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Mr. Seven

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Posts posted by Mr. Seven

  1. Went to see Safe which was really, really good. I love Jason Statham movies as a rule but this is a more polished and sophisticated effort than his usual fare. That's not to say it's anything ground-breaking, but it's paced and structured very well, and although it has shaky-cam problems, the camerawork is largely very impressive. It's a simple story told well and reminded me of '70s thrillers. See it, because it was completely buried by The Avengers and it's worth your attention.

  2. GGR is my #1 movie. So rewatchable, so quoteable, so much subtext to pick up on in repeat viewings. It's an absolute masterclass.


    To the guy who asked about going to see Avengers in 3D, I implore you not to. It's worthless, distracting and manages to make an already much too dark (physically) film appear even dimmer.

  3. They sometimes get feedback from cinema chains that have actually printed the fucking thing out and have it hanging proudly in their lobby. Also, every single time a listener writes in and mentions they went to a film, it's always referred to as their 'local World of Cine' (CLEVER) and it's gotten to the point where I resent the hosts and the mutant fans so much that I no longer have any idea if Mayo is embellishing the phrase 'Cineworld' or if the cunts actually write that in on purpose because IT'S SO WACKY.


    Ashamed I used to love that podcast. Ashamed.

  4. Their forced Odd Couple bullshit is absolutely infuriating. Kermode will make some pretentious reference and the second it escapes his lips, Mayo will play dumb and pull him back, making a five-second segment last for two fucking horrendous minutes.


    I need a better film review podcast and I need it now.

  5. Can't stand Kermode and Mayo anymore. I used to enjoy Kermode's style but then it all became way too self-aware and the constant references to 'wittertainment', Jason Isaacs, their disgusting 'code of conduct', the BBFC guidelines, Kermode's horrific impressions of Danny Dyer, Renee Zellweger, Gwyneth Paltrow et al, drives me fucking mental. Their live shows are a disgrace too and I would imagine the assembled audience to be the biggest collection of mouth-breathing mutants imaginable.


    The show is only tolerable when Boyd and Floyd fill in.

  6. I'd disagree slightly in that I think Kevin Smith is far more indulgent with his characters speaking in his own voice than Whedon is. Also the point about casting a good looking guy but dressing him up as a stoner is hardly something to lay exclusively at Whedon's door. That's the industry. Plus, acting is about dress up.

  7. In a February 2001 interview with fansite Total Mortal Kombat, actress Marjean Holden (Sheeva) expressed her displeasure at the filmmakers' treatment of her character. In the shooting script and novelization, Sheeva met her demise in an extensive fight scene with newly mortal Raiden, but the scene was never filmed and her screen time was scant in the finished print, with Raiden instead fighting two Raptors and Sheeva's death simply coming from a falling cage. "Here was a character, that was one of the most popular [in] the video game...and they killed her without even so much as a fight! Something I was not happy about at all. That was one of the reasons I wanted to do the role, was for the sheer fact that there were really great fights in the movie for this character, and they all got cut out."
  8. I don't think its necessarily a film that needs, or stands up well, to the sort of weighty, pseudo-intellectual analysis it gets. It's a big, dumb Hollywood horror film that is really fucking fun to watch


    I have a lot of time for you daz, but I think this is wrong. It's a film that works off knowledge, history, tropes, cliches and genre structure. You absolutely can enjoy it as good old fashioned fun and there's nothing wrong with doing so, but it is a film that has a great deal of subtext and the entire structure is deliberately put in place to provide a commentary on horror movies, the demands of the audience, voyeurism, expectation, etc, etc. It is a film that demands in-depth analysis, whether or not it can stand up to it.

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