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Posts posted by Gwailofilms

  1. Chris Jericho has been the absolute man for the past two years.


    I also realised this morning that Dragon Gate's Susumu Yokosuka might not have had a conventionally outstanding year, but he was in three of the best matches I saw in 2009 (vs. Shingo in Oxford, & KAGETORA vs. CIMA & Gamma (6/8, Korakuen Hall. Aired on DG Infinity #142) and vs. Naruki Doi (25/10, Hakata Star Lane. Aired on Infinity #152)), so I'm nominating him too.

  2. Dragon Gate Infinity: A fast-paced hour of entertainment with usually at least one awesome, 20 minute match on each episode. Plus you can see me on #142. :D


    WWE Experience: I don't have the time or patience to watch six fresh hours of WWE per week, but Experience distills the best bits into an easy-to-follow hour on a Sunday morning and, as always, Jack's got my back.

  3. I'd love to see the footage of Bruce's face as you fondle his hand. Great story. Though if it'd ended with you fondling Emily Booth it would have been even better, clearly.

    Not so much. She's a bit rough in the flesh these days IMO.


    EDIT: And, as much as I hate sending traffic to these backward-facing, tight-fisted, slave-driving motherfuckers, it's the Brucey interview soundbite at the beginning, where he turns to look at the Burger King behind him. Less of a death stare than I remember.



  4. Emily Booth is gorgeous - saw her in Piccadilly Circus station the other day. Very nice.


    I also remember her from her soft porn days as "Emily Bouffante" on L!ve TV, presenting the "Blue Review".

    Emily Booth is the reason I once accidentally fondled Bruce Willis. True story.


    Finish or die.

    As you wish.


    I used to work for a movie promotions website (two, actually) and part of my job was running camera for red carpet interviews. The typical setup for one of these is a whole series of two-man crews (one interviewer, one cameraman) are jammed into a pen made from wrestling ringside-style guardrails. You are allocated your spot and there you stay while the film talent is ushered down the carpet, signing autographs and doing the interview line.


    So, I was at the premiere of Over the Hedge in which Bruce Willis voices some sort of furry woodland creature. My interviewer, Andy, and I are in our spot in the pen and have interviewed the minor cast. The one person left to talk to is Bruce and we see him making his way through all the other crews. To the other side of us, every crew between us and the door is interviewing someone, so a there's a backlog building up.


    As these things usually do, it's running late, so one of the PR girls appears and goes down the line telling all the crews "one question with Bruce". This is hugely frustrating, but not uncommon. At this point, Emily Booth barges between me and Andy, shouting to the PR girl about how they didn't get to interview Bruce. Meanwhile, Willis is seconds away from finishing with the crew before us. For a start, leaving your spot is bad form in terms of premiere etiquette (especially, when you've overstocked your crew and brought your cameraman, sound guy and producer along), crashing someone else's spot is also a no-no and making a hoo-hah with the PRs, who are usually stressed as fuck to start with, is also not going to win you any brownie points. The PR tells Booth and her crew to get back to their spot and "we'll see what we can sort out" (PR carny for "fuck off, I don't have time to deal with you"). As she leaves, Booth's enormous stiletto heel catches our quick-release mic cable and pulls it out of the bottom of the microphone.


    At the second, Bruce arrives. Thanks to the backlog, we've got him all to ourselves until the PRs move him on. In terms of red carpet interviews, this is a dream come true, so Andy launches into his questions.... with an unplugged microphone...


    I can't tell Andy to stop because Willis will get taken away, so I try to keep the camera on Bruce, while I blindly feel around for the mic cable to plug it back in. I know that once I've located the plug, the bottom of the mic, where it plugs in, will be about flush with the bottom of Andy's hand so all I have to do is find that and push up and we'll be back in business. So, I reach out and feel fabric. Brilliant, that's Andy's arm, just follow that forward till I feel skin and...


    At this point, I notice that Bruce has stopped talking and is staring with some intensity down the lens of the camera. I look away from the viewfinder and see that I have reached too far over the barrier and am trying to plug the mic cable into the bottom of Bruce Willis' hand!


    I immediately retract my hand and Andy & Bruce finish their interview.


