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Happ Hazzard

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Posts posted by Happ Hazzard

  1. The banks weren't responsible for the wellbeing of the country. They were private institutions. That the government had to bail them out is ENTIRELY the fault of the government for placing the country in the situation where banks failing would be catastrophic.


    Labour were simply spending money they did not have, even during the boom period. It might be "nice" to have all the various services and healthcare that they provided, but if the country can't afford it, we shouldn't have had them in the first place. It isn't the governments job to perform every little service in people's lives, it is people's responsiblity to manage their own lives, get jobs, don't have kids if they can't afford them, and if they do have kids, to raise them properly, not to rely on SureStart centres to tell them how to wipe their arses.


    Through immigration, the increase in needless public sector jobs (for the middle classes) and benefits (for the lower classes) Labour tried to buy themselves an electorate. Enough people saw through it and they got voted out. I don't see them coming back anytime soon, and if they did, it would be a disaster for the country. How much tax do you expect "the rich" to have to pay? 90%? More? When the highest earning 10% pay over half of all tax revenue, you are heading for very shaky ground, as it only takes a minor exodus to leave the country in dire straits, with the public sector bankrupt and social security a distant memory.

  2. I'd read about this in Power Slam years and years ago when it first happened but never saw it. It's from ECW's Anarchy Rulz 2000 PPV. An angle is going on in the back and the producer accidently switches to the production truck. Paul Heyman (realising the camera is pointing at them) goes ballistic. Brilliant.


    It's at 2:25.


    I think it was a work. Why would they have a camera filming them all in the production truck anyway?

  3. I bought Dutch Mantell's book, came the other day but when I tried to read it all the pages started falling out. I've got a replacement coming, so hopefully it won't be the same. Book seems decent enough but more a series of stories or topics than an autobiography.

  4. Not counting Season 4, how many TUF contestants have already had UFC fights before going on the show? I was always surprised that Joe Lauzon ended up on Season 5 when he'd already defeated one of the coaches (Jens Pulver).

  5. Reading Bret Hart's book at the moment, though I took a break yesterday for the new PowerSlam.


    I'm not all that arsed about Bret's early years, but I bet Hitman will get very good indeed when the WWF comes calling...

    You didn't enjoy reading about his brothers pissing in his face? :omg:

  6. Roddy Piper ventures in to the world of music and makes an appearance on TV-AM to promote his single. Piper is interviewed by Lorraine Kelly and Mike Morris, plus we get to witness the quality video aswell.


    I believe that is longtime regional star (and Piper's "minder" at the time) Len Denton (aka the Grappler) sat on the TVAM sofa next to him.

  7. painandpassion.jpg


    This is the one of the best wrestling books I've ever read, certainly the best non-autobiography. There's a lot of books on Stampede considering it was never a particularly well-reknowned territory at the time it was running, I don't think the Apter mags even acknowledged it until it's rebirth in the late 80s. I wish there were books as comprehensive as this one about some of the other territories.

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