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Posts posted by kidzero

  1. 26 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

    It appears to be a bubble of fans who are really into ROH but don't talk about it online much. Whenever a new episode of the TV show is dropped or there's tapings or even a PPV, the lack of buzz is really noticeable. I have to use Twitter for work, so I have a column dedicated to 'wrestling Twitter' with all the usual good eggs, and you really see how little attention ROH gets outside of the big 'Mania week shows and the occasional New Japan tie-in. I'd say more people watch BTE than ROH TV.

    Yeah there a lot of people like that who only tune in for the big shows... I always find time to watch roh TV every week  and shows streamed on honor club not to mention buying merchandise and just trying to support them however I can... Any idea when honor reunited is gonna be uploaded to honor club 

  2. 4 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    A bob is 5p, and Bob too was with Rita and Sue. It's not six figures. If he didn't need the money he wouldn't be such a grabbing miserable cunt when he works the gimmick tables.

    Ok but you understand where I'm coming form.. I don't think he's short of a few dollars .

  3. 1 hour ago, WeeAl said:

    That fella Sho is in some bloody nick. 


    He's a hell of a worker to he's gonna have a epic run with the Jr title in a year or 2... Speaking of the the Jr title what's happening with it with ever since the legendary and amazing Hiromu Takahashi got injured. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:


    Okada vs Ibushi, Naito vs Jericho and Tanahashi vs Omega for Wrestle Kingdom then?

    That would be a great card for Wrestle Kingdom but there's a few big shows before then anything can happen .... Have to say I was rooting for Tanahashi but the last 15 mins of the match was to hard to call but I'm glad Tanahashi won. 

  5. 22 hours ago, MPDTT said:

    Well, All In will be on Honorclub, free to VIP subscribers! I'm a big fan of Honorclub and have enjoyed every show so far.

    yeah i read that tonight on the roh news feed well at least were getting ALL IN and its airing live so as a VIP subscriber im happy and if im honest roh up loading the honor reunited shows a day or two later is no biggie i will just have to stay away form spoilers and keep away from youtube ...i noticed the other day that slamaversary has been upload to the gwn app two weeks later witch isn't bad i guess

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