbers 1,2(Andrew The Giant); 5,6 (Bristep) and 9;10 (El Nicko Loco but now you). I asked if it didn't make more sense that this pattern being likely for scum players, as they're spreading the numbers around and are more likely for a power role or two. Plus had a distinctive pattern (numbers following each other and being each players number being four away from others).


I'm not putting money on it though, I'd imagine most players here being quite pragmatic, so the having following numbers was likely, but being four apart seemed weird. But I'm not keen on just looking at the numbers because I'm not good with them (I got a 'U' on my AS Level).


However, right now I'm going with:


Vote: Andrew the Giant


for not posting, he came out with a great spot, but 3 posts out of 417 isn't good.

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Right 2 days left no real waggoning or strong contenders going on. Lion screams frustrated town to me and Bristep and Swift are also currently on my town reads. Having a quick peek through the thread and I like Kenny could do with a brief update on where we are at.


Tom and Unfitfinaly I don't hink Ive played with either of you before and possibly spotlightmagnet too so would you mind giving me you reads on who you think could be scum and why?


Brownie my former brother in scum before any of you jump off on scumslip trolleys. You've replaced in too, seen anything odd from coming in late?


*sniff* I knew you weren't paying any attention to me questioning you in the last game. :(


Anyway, as Spotlight pointed out, I'm very suspicious of Swiftstrike. It isn't just the fact that he and Andrew The Giant picked 1, 1 and 1, 2 as much as Swift's determination that we MUST look at the numbers and rvs vote on Andrew, while insisting that Lion's rvs on Chris is scum behaviour. For me, if he's correct that scum would choose similar numbers to create distance then 1, 1 and 1, 2 would be the numbers to pick, not 7 and 13 which would almost guarantee you no powers.


I was also suspicious that Spotlight was being led by someone else but, the revelation that scum can't day talk would appear to clear him of that.


Actually, I'd be very interested to see how many of us actually noticed that in the rules? Noticing it doesn't necessarily make Andrew scum but, it is interesting since the scum would obviously be very aware of it.


Anyway, I'm going to weigh in with a vote here.




At the moment, based his pushing some really dodgy cases against people, I think he is most likely to be scum.

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I think based on Ron Simmons leaping in to tell me about that theory which I just can't buy at the moment, I have to look at him more closely. I'll also be looking over Chris B and swiftstrike to see how they fit into this theory.

To be fair all I was doing was answering your queston. You asked where we all stood, I shared that. I've stuck to my conviction and at least I'm not tip-toeing around the answer. You don't need to agree with what I think, but you asked for everyone to share it, which I did.

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