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Posts posted by HBAndy

  1. Aww, bless. He sure knows how to work his target audience.Man, have you seen the new Jimmy Jacobs video? Edgecrusher has got to be pissed at the prospect of the Jacobs/Cabana feud...

    It was adorable.I love Jimmy Jacobs and his EMO WARRIOR stuff is a million times better than HUSS. I'm looking forward to the feud and the potential matches between the two if they are kept relatively unimportant.
  2. Anyone seen Unbreakable?.. Whats it like?

    I very much like it. I prefer it to Sixth Sense and all the other Shymalanshit, but Samuel L. Jackson's character is extremely intriguing and the story was something which I became involved in and a nice chemistry between the two leads whilst the film meanders along with variously interesting setpieces and a very heart-beating twist.
  3. Configurations, as a word, sounds far more complicated than it is. Wearing a baseball cap with the peak to the front, to the back, or at a daring angle, are all configurations - but most people can get to grips with that.

    But, you know when you teach a friend how to play a game (A is for pass, press that one to run, hold that and press that and you can do that) etc, well, it will just get a bit complicated when you have to teach them all again for every game. With a new controller setup. And a new gizmo widget thingameebob.
    Maybe in terms of deprogramming, but in its own right the concept of swinging something in your hand in order to swing a sword on the screen is a lot more intuitive and easier to grasp than pressing a combination of buttons.
    I put something similar to that, but deleted it. I suppose with Wii Sports just swinging a golf club or whatnot is rather simple. For most.
  4. Configurations, as a word, sounds far more complicated than it is. Wearing a baseball cap with the peak to the front, to the back, or at a daring angle, are all configurations - but most people can get to grips with that.

    But, you know when you teach a friend how to play a game (A is for pass, press that one to run, hold that and press that and you can do that) etc, well, it will just get a bit complicated when you have to teach them all again for every game. With a new controller setup. And a new gizmo widget thingameebob.
  5. Yeah, thanks it makes sense. Could be fun.Do Nintendo really love alienating the common video game player though? They wouldn't be bothered with all those configurations surely.Also, will we have to pay for these configurations? :(

  6. I'll never undersatnd why they sell machine's without games. Aside from the obvious money thing. Just seem's to make more sense for the machine to come with a game. Even if it's not AAA standard. At that price I will definetly get one. Will be annoyed of I am forced to fork out for a game aswell.I'd rather a second controller be my first purchase.

    If the console only came bundled with game A, B, or C, none of which I wanted, and I was always intending to buy game D on launch, then I'd be annoyed at being forced to pay an increased price for the benefit of a shiny coaster.
    Bundles with a certain game = bad, bundles with any game = good. In the US, games are expected to be $50 max so over here it'll probably be
  7. Saw Severance tonight, I quite enjoyed it, the parts that were meant to be funny were funny and the parts which were meant to be frightening or whatnot, were.It should have been more of a comedy as there are some great moments which should have been made more of at the expense of the horror content, which at times was wasteful, but for the most part I had a fun old time.

  8. Yeah the main theme (lifted from Badlands) is awesome. You don't know the track title do you?

    Yeah, i have it somewhere, it's by Hans Zimmer... let me have a scan...Edit: It's Hans Zimmer - You're so cool. Fantastic name for the track!
    Hans Zimmer is amazing, I've got this live CD of his where he and his orchestra perform a number of his compositions and it's goosebump wielding. Startling musician.
  9. SNAKES ON A PLANEJust tremendous fun and I like that in a film, it knows it's cheesy and it knows how to be so bad that it's good and that's what I wanted to see, Samuel L. Jackson delivered some of his lines so perfectly they had me wetting myself, he was the perfect lead guy for this sort of film and there's a thin line which isn't crossed during this film which if it had been crossed, it would have been a bad film. But, man it was just so fun.Those snakes were nasty.

  10. Ferris Beuller's Day OffWhat a classic film, don't we all wish we were Ferris for just one day? He's like a god, I actually think that's how John Hughes intended to make him out as, and he has that inner sparkle which we all wish we could unleash every so often. If you are ever feeling down and want to be motivated into doing something about it, watch Ferris Beuller and you will feel excited about all the possibilities you could undertake if you just lived like Ferris Beuller for one day.I didn't explain much of anything about the film there, but nevertheless, it's great.

  11. Also, Walk the Line was AMAZING.

    There is nothing amazing about it.
    Maybe there was nothing striking in it, but I don't know why, something got me greatly involved in his life and the story, yes it was just a bio-pic by the numbers, but it was of a fascinating man and had two AMAZING performances in it. I thought Joaquin Phoenix was tremendous.
  12. I personally thought Spinal Tap, although amusing, was over-rated.The mockumentary style was fresh but still a little rough around the edges, and in my view The Office in terms of mockumentary, totally owns it.

    I can understand that, but I really love the improv aspect of Spinal Tap and the reactions of the actors make the film. I found that the more I watched it, the more I appreciated the subtler moments and the more I loved it.Naked Gun has nothing on the Holy Grail, and I love Naked Gun.Also, Walk the Line was AMAZING.
  13. Lovely review of the show...when I watched it I basically watched the first couple of average ROH matches and then skipped to the brilliant main-event.I loved Homicide's work in the match and Necro showed once again that he's one indy wrestler who can actually evoke a reaction from a crowd, and combined with Homicide's turn it made for a very well worked match. My favourite part of the ROH/CZW feud so far, I preffered it to the 6man brawl at the 100th show.

  14. Monty Python and the Holy Grail


    A film with more laughs per minute than this may not exist. I'm not really a fan of the TV series but I love the films and this is definitely my favourite, yes, there's no plot, characterisation or great acting, but who cares, the jokes and hilarity make this a work of genius. Essentially, it's just funny set-pieces loosely strung together but it contains some of the most classic moments in comedy history, the Knights who say Ni, "It's merely a flesh wound", The French castle and so many others.


    It's just pure hilarity. The only film which I think compares on this level is Spinal Tap.

  15. Some great reviews, LL and Edgecrusher.I was browsing through a few websites and came across ROH's First Anniversary Show, I haven't seen it before but I was thinking of picking it up. Was it any good?

    It was a really good show if you like early ROH which is littered with pomposity, Ki vs. London vs. Styles is great fun, Joe vs. AmDrag is never a bad thing, Mark vs. Jay is fun and Homicide vs. Corino was a decent brawl as well. It's a good early show.
  16. Talking of Psycho, has anyone here seen the remake with Vince Vaughn? It's the biggest piece of shit ever, all the scenes are EXACTLY the same as the original and they even kept the same effects from the original, I don't see the point in that film at all, you might aswell just watch the original as it is much more creepier. Vince does OK in it though.

    This is a shocking statment, but I actually liked the Psycho remake. I saw it before the original which of course is a million times better but the remake has a certain charm to it. I think it's because everyone else hates it.
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