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Snake Plissken

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Posts posted by Snake Plissken

  1. Chatham & the Medway towns also came under fire, the Primark in Chatham went up in flames which shows you the level of Chavez we have here, not targeting Armani, but Primark.


    Also, BBC starting to report that it's kicked off in West Brom. Oxford St stores being closed as well.

  2. It seems the Army are deploying in Bank?




    Why there I don't know and why it isnt on the news yet?


    EDIT - Beecause Its most likely a fake. D'oh. Also rumors of Pandas & Lions being set free from London Zoo the most stupid one yet.

  3. The BBC have confirmed that David Cameron won't be returning early from holiday. However Dianne Abbott is out on the streets of Hackney doing TV interviews. :wacko: :wacko:

  4. Is this what happens when Cher Lloyd gets to number one in the charts then?


    On a more serious note, it's at times like these I'm glad I live out in the sticks.

  5. My 10 year old loves it as do all his school friends, they are usually talking about it in some shape or form, thye also now all collect the Doctor Who Adventures cards things. Also, my 6 year old likes it. Not sure how much of the plot he grasps but he enjoys the monsters and the running around.

  6. The answer to that would be something to do with if she was concieved in the tardis. could be Rory and Amy's child, but with the Tardis and travelling through time and space these things can happen supposedly.

  7. On the Amy kidnapping on Confidential they said she had been a ganger at episode 1 which means she was nabbed before that. If it's the silence then it must have happened in the Lodger episode, which might explain the return of Craig (James Corden) in the second half of the series or and my guess is around the time of the Amys Pregnant episode with the Dream Lord. Everything's been a bit screwy since then.


    Also the BBC have confirmed the baby's name as Melody. Anyone see the linkage?


    Melody Pond/River Song..

  8. Well some Russians have just found a dead alien supposedly.


    The movie - made by two walkers in Irkutsk in Russia's remote Siberia - shows what appears to be the badly damaged corpse of a two foot high ET half buried in the snow.


    Part of the right leg is missing and there are deep holes for eyes and a mouth in a skull-like head.


    UFO fans believe the body could have been left behind by ET visitors after an accident, or missed by Russian military alien experts clearing up after a crash, reports local media.


    The area is a known UFO hotspot with dozens of sightings reported every year.


    Igor Molovic, one of the pair that uploaded the video, now seen by nearly 700,000 people within a few days, said: 'We couldn't believe it when we saw it. And what was spooky is that there was no sign of the spaceship.


    'Perhaps that was taken away and the body overlooked.'


    Skeptics suggest the video is a fake using a staged model for the ET's body.



  9. anyone recommend a game for the PS3 Move? i got the Sports Champions game but i wanna get another one, no idea what's good.


    Help please :)

    Time Crisis is pretty good, EchoChrome II (PSN Download) is also worth a look.

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