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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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We really need to hear the opinions of the following:

TheRandySavage 8

Lawz 6

Bugsey713 6

insert_name_here 6

Top Man Shopper 4

Mesacret 3

CoreyVandal 2


I think at least one of these posters is likely scum, just due to the fact you're likely to find at least one coaster in a group of 4-6 Mafia. On past form Mesacret is someone who tends to dip in and out, and gets through games unnoticed, so keeping an eye on him is a must. Lawz has offered credible pro-town points so that's a positive, TMS is usually more active, so where he is I don't know.


I know TheRandySavage says he operates in a different time-zone to us, and the other players are only playing either their first or second games so are likely to stay quiet to learn the ropes. Maybe Randy is doing the same, I don't know. That's not to say let's rule them out by any means, just my opinions on the above group of players.

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Ron: do you still stand by the post you made focusing on Dan Williams' choice of words? If not, is it because you feel they were a result of your technique getting out of hand, or because his posts since have convinced you otherwise? If you do still stand by it, why?

I think the posts are being used against be by him wrongly. I just felt it was a little odd (not a lot) to use fairly strong words when calling people innocent. I wasn't trying to mount a case, just explain my suspicions to him after he immediately voted. I haven't pushed anything else on him as far as I can think, all I've done is question his motives for voting me which I think is a fairly legit thing to do.


What is your response to the accusation that such a post is scummy?

I don't think it is. He voted for me immediately which was pretty blatantly because I said I suspected him. He did exactly the same thing in the last game. So I was pretty much trying to show him (and anyone else I guess) why I might think what I did. I wasn't trying to mount a case, just explain an opinion as many other people have done throughout these games. Nobody really bothered to push on it up until Family Guy did, which shows to me that it wasn't something that stood out to most as scummy. And I don't personally think it was.

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What if Ron flips scum?


What if we lynch someone other than Ron though?. You're just set that Ron will be lynched. I've voted for you, as have other people. Some have voted SMS.

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Actually TripleA, you've lost a vital piece of evidence by not having a lynch. Namely the information as to who was ON the lynch.


If we no lynch today, then scum take out SMS as a town roleblocker, we've learnt nothing beyond "SMS was telling the truth", and perhaps anything other roles like the cop may return with. But in general we wont know more.


However, if we lynch a player today, and they flip town, we can check over the wagon and see who was just being opportunistic when they voted. Or if they flip scum, we can look back and see who was bussing them etc. A no lynch gives us none of that information.


In fact... let's say we no lynched, and SMS flips town after being night killed. What information have we gained? Let's assume we don't have investigation roles in our midst... are we any better off? Not really. Okay we can cut SMS from our list of suspects, but we'll all head straight back to where we already were by various people accusing Dan, Ron & Nexus. If we lynch one of them instead (I still favour Nexus) then we gain information from their flip, from who was on the lynch, as well as the information from who the scum take out.

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What if Ron flips scum?


What if we lynch someone other than Ron though?. You're just set that Ron will be lynched. I've voted for you, as have other people. Some have voted SMS.


I used Ron as an example just like you did, and where by I publicly stated who I thought was on my side I'm starting to think you have some connection with Ron as you seem pretty quick to defend him recently with no real evidence on either of us other than our spat. It might be that you believe him to be innocent like i did with you but it might look alittle bad IF he does flip scum.

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What if Ron flips scum?


What if we lynch someone other than Ron though?. You're just set that Ron will be lynched. I've voted for you, as have other people. Some have voted SMS.


I used Ron as an example just like you did, and where by I publicly stated who I thought was on my side I'm starting to think you have some connection with Ron as you seem pretty quick to defend him recently with no real evidence on either of us other than our spat. It might be that you believe him to be innocent like i did with you but it might look alittle bad IF he does flip scum.


Could you quote the posts where I defend him please? As I have no recollection of me doing so. Unless you count me voting for you and not him, in which case backs up his point about you just saying whoever votes for you is scum.

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I just felt it was a little odd (not a lot) to use fairly strong words when calling people innocent.


