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Posts posted by Mitch

  1. Yeah I remeber a couple of people started playing it recently like Spatular but a few got stuck at button bushing, was wondering if they had encountered that act. Started playing through again today, that bit in the restaurant is still good fun experimenting with outcomes.

  2. The Broken Sword series. just finsihed the 2nd one and will head into town to look for a cheap copy of the 3rd. Played a demo of number 4, it was rather horrible to play, the final version better control well.Quite into the adventure genre just now, if I can't get Broken Sword 3 this week I will restart Grim Fandango which I have never finished, then probably play Fahrenheit again as my mate wants to see why he game angers me.Anyone who started Fahrenheit in the past few months finished it?

  3. Remember the fun of the E3 topic back in May? That may will be the last one as it seems E3 is being 'downsized' and will no longer be a centrepiece event with Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo etc holding thier own events. :(I have been playing Tony Hawk & Pathway to Glory on NGage alongside Super Mario World thanks to its homebrew goodness.

  4. Smallville: The Complete First SeasonSo according to the mate who loaned me this I unfairly declared Smallville shit based on the handful of episodes I half-watched and if I gave it a proper chance I'd love it. With alot of spare time at the moment and no cash to fill it with I decided I might as well give it a try. I went into it with an open mind and genuinely wanted to enjoy it, honest. I couldn't though because it's shit, which is a huge shame because it starts off great. Brilliant visuals, impressive CGI, subtle nods, interesting plot, fucking around with religious imagery, I LOVED the pilot and was already planning on how I was going to pick up the other four seasons once the credits rolled.But then it all went to shit soon after. Almost instantly it descends into this awful "freak of the week," pattern in which every episode features the exact same plot; random new character is introduced, random new character is revealed to have a superpower (always attributed to the debri left from the Kryptonic meteor shower, no variety to be found here my friend), random dude gets defeated by Clark, the end. Seriously, every single episode. Now even if you can get past how tedious this is (you can't) and how fucking lazy the writing is (you really, really can't), the fact that seemingly everyone in Smallville has super powers completely kills the novelty of Clark having them himself. Why consider him different if he's actually just the king of what's normal? And why is he even hiding his powers if it's a regular occurrence to meet Bug-Man, Fire-Man, Ice-Man, Ability-to-Become-Young-Man or Weight-loss-Girl? By the way, I made none of them up, including Weight-Loss-Girl.Also, to conclude this rant there's this fantastic concept introduced in the pilot where Clark's love interest wears a tiny piece of Kryptonite on a necklace as a tribute to her dead parents, meaning Clark can never get too close to her without feeling sick. It's a great idea and it's used brilliantly in the first few episodes, with who's got possession of the necklace driving the plot forward. Then comes episode five or six and for no apparant reason it no longer affects Clark and he can hang with his woman even though DEADLY POISON IS HANGING FROM HER NECK. I can't put into words how annoying it is to see it just hanging there as they chat over a cup of coffee.I made it to episode nine before deciding I was wasting my time. For all I know this show could have improved dramatically as it moved into seasons two through five. I'll never know though because it's physically impossible to make it through Season 1. It's as if they're gloating at how shit they're getting away with being.

    Smallville does pick up (though the fourth season that starts on T4 tomorrow nearly two years after it aired in the USA is rather appalling) and abandons the freak of the week silliness.

    ' date='Jul 22 2006, 21:20' post='1337814']Alright, so maybe this has been mentioned elsewhere on the board, but Final Destination 3 is out on DVD on Monday.However, you can now change the whole film (if you wish) and decide if somebody dies or not. You also have the opportunity to kill people who didn't die originally.I officially declare this as awesome.Maybe they could re-release the Sixth Sense with an option to have Haley Joel Osment tortured with power tools at various points in the film.

