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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Bristep also raises a good point.


This means SMS could be Townie.


A plan!.


Everyone who has voted for SMS, vote for me. Then, when everyone of those 4 has voted we'll ask for a votecount (Mod, do not give us a votecount until everyone that currently has a vote on SMS has one on me, and I ask you).


That way we can see if we have a doublevoter, or if SMS is a hated townie. We could possibly clear SMS before we lynch him.


Everyone ok with this plan?

Could anyone look at the previous vote counts? That'd determine the 'unpopular townie' thing and maybe even at what point the voting changed on him if not. I'd check myself but I'm accessing the site on a phone, on a train.

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Bristep also raises a good point.


This means SMS could be Townie.


A plan!.


Everyone who has voted for SMS, vote for me. Then, when everyone of those 4 has voted we'll ask for a votecount (Mod, do not give us a votecount until everyone that currently has a vote on SMS has one on me, and I ask you).


That way we can see if we have a doublevoter, or if SMS is a hated townie. We could possibly clear SMS before we lynch him.


Everyone ok with this plan?

Could anyone look at the previous vote counts? That'd determine the 'unpopular townie' thing and maybe even at what point the voting changed on him if not. I'd check myself but I'm accessing the site on a phone, on a train.


Good plan, i'll take a look.

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I just feel the plan has too many possibilities of being unclear on the result, plus the only way to be sure on it is if it's a pro-town ability, is to demand that they role reveal, which would be terrible.


I'd rather we just scum hunted as normal especially as we're near lynch time (just over 24 hours left), we shouldn't be playing silly buggers now and trying to work out something like that as we don't really have time, as some people are leaving and wont be back until after the deadline, and with it being so close to deadline we need to be lynching someone. I still favour Dan and Nexus though.

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Narrowing it down from who's voted. The only consistent names where a vote is counted twice is when either Chris B or Bugsey are voting.

This means that one of them is either a double voter for the town, a double voter for the scum, or one of them is being framed?.

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Doubt the scum would frame someone like that (unless they were to deliberately point it out themselves). So it means it's either pure coincidence that that is where the scum have sent their votes, or it's Chris B or Bugsey as the double voter (either known or unknown).


However, it still doesn't inform us of whether they are town or scum anyway, (Unless it's Chris B and he's a known double voter, in which case he's scum purely because he pointed it out, and if he was a known doublevoter he wouldn't have had to point it out, and before anyone jumps on that... it's not a "reason to lynch him" because it's one possibility out of eight).


Like I say, dwelling on it isn't really going to get us anywhere at this stage, and pointing it out means if it's not a scum role they now have an option for who to target, even more so if the other one of the two is scum as well. As they'll know exactly who to take out.

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Ok, I've just re-read the first 15 pages of this thread. All my opinions here are based on those not what has come after, I'll read the next half later.


My first problem is that people seem to be accepting Triple A as town after a pretty dodgy roleclaim




I wasn't given a role name. Unless it's one of "WWE Superstar" or "determined and tenacious". I'm a Vanilla though as I have no abilities other than "throw over top rope (lynch).


So yeah, i'm Vanilla.


The lynch = over the top rope was mentioned in the opening flavour. Secondly 'determined and tenacious' is not in my PM i assume it's charcter flavor specific to Daniel Bryan so reveals no affiliation. Thirdly "WWE superstar" is hardly a revelation is it. I mean fuck me, what else is the town gonna be called. So I'm asking, what exactly has he revealed here?


Then Ron (and others) seem to think this is confirmation as town.

But I find this really suspicious;


I don't have a problem with Triple A's claim, I think he probably is town based on the details he's given. And to be honest I don't think there was a great deal of harm in claiming he's town either, the scum already know he's not with them, and although he gave away the win condition it's far from a game breaker. At the very least it's given us something from which to get the game moving - for better or for worse.




TripleA's wording is fairly accurate to the town text that I was sent also, so I would ask why Mike and Nexus are calling him out unless they hadn't seen that particular text?

That's probably why. He's given away the win condition, so that's one less thing we can call scum out on.


Where the fuck is there mention of a win condition? I don't understand how you've reached this conclusion.


Does anyone else agree that Triple A's roleclaim is vague to the point of meaninglessness? I am not asking people to roleclaim or quote their PM, just to question why he is confirmed town. I realised Sanke warned him/everyone but that doesn't substantiate his claim, merely that snake doesn't want PM quotes.


Also Ron what were you talking about when you said Triple A revealed the win condition? Am I to assume you don't know the town win condition?


Sorry to be self important and make the same point twice, but I think this is an important point. As far as i can tell Ron DOESN'T KNOW THE TOWN WIN CONDITION! Ron hasn't answered, I'd like to know what other players think of this, especially Triple A.

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Wouldn't the best thing to do is ask Ron what the Town Win Condition is?. Then we ask SMS if it's true word-for-word. That way we might have a good idea of if they got a town PM?

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