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Posts posted by Finlay

  1. Anyone know the name of the song (and artist) used as Donald Trump's entrance music in the WWE. I have heard it used in a couple of TV programmes over the last couple of weeks.

    Is it the theme song of the American version of The Apprentice?
    Spot on mate :) Never seen the show but you are right. Apparently it is called 'For the love of Money' by the O'Jays. Found on youtube if anyone wants to have a listen;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny_j-bAhq68
  2. UFC buyrates are destroying WWE at the moment. Their lowest in the past year (Silva vs Lutter) did more than WWE's second highest (Rumble). In the US the majority UFC shows are running anywhere between 500,000 and 1.2 million, while Backlash (the first tri-branded 'minor' show) did 125,000.Domestically I believe WM17 did right around a million while WM23 was somewhere in the 600-700,000 range.

    Cheers for that mate. 125,000 buys for Backlash? That is nothing short of a disaster for a loaded card and in retrospect one of the best PPV's of 2007 :omg:
  3. It would be interesting to see what WM 23 drew compared with WM 17 with the international buyrates subtracted. I was always under the impression that UFC PPVs were trouncing their WWE counterparts as well. Although, thinking about it I suppose they are if you take WM 23 out of the equation.

  4. The latest Fighting Spirit claims that Wrestlemania 23 did over a million buys. Is this true?

    Meltzer reported that the early estimate was 1.2 million buys.
    That was both US and International buys.
    Doesn't that make WM 23 the most successful wrestling PPV of all time, having beat the record set by WM 17? Also has any other genre (UFC, boxing etc) surpassed 1.2m buys, meaning it could be THE most successful PPV show of all time?
    http://www.boxinginsider.net/stats/stats_ppv.phpDoesn't include Mayweather - De La Hoya though
    Thanks for that mate. Interesting to see that 7 of the top 10 of Boxing's most successful PPVs were stronger than WM 23.
  5. The latest Fighting Spirit claims that Wrestlemania 23 did over a million buys. Is this true?

    Meltzer reported that the early estimate was 1.2 million buys.
    That was both US and International buys.
    Doesn't that make WM 23 the most successful wrestling PPV of all time, having beat the record set by WM 17? Also has any other genre (UFC, boxing etc) surpassed 1.2m buys, meaning it could be THE most successful PPV show of all time?
  6. Where does everyone get their wrestling news these days......apart from the UKFF? :) For years I have been using pwinsider.com but the popups and getting diverted to random webpages every two minutes is driving me BONKERS and I've pretty much given up on the site. Anyone recommend some good uns??

    gerweck.net is pretty good
    Cheers mate. I'll give that one a go.
  7. Where does everyone get their wrestling news these days......apart from the UKFF? :) For years I have been using pwinsider.com but the popups and getting diverted to random webpages every two minutes is driving me BONKERS and I've pretty much given up on the site. Anyone recommend some good uns??

  8. Who was the colour commentator on this weeks SD! 'From The Vault' (November 13th 2002)?It wasn't King, Heyman or Tazz, and whoever it was isn't listed on wikipedia.

    It was Ernest 'The Cat' Miller, who if I remember correctly, mostly did commentary on Velocity with Josh Matthews at the time.Finlay
    What ever happened to him? I remember him replacing Tazz on Smackdown Commentry duties when he was having "personal problems", he then commentated on Velocity, was taken off commentry and he then started wrestling again. I can remember him dancing with Vince and during a Royal Rumble. Tazz always used to sing his theme which was funny! He was then released! Did he feud with anyone? Anyone remember his servant? Lamont, he became APA's servant as well for a short period.
    Lamont!!! There is a blast from the past :) I vaguely remember The Cat being a bit outspoken on interviews after his release staing that if Vince McMahon stopped suddenly somewhere he'd end up getting a few heads jammed up his ass. Or something to that effect. To be honest I can't remember any notable WWE feuds he had.
  9. Who was the colour commentator on this weeks SD! 'From The Vault' (November 13th 2002)?It wasn't King, Heyman or Tazz, and whoever it was isn't listed on wikipedia.

    It was Ernest 'The Cat' Miller, who if I remember correctly, mostly did commentary on Velocity with Josh Matthews at the time.Finlay
  10. I just went to the 'Ticket' secition of the ROH website and added the number of tickets I wanted to my cart then carried on to the checkout. From there it is a very simple form to fill in (credit card details, Name, address etc) and then after you have completed this they send you an email confirmation. After that you will get the tickets sent to your home address in about 7-10 days. No probs at all mate.Finlay

  11. Okay this question concerns the Southern Tag Team Titles which are 'used' in Memphis wrestling. I have searched the 'net on this one and received no joy at all. Does a title history exist for these titles? The reason I ask is because I'd like to know how many of the title changes are actually genuine. I was unaware that phantom title changes still existed (possibly due to the internet community knowing almost everything in terms of live events) in this day and age. However after attending the Hogan show in Memphis it was obvious the titles were 'given' to Too Cool 2 (from the Moondogs) so they could defend them and lose them to Kid Kash/Ricky Morton in a match later that night. I now learn, less than a month after this real title change, that Too Cool 2 are the Southern Tag Team champions following another phantom change. It really demeans the titles and the wrestlers going for them. How can you care about a Title or a chase for the title when the chances are Maclin/Lawler will just take it from them at some point. Anyway...I'm wittering on here. If anyone knows of a Title history for these titles or even can shed some light on phantom title changes in Mephis (or other promotions) in recent times I'd be obliged.Finlay

    There is a decent attempt at a title history in the Royal/Duncan book, but it's almost certainly incomplete and doesn't factor in things like doing the same title change in every city round the loop. As for "demeaning the titles and the wrestlers going for them," get over it. It's wrestling for fuck's sake. It's run exclusively and entirely by nasty piece-of-shit con-men. It's not real. If sleazy bullshit bothers you, it's time to stop watching wrestling altogether.
    Well thanks for the tip about the book....and the idea that I maybe should stop watching wrestling as there are one or two small things I don't agree with :D
  12. Okay this question concerns the Southern Tag Team Titles which are 'used' in Memphis wrestling. I have searched the 'net on this one and received no joy at all. Does a title history exist for these titles? The reason I ask is because I'd like to know how many of the title changes are actually genuine. I was unaware that phantom title changes still existed (possibly due to the internet community knowing almost everything in terms of live events) in this day and age. However after attending the Hogan show in Memphis it was obvious the titles were 'given' to Too Cool 2 (from the Moondogs) so they could defend them and lose them to Kid Kash/Ricky Morton in a match later that night. I now learn, less than a month after this real title change, that Too Cool 2 are the Southern Tag Team champions following another phantom change. It really demeans the titles and the wrestlers going for them. How can you care about a Title or a chase for the title when the chances are Maclin/Lawler will just take it from them at some point. Anyway...I'm wittering on here. If anyone knows of a Title history for these titles or even can shed some light on phantom title changes in Mephis (or other promotions) in recent times I'd be obliged.Finlay

  13. Gaspard!! That's it. Cheers mate. I think it's Mark Lloyd although I may be wrong. As for ROH tickets they are remarkably cheap. I have just received a front row ticket for the Hartford show (24/08/07) and a fourth row ticket for the NY show (25/08/07) through the post. The Hartford ticket cost me

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