    So yeah, that's how Emily Booth made me fondle Bruce Willis. As a footnote, we were really lucky that the Sky crew next to us had their boom mic over our spot during our interview and kindly sent us their tape, so I could take their audio, sync it up with our picture and run with a complete Bruce Willis interview.

  5. As previous photo attempts have failed, Maggie Cheung (45)




    I'm also picking Emma Thompson (50) because I have a feeling she's all kinds of filthy fun...




    ...and there's something about Karen Hardy (39) that makes me feel funny too.




    While we're on a "Strictly..." bent, I always figured Erin Boag was in her forties (I guess it's the tit job, mumsie hair and obsession with getting her "look! I'm still young! Look!" abs out at every opportunity), but the Wik says she was born in '75. Hmmmmm...

  6. I'm halfway through watching "Rise & Fall of WCW" and there was the briefest clip of Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Jushin Liger.


    I didn't think they'd ever had a one-on-one match, least of all in the US. What show is this from?


  7. I went back on the Halo 3 for a little bit last night. gwailo, if possible you need to play with a party of friends because I've totally lost patience with the random douchebags too. Personally I play with people I actually know and it's tremendous fun (particularly for objective based games), but an alternative would be to party up/friend request if you stumble accross some decent/friendly folks on your travels. I've built up a massive friends list of SFIV sparring partners by doing that and it's worked for Halo in the past.

    Trouble is, I'm rubbish. I have an innate feeling that these players aren't going to want to play again with me due to my crapness. My Halo philosophy is "stick to the rules, try your best, have fun". That and my Live friends list is run on the same edict as my Facebook one: "Do I know you? No? Then we're not friends". Meh, I might try it next I come across someone who's not a complete dickwad.


    Well, since moving to Leeds

    Traitor! Abandoning this two-bit, scumhole crazy roundabout town... oh wait... No, good on you, actually.


    Halo 3, Football Manager 09, Firepro Returns, The Rumble Fish, Guardian Heroes, Graffiti Kingdom, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Golden Axe, Golden Axe 2, Streets of Rage 2, Aladdin, Pac Man, Frogger, Streetfighter IV, Guilty Gear XX, 'Splosion Man, Marvel vs Capcom 2, 1 vs 100 and copious amounts of Rock Band 2. Gaming is pretty sweet at the minute.

    Never managed to play RB2 online. We should hook up. I'm a solid Medium on guitar/bass, no drums and it would take a large cheque to get me to sing. Even larger if you want it in tune.

  8. This week, I have been mostly playing...


    - Halo 3 online multiplayer, mostly with/against utter douchebags. Team-killers and cock-munchers abound. Henge


    - Spinal Tap songs on Rock Band. Everyone needs to try Stone Henge.

  9. While watching the "Classic Goldie" thing on BBC2, I fell the tiniest bit in love with composer Anna Meredith. Sadly good internet photos of her are hard to find.



    Well that took all of two secs



    Good man. She looked much better on the TV show than in any of the Googlable pics though, especially in the blue dress in first episode...

  10. No.


    Frank Andersson was my man in WCW at this point. Either him or Pitbull Pittman.

    I'm glad I'm not the only Craig Pittman fan. One of my favourite finishes is Disco Inferno submitting to Pittman's submission finisher (wakigatame? Jujigatame? I forget; some evil armlock) before Pitbull can put it on because he doesn't want a fucked up arm to ruin his dancing.

  11. I ripped the first three of those WCW DVDs, revealing a heap of stuff from 1991. I actually hoped it was from the following year, but there's plenty to like here. I'm in a hot Japanese hotel room and can't sleep, so I plugged the iPod into the TV and watched the matches that took my fancy.


    In somewhat random order then:-


    Big Van Vader squashes

    Not the classic Vader squashes from the '92 and beyond, but still worthy. The big man is still using the horribly generic big splash as his fat boy finisher and has yet to relocate to Colorado from Parts Unknown. Things stepped up a notch in the Vader jobber massacre stakes once they started letting him use the powerbomb.