    Really? I have this on order and wondered how choose their fate works. This sounds brilliant, I thought it would be a cheap scene swap. Can't wait till Wednesday (website I ordered from can be slow :()
  5. My signature is taken from a website lampooning the original N-Gage and the stupid way you held it to make calls. Now I can join the club as I have bought a N-Gage (though it is the newer version so I don't look as silly). Not bad for the

  6. I am revisting Everybody's Golf on PSP and have reached Platinum level in Challenge Mode. You all bow down. You all bow down here and now. :smug:Really, it's astonishing how easy it is to keep playing that game. It's held my interest for longer than any game I can remember post-Spectrum. I'm serious. There's a good chance I've put more hours in on it than I did on Morrowind. That's just insane.I finally tried out the dance mat on Sunday. It is henceforth to be known as the FUCKING dance mat. The FUCKING dance mat is ridiculously knackering. The FUCKING dance mat will kill you. The FUCKING dance mat game I've ended up with (Dance UK XL - nobody seems to keep a stock of FUCKING dance mat games any more, so in the interest of getting started that's what I was forced to put up with :sneaky:) isn't especially good - it just feels clumsy to play, even clumsier than it ought to with me playing it - and comes with a mere ten FUCKING dance mat songs selected from only the very best chav-pleasers of last year (Amarillo, Spin Me Round etc) and yesteryear. Yes, I really needed to hear Young Guns Go For It by Wham one more time before I died. Fuck off and die, you FUCKING dance mat game designers you.Anyone want to sell me their copy of Dancing Stage Max? :(

    Might be worth checking eBay and the pre-owned bins in Gamestation and Game for some of the PS1 Dancing Stage Games. They should be pretty cheap and work on the PS2.Nice pack hereDancey games~However they may not work with the Dance UK XL mat, I'm sure they made a special mat for that game.
  7. Hey JLM, did you finish Fahrenheit yet?

    That's like wishing AIDS on people in a computer games thread."Disagree with me do you? Well I hope you experience the last third Fahrenheit!"It was going alright until it went shit too.
    I think everyone should play that game. If you ever need an example of something starting awesome and having you really excited only to nosedive and make self-harm look like more fun, check out Fahrenheit.Best bit?

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    Oh god that 'I Love You' bit was horrendous. They spent a lot of time building up these characters then destroyed them with three words. The big yellow lightning bolt was truly a fearsome enemy. One thing I thought made little sense in the earlier part of the game was when you went into the police station archives. Surely no police station is that stupid to have thier files organised in such a demented way.
  8. I was loving Farenheit till the last third then it got really stupid. If you don't mind the total lack of logic at the end you may enjoy it, unless the stealth sections cause you to break the disc.First half of the game is magnificent.

  9. I need a recommendation for a dancemat game, either for PS2, Gamecube or Xbox 360 (or PC, now I think about it).Ideally I'm looking for one that will play and generate moves for normal audio CDs. Amazon had one like this listed (Dance Factory) but it's been delayed until the end of September. Failing that, I need something as free from shite pop (girlbands, boybands, former soap stars, X Factor winners etc) as possible. It doesn't matter if the music isn't performed by original artists or has been written for the game so long as it's not shite pop.Any thoughts? Yes, it's for me - I'm trying to lose weight and I'd sooner play DDR or something than go to the gym with all the thin people.No laughing :(

    Failing that try Eyetoy: Kinetic for the PS2 - brilliant fitness 'game', then perhaps pick up eyetoy groove or one of the Eyetoy Play series. They are knackering. My problem with home dance mat games is that the mats are often quite shoddy.

    Dragon Storm CD + Dance mat moves generator = Gold.I like your thinking. I'm afraid I can't give specific titles, but the cardio benefits of games like that really are overlooked. This is even more true of certain arcade games, I was absolutely knackered (no pun intended) after my first go at Final Furlong, for instance.Oh, yes, WHAT PLAY I?I recently started a game on Fahrenheit. I spent a while trying out a few different scenarios at the start of the game. Tried moving the body to the cubicle and climbing out the window, only to find that the window was barred up. I then realised I had to leave through the restaurant, which involves walking past people, including a policeman. So I was making my character vigorously wash himself when the police man walked in, saw the trail of blood leading to the cubicle and arrested me. :(I like the amount of options the game gives you in any given situation, I think I'll probably end up enjoying it.

    No you won't. You will HATE it by the end :(:(:(
  10. Lumines 2 for PSP was announced though it is not radically different fromt he first game - probably a good thing.Lumines Live was announced for XBOX Live Arcade.He said he will make Rez 2 if Sega want it.