Without wanting to get involved in another tete-on-tete, I just feel I need to point this out to you Ron, they were words that on their own would have been strong, but were given weaker quantifiers, which you chose to ignore. It's the equivalent of me saying you just said 'strong words' while completely ignoring the fact you said 'fairly'.


This was what I considered scummy, and this is why I insinuated you were twisting words, because you were deliberately highlighting certain words you consider now to be 'fairly strong' which were 'strong' at the time, without highlighting the fact they were being quantified with other points which made Dan's arguments to be based on maybe's, rather than definites, essentially trying to make Dan's points more hell-bent than they were.

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I would also like to point out I think a no lynch would be a disastrous town move also with the evidence we have to go on. I've never advocated a Day 1 lynch, and I don't plan on starting when we have a list of 3, 4, maybe even 5 suspects to go on.

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But if you don't take the chance you never know and mike has listed plenty of valid points, I'm really starting to suspect you as scum as you now actively seem to be going against pro town advice and trying to push it to a no lynch


I'm trying to push it to a no-lynch by voting for you?. Yeah ok :rolleyes: . Waiting on those quotes of me sticking up for Ron too please.

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Could I just clarify that i'm not pushing a no lynch. I'm just saying in some cases it could be worse for us than it could be good?. My vote has been on Dan Williams for a while.

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Something here just isn't sitting with me right.


Ron Simmons and Dan Williams are feuding with each other, to the point where they're both getting votes in straight away.


I think one of them is scum.


Ron, as defensive as he is, hasn't done anything massively scummy. He's just playing a bit harshly.

Dan, up to this point only had the buddying up thing with me and Mike. However, added to the buddying now is the fact he's desperate to push a lynch, and against Ron Simmons too.


I think Dan is scum.


Taking into account I know i'm town, and i'm not convinced this minute that Mike is scum, then Dan would buddy us thinking he could get in with the town.

We all become suspicious of Ron Simmons, and Dan tries really hard to show his allegiance with us by tunnelling Ron.

He scoffs at even the suggestion of a no lynch, ignoring the fact we'll likely strike town, just so he can try and off Ron Simmons.


I think this is bizarrely scummy play, and therefore


Vote Dan Williams



Well despite my massive ammount of evidence of him playing scummy and his seemingly no evidence against me you chose to think he was in the right not me? That in my eyes is suspicious as I know I AM NOT scum and that i am actually WWE even if I do have not magical powers (other than the willpower to forego alchohol and illegal substances)

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That's not me defending him though is it?. That's me saying he's playing scummy, but there's better leads to go on. Even if I didn't vote for you, i'd vote for SMS. So either way i'm not taking Ron's side.


Also, I really hope you didn't just do what I think you did, for absolutely no reason.

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I just felt it was a little odd (not a lot) to use fairly strong words when calling people innocent.


Without wanting to get involved in another tete-on-tete, I just feel I need to point this out to you Ron, they were words that on their own would have been strong, but were given weaker quantifiers, which you chose to ignore. It's the equivalent of me saying you just said 'strong words' while completely ignoring the fact you said 'fairly'.


This was what I considered scummy, and this is why I insinuated you were twisting words, because you were deliberately highlighting certain words you consider now to be 'fairly strong' which were 'strong' at the time, without highlighting the fact they were being quantified with other points which made Dan's arguments to be based on maybe's, rather than definites, essentially trying to make Dan's points more hell-bent than they were.

Honestly, in that situation I don't think the addition of "pretty" to "pretty confident" makes a grand deal of difference. "Confident" is a strong word to use, "pretty" or not and that's what I was trying to point out to him. It's really just opinion at this stage, but personally I found the phrases strong word choices at that point.


Plus, there's pretty much no point in "twisting" someones words if I'm going to quote the whole phrase that it's from. I didn't take them out of context, I just mentioned the words I found objectional. But again, maybe it's a subjective thing, I dunno. But if I was going to twist I could have said something like:


"Dan, you used words such as "confident", "trust" and "innocent" to describe what you think"


Without actually quoting what he said.

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