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Posts posted by Philjax

  1. Richards Vs Elgin - I had to give this a watch. I haven't seen any ROH since the HDNet days and not a DVD release since April '07. I think we can all agree that this is quite far removed from a 5 star match. Baffling how anyone could hold this up against some of the classics from the first 5 years of Honor. I'd probably throw it a mercyful ***3/4 for the effort but i've never seen so much stuff mean so little and sold so badly, not even badly, not at all. The only thing remotely ***** about it is the fact that Elgin still has the ability to walk after the top rope german suplex head drop at the 17 minute mark. Elgin actually impressed me and i'd like to see more of him but probably not in ROH. I had no idea how bad Davey had got. I always liked him when he debuted in '06. So many different finishers being kicked out of it was impossible to suspend belief especially when the actual finish was a rather weak kick to the head. If this is the best ROH has to offer these days I don't think I need to tarnish my memories and DVD collection of '02-'06 by watching any further to be honest. Sad times.

  2. Dunno if it was my eyes deceiving me but Kaitlyn seemed to have a piece of her chin skin hanging off after tussling with Nattie.


    I'm utterly convinced that Tyler Reks is about to be released. I hope that like Raw and SD they'll introduce a coupla new guys soon like Rollins or Dean Ambrose. Bear in mind i'm only half way through the show as i write this so it could have happened during the Uso/Choc-Cock match.....

  3. All the ridiculously high priced ones on ebay are from a-merchandise. I cant imagine people paying that but i bet every now and again someone IS willing to pay 50 quid for one of them so it's probably worthwhile to keep relisting them. I've recently started selling mine off. Was searching randomly and noticed ROH Gold from '04 (the 50th show) went for 25 quid so i quickly put mine on and got 20 for it. I then realised i don't really need any of my dvds so am rewatching them and getting rid of them as i go. It's kind of pot luck though.


    Link to my current auctions: ROH GLORY BY HONOR '03(II) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200740011331?ssP...984.m1555.l2649 ROH Straight Shooting With Raven & Sandman Vol 1 & 2 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200739179667?ssP...984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200739181346?ssP...984.m1555.l2649

  4. What's the deal with Homicide these days? Bear in mind I haven't seen him wrestle since his forgettable last months with TNA but it doesn't seem like they want him back for the X-Division or to re-unite LAX. Is he no longer good enough to carry the ROH belt? Not many people have held it more than once. I presume the ring name isn't very TV friendly for Sinclair and he's just not what they're looking for.

  5. God bless Regal for Hunico's first bit of character development: Apparently he saved Camacho (the other one) from a street beating, got knifed in the stomach for his troubles and retaliated by tearing out the assailants eyeball and eating it whole.


    In other news, Baitlyn and Maxine/Curtis are criminally wasted only being on this show. Smackdown needs this kind of entertainment.

  6. Episode 8 featured some watchable undercard action with Daizee Haze and Delirious vs MsChif and Jimmy Jacobs, a nicely focused squash for the American Wolves, and Bryan Danielson vs Tyler Black in a World Title contenders match which wasn't up there with the New Horizons PPV match but came across well as a TV main.


    This was also a rematch from week 6's (25th April) TV main event between the two which was fucking awesome. I'd check that one out if I were you.

  7. I think it's best you stop trying to defend yourself. I would have thought it's fairly obvious no one from here will take you seriously or ever attend one your (reportedly) crappy shows so just stop posting and focus your attention on getting the locals and casuals in instead of the members of this forum. I'd advise you put on something decent though otherwise they will never come back either.______________

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