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Snake Plissken

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Posts posted by Snake Plissken

  1. What on earth Kung Fu Panda is doing in the Best animations when Tintin isn't I'll never know. It's actually the poorest lineup of Best Pictures in a long while outside of The Artist & The Descendants. Warhorse is also a undeserving nominee as well. Tree of Life can go away too.


    Hoping that Nolte gets best supporting actor for Warrior although the smart money does sit with Plumber. Jonah Hill gets a nomination when The S(h)itter is currently stinking up multiplexes? Ugh.

  2. OK I haven't seen darts in years since I used to watch it with my dad back in the 80s. So could somebody explain to me what the differences are? I assume Phil Taylor is in the PDO? When did the "big" entrances come in?

  3. I can't post it because I at work but youtube the trailer for a movie called The Raid.


    It looks like the most badass fun and gripping action film in years, and all reports/reviews are saying it's exactly that.




    There you go. Potentially NSFW (Violence)


    Also here's the Indonesian version (Slightly different but still violence NSFW) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1COoON-DX2Q



  4. Who's the girl?

    Jet Li

    Ermm. No it's not. For some strange reason Jet Li isn't on the poster?


    I wouldn't worry, I think it's been outed as an unofficial/fake poster anyway.


    Initial reports suggested that, however when the studio started sending around cease & desists to everyone, they confirmed it was the official poster, but it wasnt meant to have been put online yet.



  5. I'd love to see Stallone add a few more woman to these films assuming they make more. I think seeing the likes of Sandra Bullock, Linda Hamilton and Sharon Stone running around with big guns(ooh-err), blowing shit up and kicking the shit out of people would be ace.



    Then they'd have to call it The Expendabelles.


    On a side note Rothrock was approached about appearing in both the original and sequel, but turned them down.


    Van Damme needs to be on the poster.

  6. With David Yates directing its a possibility that Alan Rickman will be The Master if he's in it. As long as they don't cast Jude Law as the Doctor, however I have an overbearing sense of dread that one Russell Brand will be cast as the Doctor.


    With David Yates directing its a possibility that Alan Rickman will be The Master if he's in it. As long as they don't cast Jude Law as the Doctor, however I have an overbearing sense of dread that one Russell Brand will be cast as the Doctor.

  7. No in Sarah Jane Adventures the Doctor claimed it was 465 or something like that, then in the last series the point came up again and he stated something to the effect, 465/13 doesn't matter its just a number really I can do this as many times as I want. Which was their way of getting out of it.



    Just found this:


    According to the 'rules' set out by the old writers, a Time Lord can regenerate 12 times, meaning a total of 13 different forms.

    However, in the current state of things, the old writers didn't expect the Time Lord homeworld to be destroyed, so what they thought seems to be irrelevant.


    Now, since the Doctor is the only Time Lord left, he has complete autonomy on the Eye of Harmony, whose only remaining link is deep in the Catacombs of the TARDIS. It is the Eye that gives a Time Lord the ability to regenerate and so if no-one else is governing it, it's up to the Doctor how long he lives.

  8. To all these Two Doctors theories then, that means two Tardis's as well? Also, two Rory & Amys as well.


    Also the phrase to River Song about The Silence being her "owners" would this be significant?

  9. Stephen Moffatt not that he can be trusted has said in a filmedinterview that it is River who kills the Doctor in the astronaut suit and it's not a ganger Doctor as she scanned him first.

  10. From Doctorwho.tv


    Enjoy the current run of Doctor Who while it lasts because the wait for the next series is going to be a lengthy one.


    Doctor Who Magazine has officially confirmed what has been clear for a while now

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