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Posts posted by dangerously420

  1. Tommyboi is like a kid having a drink for the first time because it's Christmas. YOU'RE DRINKING BEER TOMMY, WE GET IT. Fucking hell.


    Sorry I have friends who say the same thing but for me just discovering craft beer for the first time about a year ago this is my first Christmas of having craft beer so it is like at times like I'm a kid who hasn't had alcohol before. When you have been used to drinking standard lager for years then you get the taste of craft beer it does honestly feel like you are drinking beer for the first time again as you feel like this is what you've been missing all these years.

  2. Brewdog stuff's overrated imo. The branding is better than the beer. Good shout on the Mikeller though, everything they do is great. I'm also loving most of the Weird Beard stuff at the moment.


    Weird Beard's 'Hit The Lights' is absolutely lovely. I get the Brewdog criticisms but I'd still take their 5am Saint, Hardcore IPA & Jackhammer over lots of the competition. Their 'Santa Paws' christmas ale is also delicious.


    I've felt mixed about 5am Saint. Sometimes it's amazing sometimes it's average at best. Consistency is hard to get right with craft beer unlike themass market beers like Carling.

  3. Whilst Taste is very objective and there's only two types of beer, those you like and those you don't. You really don't seem to know what you're going on about, you keep mention hops all the time yet I don't think you understand what hops do in the brewing process. Hops generally add the bitterness to beer, but then it's all down to the type of hops used as well. Not more hops equals more flavour, for an example have a look at the Wikipedia list for types of hops. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hop_varieties

    Comes in a pint can and is 8.7% ABV. It's a sticky sweet IPA and the hops and the malt are just amazing. Very malty for the sweetness and stickiness.

    To say something is sticky and sweet for the maltyness, is pretty much what malt does. Malt adds some of the sugars for the yeast to activate from and turn into alcohol during the brewing process. Even then it's down to how much the malts are roasted which effects the taste. It does also seem that you only like beers that have a strong alcoholic content, though saying that the Russian Imperial Stout that I've had was very nice, but definitely not a session beer with it's strong 11%. The red IPA that I quoted you talking about above really sounds like someone describing Tennants Super or Special Brew. Generally though it does sounds like you've heard hops and malt are involved in the brewing process, so you thought you would sound intelligent by using them to describe the taste of beer, but you come across as a bit of a twat.


    Though if you do like very bitter hoppy beers then you'll love arrogant Bastard Ale, which is a a septic brew, that's famous for how strong it is in flavour. http://www.arrogantbastard.com/


    I have a bottle of Arrogant Bastard for Christmas day. 650ml 7.1% ABV

  4. I have became quite the craft beer drinker in the last year or so. Found some amazing beers and feel I could really contribute to this thread really well.


    My journey with craft beer began when my sisters boyfriend was going on about Brewdog and it's bar in Glasgow. He told me how he got a beer tasting on groupon and said it was just amazing. Got along and from there I was hooked.


    My first craft beer I drank was Brewdog's flagship beer Punk IPA. A 5.4% ABV IPA. The one thing that stood out from this was the smell. It smelt different to Stella Artios and Budweiser in the fact it actually smelled of something. A strong hop aroma which is just wonderful and the bitterness of grapefruit just hits the spot.


    I have tried just about all the Brewdog range and my favorites have to be Hardcore IPA which is a 9.2% ABV Double IPA and Libertine Black Ale which comes in at 7.2% ABV.


    I've taken a liking to the American import ales as Brewdog takes a strong American influence in what it does. British ales tend to be not so great at using as much hops and I love hops in my beer. Brewdog use lots of hops.


    My favorite American brewers are Oskar Blues, Flying Dog and Great Divide.


    My favorite from Oskar Blues is the GKnight Imperial Red IPA. Comes in a pint can and is 8.7% ABV. It's a sticky sweet IPA and the hops and the malt are just amazing. Very malty for the sweetness and stickiness.


    Flying Dog I have to say the Barleywine is my favorite of theirs in at 10.5% ABV.


    Great Divide its a toss up between the Yeti Imperial stout 9.5% ABV and Hercules Double IPA which comes in at 10% ABV.

  5. I wonder what will be the future of the mobile phone over the next ten years. I guess the handsets are still going to look similar unless there is a new technology comes along to drastically change the phones shape but I'm more thinking about the future functionality of the mobile phone and what it will be able to do. Discuss?

  6. Just been reading about this AJ Lee scandal and it is such a non news story it's unreal. However because WWE superstars are somewhat on the grand scheme of things are celebrities and someone else is a news reader it does get made into a OMG MaJ oR NEWZ!!!!!


    If this happened to normal people no one else would give a toss.


    All it is is one girl being jealous of her boyfriend speaking to another girl. Is this really news? No.


    Move on.

  7. The girl is unemployed but claims benefits and gets money from the ex so she isn't hard up.


    Sorry? Do you understand how hard it actually is for a single parent to raise a child on benefits? Some of the press and the current government would make you believe it's a piece of piss but it really isn't. I'm sure she probably is a bit of an attention seeker given the rest of what you say she posts but I stil don't envy anyone who is in that position.



    That would depend on how well off the kids dad is and how much he is paying her.


    anyway the kid will old enough for school soon so she will be able to get a part time job during school time


    The ex is a very well paid mechanic so she is getting very adequate child support payments.

  8. I have a girl on my Facebook friends list who is a full time mummy as her job and posts she's bored all day in the house and can only talk about her 4 year old girl.


    The latest rant is that she lives in a decent council house but is raging that other people got an even better council house that she wanted so she could be 3 miles closer to her mum.


    The girl is unemployed but claims benefits and gets money from the ex so she isn't hard up.


    She was also moaning about her school making it so unfair that the nativity play could only be seen by two family members per child and causing casting up online which grandparent from what side of the family should get picked to go to create drama on Facebook so she can have people feel sorry for her in an attention seeking way.

  9. Drew McIntyre had tweeted that he was speaking to Bret Hart at last nights Raw and said that the Scottish promotion SWE run by David Low (Braveheart) stiffed him on money from a sold out meet and greet before their wrestlemania show Hell 4 Lycra.


    This with the NWO tour fiasco just gives the scene a bad name. Just hoping this doesn't encounter any problems for PSI events as Hart might have trust issues with UK promoters after this.

  10. No they don't. One is a horrific accident. The other is a celebrity molesting children. They are very different.


    Really? Horrific accident. Daft sectarian tweets and silly copter crash jokes. That's ok?! Famous person in a band does really sick child sex abuse and only thing at most was the H from steps thing there was no actual jokes about the abuse itself. I think neither of them should be allowed to be joked about or any form of satire derived from both news stories.


    My cousin in the band Esperanza has been lucky to be alive and my uncle who supported his son watching in the audience.

  11. Notice how there was not one sick joke to be seen on Facebook over Ian Watkins from Lostprophets in his child abuse as it was deemed too much to even be joked yet there was people who made stupid remarks about the Clutha pub disaster. Is it considered sociably acceptable to make sick jokes over death but unacceptable for an extreme act of peadophillia to be too taboo to joke about? I personally think neither should be joked about as i think they both have the same equal level of senstivity around both subject matters.

  12. Good thread. I'm not into NFL but my girlfriend is a mad American sports fan and is going to the NFL game at Wembley at the end of October. She wants me to go too but I've never watched NFL so em touchdowns what's that all about eh?

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