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ultimo the great

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Posts posted by ultimo the great

  1. 2q3w4cl.jpg

    Lawler being Lawler


    Who is that?


    Is that the Diva known as B.B who had a short run in the WWF during the late 90's?

    No idea, some boob cruise girl.


    Liger meets a fan


    Is that Kevin Steen?



    Proof that WCW isn't dead ...

    Will never die baby



    DDP, Johnny B Badd (Marc Mero), Van Hammer and Glacier





    Dos Caras Jr (Del Rio), Dr Wagner Jr and Mistico (Sin Cara)



    Ultimo Guerrreo opens his own Juice bar



    Jun Kasasi flys







    Togi Makabe and Tomoaki Honma



    Not sure what Scott Hall's been taking.......

  2. Pena's such a pro he's still integral to the storylines in AAA even now and definately the top technico.

    It's a surprise the technico's don't wear Pena crucifix's yet, he's portrayed as this god like figure.PicsMore Sting meets....bcbp.jpgLiger meets a fandm4iro.jpgih3x3r.jpgAnvil meet The Great Sasukekcmgau.jpgRyota Hama is popular with the Ladies15s1unq.jpgCM Punk meets Bruce Campbell1oakns.jpg2mwugso.pngDos Caras jr aka Alberto Del Rio during his weird rudo/heel run1jl2qb.jpgVillano III with his beautiful face10zzkut.jpgThis seems very very wrong2afwdxe.jpg2gxpedf.jpg
  3. Back on topic....





    Necro meets Fujiwara





    Lawler being Lawler



    Hansen and Hogan: Sex Tape coming soon



    Tenryu and Awesome Kong



    Giant Baba attends Mitsuharu Misawa's Wedding



    The Four Corners of Heaven: Misawa, Toshiaki Kawada, Kenta Kobashi and Akira Taue



    Jun Kasai has a problem.




    another funeral pic, La Parka (not the WCW one) attends Antonio Pena's (Owner, Founder, Booker of AAA) funeral in 2007







  4. I'm presuming she looks better in the rest of that advert than she does in that pic.



    Anyway, here's another Asian lovely, Bhavna Limbachia out of Citizen Khan




    I am aware she isn't really non-commercial or non-conventional, unless you're Big Mickey I suppose

    I raise you Fiona Wade from Emmerdale




    Had the hots for her since she was in Grange Hill god knows how many years ago.


    Park Chan-wook's first English language film. With who the script is by, it being the first film he didn't write himself and some of the actor choices (Goode & Mulroney) i wasn't much looking forward to it but this looks promising.


    I'd watch anything with Tom Hanks in, yet having just checked i haven't seen him in anything since The Ladykillers. He's fun in Ladykillers and The Terminal but his last great performance is in Road to Perdition.

  6. I am doomed to spend the rest of my life searching for the identity of that woman, aren't I? I will die never knowing.

    Try asking on freeones Name a Babe forum, if shes not just some random model the guys on there will know.


    I've made this recommendation a million times, has any bugger on here actually tried it?

    Some people don't like to listen


    I've been using it for years, 9/10 times they get it right

  7. Jeff Who Lives At Home

    I'd heard mixed-to-bad reviews of this, so I had low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Jason Segel was perfect casting, Ed Helms not so much. It's not particularly funny or cohesive, but if you can stomach indie comedy and you're easily pleased it'll pass the time easily.

    Segel and Sarandon stop the film from being bad, Helms' Danny Mcbride impression is just odd.


    The Duplass brothers zoom in bullshit is so fucking irritating it took me out of the film every time it happened, {very slight spoiler} at one point they do an dramatic (and out of place) zoom in on Helms just before he jump's into the sea which makes it look like Baywatch.


    Has the potential to be this years Greenberg, alot of people are going to love it and some are going to hate it. I hated Greenberg.

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