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Happ Hazzard

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Posts posted by Happ Hazzard

  1. Two great Memphis angles:


    The Stud Stable attach Jerry Jarrett after breaking Jeff Jarrett's arm


    The Bill Dundee vs Jamie Dundee feud


    It's a crying shame that no major promotion is doing this style of wrestling. There's countless identikit promotions doing the indy/flippy style, why can't anyone do the Southern style anymore, with interviews and angles and brawls? The last place to ever really do anything approaching it was OVW under Cornette.

  2. Does anyone know exactly when the Larry King Live show is shown on our version of CNN? It's tomorrow night at 9pm in the US, is it actually live over here, or does it go out on a days delay or something? Chris Jericho, Bret Hart and John Cena are the guests tomorrow night, it is a full 1 hour show all about the Benoit tragedy.

  3. Well you pretty much listed the entire roster of the old ECW there.

    Exactly, that was the whole point (smashes self in head with hammer). ECW proved that modern fans (yes I know it was a while ago, but it was still after the WWF's muscle-obsessed 80's) will accept wrestlers who are not 6'4 and 260lbs, if they have talent and are booked well. If WCW had not shown that guys like Jericho and Rey can get over huge, there is no way that Vince would have plucked them from the Indys/Mexico and pushed them - simply because he will never take a chance on smaller wrestlers.
    Bret Hart won the WWF world title in 1992.
  4. They did not push muscled up roiders. There was zero incentive for hitting the roids and pushing your body far past it's natural weight because Heyman did not push people based on their size.

    All the large wrestlers were making big money in WCW or the WWF. Heyman pushed Sid when he briefly came in, Mike Awesome became World Champion, Benoit & Guerrero were given pushes, as were the Pitbulls. Raven & Sandman admitted to being steroid users. I would imagine that as many of the ECW roster were on steroids as in any other promotion.
  5. It just seems to be that the legacy of ECW is coming home to roost. 1) Wrestlers lauded for working hurt, so not to let down the fans.2) Wrestlers use of drugs not only tolerated but applauded by the fans3) Unprotected chairshots to the head being cheered (and safer chairshots being booed)4) Wrestlers that treat the wrestling business as a business are castigated. Wrestlers that give their life (literally in some cases) to the business are held up as something to be proud of. 5) The promotion becoming a bigger star than any of the wrestlers.

  6. From Georgia Wrestling History:

    Reporters say they are also receiving emails from fans. One suggested that Johnny Nitro be investigated, as the sender believes Nitro may be responsible so that he could replace Benoit in his match on June 24. Another claimed they believe a dead wrestler, whose name was not provided, came back to life in order to murder the Benoit family.

  7. Here is his page at the real estate firm he was working for. It's a real shame, looking at him in his suit & tie you'd think he'd made a succesful transition from wrestling to the business world. I cant't really imagine what would drive him to suicide.
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