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Posts posted by thefallenangel

  1. Could TNA bring in Monty Brown for a short run? Wiki tells me he "retired" in 2011 but at 42 and working as a personal trainer, could they do a mystery partner and bring in Monty Brown for a short run.


    Having a look through TNA Alumni, here's a list of plausible people who could TNA could do with right now:


    Monty Brown

    D'angelo Dinero

    Low Ki



    Lance Hoyt (IF his NJPW run has made him any better)




    All potential heels who could help TNA out in the short run. Tomko/Knux as a tag team would be great feud for GunStorm, Rhino/Roode feud would work pretty well too. Perhaps run Samoa Joe over Monty Brown for a one night stint. (Make a feud up with Joe being the best TNA has had in the past 8 years can beat anyone) or even perhaps have Joe vs. Liger in a rematch for 2005 Bound For Glory. Perhaps have Abyss reappear and issue an open challenge for his Legends title to have Lance Hoyt answer it as Sacrifice 2005 was a good little match between them.


    But you shouldn't be thinking like this for you A* PPV of the year.

  2. After much speculation about the band's future following the arrest and incarceration of frontman Ian Watkins, Lostprophets have posted the following statement:



    After nearly a year of coming to terms with our heartache, we finally feel ready to announce publicly what we have thought privately for some time. We can no longer continue making or performing music as Lostprophets. Your love and support over the past 15 years has been tremendous, and we'll be forever grateful for all you've given us. As we look forward to the next phase of our lives, we can only hope to be surrounded by people as devoted and inspiring as you guys have been.


    Jamie, Lee, Luke, Mike, and Stu."


    Watkins is due to stand trail on child sex charges this November.



    Even if Watkins is found not guilty, they just cannot carry on as lost prophets. If he is innocent all he can hope for is a 2nd stage at Download in 10 years time for anyone who still remembers them.

  3. Would a World X Cup be an idea to fill BFG card out if done properly with a 3 man team USA/Mexico/Japan/Europe ?

    Not after the debacle with the taped X-Cup PPV. Has that even aired yet? Besides, they can barely afford to pay the talent they already have. Can't think bringing a group of outsiders in for a payoff on their big show would go down too well.


    Only bringing 3 outsiders if you can rig the teams up, hell if your desperate enough bring back X limits = no limits and add in Rob Terry + Magnus .

  4. Would a World X Cup be an idea to fill BFG card out if done properly with a 3 man team USA/Mexico/Canada/Europe ?


    Petey Williams/EY/Jack Evans? vs. Kenny King/Sonjay Duut/Chris Sabin vs. Chavo/Puma/A.N.other vs. Spud/vs. 2 European guys



    2 6 man tags, 4 3 way bouts and the 2 winning team captains face off for the winner of World X Cup? 7 matches to help beef the card out.

  5. Scherer is the worst. I'm surprised he's still around. He's a Mark Madden, Bob Ryder type. A relic agenda ridden journalist from the late 90s, who has no credibility. Jason Powell is great, though. He reported pretty much the same story, and just reported the facts, instead of jarring twatty opinion into it.


    I always feel like I'm coming off as a right bitter cunt in regards to TNA, but I'm really not. Its just a shame to see the number 2 promotion struggling and so many people in the company looking out for themselves for so long. And seeing all those people lose their jobs over such a mad experiment is an even bigger shame. Seeing them go under would be pretty horrendous for the business. Maybe going back to a studio location and getting Jarrett back into it will steady them. One thing about Jeff, he's a super hard worker. Borash is also a massive asset. They have some good people working there, but things just seem a mess right now.



    Controversy creates cash?

  6. I never thought I would say this after the weekly PPV days but bring back Jeff Jarrett as a heel, go over AJ Styles before Xmas and have AJ as the chasing face for 2014. Fuck Me, TNA are in trouble.


    Also why don't they turn the TNA UK tour into a months worth of TV tapings? That's a months worth a year done and then perhaps try something like India after the Ring Ka King run then you only need to find 10 other places to do tapings. (Hammerstein Ballroom perhaps, Impact Zone, Hotel in Vegas they did impact from)


    TNA's most urgent problem is what's the best card you can book with the guys on the current roster which would make it worth watching Bound For Glory?

  7. Are they giving that match away for free again?? That match would have been my pick for BFG main event alongside Hogan/Bully.

    For that to happen, AJ or Aries would have to win the BFG series, and the other would have to win the World Title from Bully between now and BFG.


    Unlikely, but still possible. At the moment, though, I can't see anything other than a Styles/Ray BFG main event.


    TNA World Title - Styles vs. Ray vs. Anderson

    No 1. Contender's Match - Roode vs. Aries vs. Hardy

    TNA World Tag Titles - GunStorm vs. British Invasion (Magnus/Terry) vs. Bad Influence vs. Bromans


    Angle/Jackson vs. Knux/Ortiz

    Losing Team's Group Disbands - Sting/Joe vs. A+8's (Bischoff/Brisco)


    X Division Title - Manik vs. Chris Sabin vs. Kenny King vs. Spud


    Television Title (strip Abyss on iMPACT) - Joesph Park vs. Jay Bradley vs. Hernandez


    Knockout's Title Mickie James vs. ODB



    That card is one i struggled to book. The storylines built up coming into Bound For Glory are dire as is the state of the roster.

  8. For anyone who even thinks Jesse is better than Howard, please catch a re-run of Scuzz at Download. Jesse's version of end of heartache isn't a scratch on Howards. I respect it's not his song but christ, Howard is just better.

  9. Did anyone see While she Sleeps at Download? They were insane. The lead singer finished up on the lighting rig. Mind you soil afterwards with Ryan McCombs crowd surfing around with random people singing Halo. He is a man who should never, ever have left Soil.

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