  11. I ended up playing some Silent Hill 4 today and ended up going to see it tonight instead of Monday.Boy does this seem to have split audiences. I really enjoyed it, though if I was not such a big fan of the games it would not have been as fun of an experience. The film takes parts of the games and mixes them up but leaves out a lot of vital elements which lead to it making very little sense. I think the whole cinema had wondered what the hell they had just seen. First two acts seemed pretty strong to me, everytime the sirens went off I was dreading what carnage would unfold but the final act was weaker with the drawn out flashback which actually seemed to confuse things more. The final church scene was brutal - more violent than anything I had seen in the four video games and I wondered if that scene, and an earlier scene featuring Pyramid Head at the church, had crossed into 18 certificate territory.Confusing film, pretty tense and freaky, beautifully shot - I don't think there will be a middle ground with this you'll either really like it or hate it.

  12. Rise Of The Robots is easily the shittest game ever.Although Superman is crap as well.Maybe another one'll come out if the new film does well.

    There's one due by EA in the summer. Looks alright in the screenshots but EA don't have the best track record with licensed games.
  13. PES5 is ever-present so I won't be mentioning it again, just assume that its draning too many hours of my life each time I post in here. I returned to my trusty DS for a couple of long train journeys recently, got a new high score on Yoshi Touch and go! marathon mode and improved most of my Wario Ware scores too. Did a few more missions on Advance Wars DS, then I arrived at my destination. DS = destroyer of journeys. They need to put magic Wi-fi access points on Virgin trains so I can go online with Mario Kart. Other stuff, got an N64 emulator and rediscovered the joy of No Mercy, except better! Better how? Better because the visuals are sharper, the rom doesn't wipe itself like my buggy cartridge did and I can use all the funky mods and gameshark codes (some of which are thankfully built into the emulator) so I can spawn ladders out of nowhere and use edited moves and so forth. The N64 emulator has also allowed me to continue my quest to play some of the worst games ever made. To that end, I got MK Mythologies: Sub Zero and Superman 64. Sub 10% games are the new hotness. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, jump, press button to turn round, GET CRUSHED AND DIE WITHOUT WARNING. Well done midway, well done. As for Superman, flying through rings in the fog, just like in the movies!!! Superman's arm comes off randomly and he moves like an arthtritic old man who has soiled himself, just like in the movies!! Great, great game. Imagine being the kid who got this for your birthday, or the parent who spent 50-60 quid on it. Ruahahah. Oh, I also got Wargods, Dark Rift and Dual Heroes. All of them are really, really shitty. My other plan is to get as close as I can to playing every beatemup ever, I forgot just how bad the N64 fighting games were. The Dreamcast and Saturn were a breeze, the PS2 and Xbox have a decent crop of fighters, Neo Geo is of course exemplary, the N64... jesus. I love beatemups more than any other genre, I didn't buy a single one for my N64. Clayfighter 63 and a third, a version of MK Trilogy that's far worse than the already poor PS version, War Gods, Dark Rift, Dual Heroes, Deadly Arts, BioFreaks and Killer Instinct Gold (which is somehow far inferior to the SNES Killer Instinct). Awful, awful awful. They should have done a conversion of Rise of the robots just to complete the set. All that said, Raguka kids is meant to be pretty good, so I live in hope.

    Superman 64! I have been itching to play this game since it first came out. The reviews were so appalling. I'll need to get into this N64 emulation malarky. Mythlogies was a horrific game, random deaths that were nothing to do with gaming skill, just shite programming. I remember quite liking Clayfighter on the mega drive so will need to have a look at the N64 version to see why it got such awful reviews.Rise of the Robots :( that game got bloody good reviews, they must have paid a lot of journalists a lot of cash, that was the worst game i have ever played.
  14. It is a lovely box! Fozzie you may want to head to www.commandandconquer.ea.com and check out the forums. Apparently some of the games have faults - one of the main ones being the movies not working in Red Alert 1. Installing the game now, taking ages and a massive 9.8GB according to the box

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