    Jobber #1 is Rick Hard Rock. He "for some some unknown and not very intelligent reason" (direct quote from Jim Ross) decides to attack Mr. White in the aisle. He is booted, headbutted and clotheslined to the concrete, then rolled into the ring and wiped out in about a minute.


    Jobber #2 is TC Carter, an African-American gentlemen in an eye-watering lime green outfit. Vader, dressed as ever in stylish black-and-red, takes offence to Carter's dress sense and obliterates him with HUGE chokeslam before the splash. Worryingly, Jim Ross mentions that Vader has challenged PN News to a "battle of the big splashes". Thankfully that match is the appropriately named Sir Not-Appearing-on-this-DVD.


    Big Van Vader & Mr. Hughes vs. The Steiners

    Ten minutes for four big bastards belting the shit out of each other. It's a bit of a clothesline-fest, but it's still good fun. Of note, Vader has gained 46lbs in billed weight since the prior squashes. Vader wasn't afraid to bump for a big guy, taking a whopper of a German suplex. Rick Steiner takes move of the match for a backdrop on Hughes where Dog-Face does 99% of the work. Ricky gets the pin over Hughes (who has the balls to kick out of a Steiner pin milliseconds after the "three") with a top rope bulldog.


    The best match you'll ever see Curtis Hughes in.


    Big Van Vader vs. Stan Hansen (WrestleWar '91)

    More Vader fightin'. The US rematch from the, ahem, eye-popping Japanese original.


    Vader's headgear is seriously cool. It's a shame he had to get shot of it in 1992. Vader is in full mask here as opposed to the strap thingy he would later wear.


    EDIT: By "cool headgear", I mean the steam-billowing, Star Wars/samurai entrance thing, rather than his match masks.


    They meet at the ropes and it's on on the ramp. Punches, kicks, clotheslines, knees, then back into the ring where Vader hits Hansen with a lariat out of the corner that sounds like a gun going off. A bit more thumping, then Vader, shockingly, grabs a wrestling hold. Not for long though, as they quickly spill back outside with Vader diving off the apron and some chairs get involved. Jim Ross shits his pants on commentary as these two "big men, bad men, ugly men, vicious men" (as Dusty Rhodes describes them) battle around him.


    They bundle back into the ring and exchange blows from their knees as the ref Randy Anderson tries to split them up. Both guys grab him and chuck him out of the ring and "Pee Wee" calls it off; a double DQ. Our combatants care not as they carry on fighting. Vader comes off the top rope with a big clothesline, cementing himself as the crowd's favourite before they battle off up the ramp.


    Classic clubberin'.


    Steiner Bros. vs. Hiroshi Hase & Masa Chono (Clash of the Champions)

    Before this gets underway, we're shown a clip of The Steiners downing Hase & Kensuke Sasaki for the IWGP World tag title in Tokyo. JR explains that Chono has been chosen by New Japan to replace Sasaki because of his outstanding singles run.


    Fashion notes: there are three amazing mullets in this match and I want a Hase "Northern Lights" T-shirt.


    The opening exchanges between Scott and Hase are like nothing this Knoxville crowd have ever seen before and they love it. A mixture of crisp amateur takedowns and high-speed rope running, capped off with Hase's enzuigiri-like "amazing Karate kick" (cheers, JR) to Scott's forehead, sending him outside.


    A double tag out and Chono and Rick bring the beatings and the moustaches. Chono Yakuza Kicks Rick right in the head, breaking his headgear (which the big goof leaves on for the remainder of the match), but Steiner no-sells three more and comes back with a clothesline.


    And so we proceed with the Japanese hitting smart double-teams and the Steiners countering with power and strikes. After the hot tag, Hase lines up for Scott's signature moves (double-underhook powerbomb, tilt-a-whirl slam) and, in what must have been a mainstream North American first, fires back with a sweet Dragon suplex, which Ross just loves.


    The finish is a doozy: Rick is outside, Chono & Hase double clothesline Scott, then send him in for a second. He ducks and the Japanese hit the ropes to come back at him. Rick grabs Chono's foot from the floor, allowing Scott to hit a picture-perfect Frankensteiner on Hase for the three. All really slickly executed.


    A really enjoyable match and worth tracking down.

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