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Posts posted by returner82

  1. 17 minutes ago, Brewster McCloud said:

    "Big Kev". Fuck Kevin Nash - a hero to people who like to look down upon indie wrestling fans in the mistaken belief it makes them somehow superior. A sloppy, arrogant waste of space who isn't cool at all. One good match with Bret once upon a time. Fucking overgrown teenager, jock cunt giant piece of shit I don't like him. 

    I'm glad you ended with the last four words, I wasn't sure.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Armitage Shanks said:

    Both rushing in to see who could be first to correct a common spelling mistake. Must make you's feel great being able to correct others. Yes I made a spelling mistake - but I don't know why you have to be arsey about it and take it off topic straight away. Already I see this discussion going down like a lead balloon due to your negativity straight away.

    I will correct the common mistake seen as it bothered you both so much you's had to rush in and comment about the mistake and not contribute to the discussion, 

    Take no offence, I don't any more, it's within their nature.


    To answer the question, Warrior would've found a way to HAVE fallen out with WWE by now and gone crazy about it on the internet had he lived.

  3. 32 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    I shan’t go into details out of respect for a friend, but he was asked to write a book about Kendo a few years back and was invited to the retreat during the early phases of the project. He shared an early few chapters with me and it would’ve made for a fascinating read, but alas the project fizzled out for numerous reasons.

    ’Chronos’ seemed like a very interesting person for sure.

    Interesting in what sense? She certainly has an "interesting" face.

  4. 1 hour ago, LSM said:


    Interesting story about Kendo Nagasaki which features a photo of the man as he is today without his mask.

    Very interesting story. Not a complete revelation; it's kinda been an open secret that Kendo was at least not straight for a long time, although not confirmed until now that he was bi and not gay. If you watch the Arena documentary Masters of the Canvas, featuring him and Peter Blake, has a scene where Paul Yates, the presenter/producer, is looking through archive material about him and the top one is a lurid tabloid article reading "STAR KENDO UNMASKED AS PERVERT - He likes hitting his boyfriends", accompanied by a picture of him and Gorgeous George during the unmasked period. I don't recall it from the time, but I believe it came and went.

  5. 57 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Still a good show though, I bet.

    Here's my random thought. Usually I don't like wrestlers deigning to reply to pops from Joe Public but Shayna putting this turd in his place after he decided to go "lol, fake sport" at Ronda, I really enjoyed.


    I don't follow the girl, but is she a big fan of Question of Sport?

  6. 1 hour ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    So it looks like they didn’t book an ex WWE Champion at all as theyre not even mentioning them in the results, half the crowd left at the interval. BRITWRES~!

    Edit: It was Renee Dupree, who I didn’t even recognise in the photo.


    Sounds like the Dixie Carter definition of a "former world title holder" - "tag title holder" - "Pacman Jones - come on people, seriously!".



  7. 1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

    Yeah, I assumed it was a botch, but it's such an odd move to go for a second springboard moonsault under the circumstances that I really wasn't sure - because he still manages to land something.

    Another thing I just remembered - two or three times during Konnan/Barr, the camera guy just loses interests and zooms in on a Refreshments sign.

    It's lucky that the botch didn't end up with him landing arse-first on his head, which would've been death.


    I thought the camera man spotted someone with a hat he liked in the first instance!

  8. 1 hour ago, Silky Kisser said:


    Only 25 minutes to the beach... 



    By car. 


    Edit - Apologies for quoting like a tit. I still can't fix it! 

    Sounds like the Cactus Jack/Sting match from Beach Brawl '92 - falls count anywhere on the Gulf Coast (which is a bus ride away).

  9. 5 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    Yeah, there are points in that Guerrero/Nova match where Cornette never shuts up. He's got some good lines, but during Nova's comeback he doesn't even pause for breath. You're not doing a radio broadcast, let the visuals speak for themselves. The match is a bit rubbish, too.

    Konnan/Art Barr is just surreal. Not exactly surprising neither got signed at the time, based on that. Konnan playing mid-90s WWF babyface is very odd, particularly when he's working under a generic name, while Art Barr is in his WCW copyright infringement gimmick, wearing a "FREE PEE WEE HERMAN" T-shirt. 

    Super Crazy vs. El Hijo del Santo is really fun, though. Particularly given that it's barely five minutes including entrances. Santo just has a real grasp of the basics that shines through, while Crazy hits (especially for the time) one of the maddest moves I've ever seen - genuinely can't tell if it's what he's going for or a fuck-up, but it looks painful.

    Glad it's not just me that thinks the Guerrero/Nova match is sub-par, yet Jimsy talks it up like Flair/Steamboat. And the bit at the end with the Damaja coming in ("That damn Damaja! Brain Damage!") and the out of shot nasty face stuff back to Nova is cringeworthy, a precursor to the sort of stuff they do now.


    I got a kick out of the Pee Wee t-shirt - birds of a feather flock together with him and Art.


    Not being massively into lucha libre, I was shocked how small Santo was. And I think the move you're referring to is a botch. Second attempt at a springboard moonsault but he slips and it becomes a Banzai Drop. Super Loco looks odd, though, like a create a character mix-up of Abismo Negro, La Parka and Dolph Ziggler.

  10. 5 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    Christ, this is rubbish. Konnan looks like someone gave John Cena a wig and asked him to pretend to know lucha while gassing after 2 mins.

    Art is like a parody of a WWF heel of the time. Like Repo Man on laughing gas. He establishes himself as the heel well, one bit where he looks at the camera and poses, he looks great, but he doesn't look good generally. 

    Out of the two, even though he'd fail the background check, I would've given Barr the job. He had personality and could work, but just too small and the shadow of the criminal record looming too close.

  11. 2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    This weeks Hidden Gems:

    * Johnny Rodz v Carlos Colon - WWF, MSG 1/8/1977

    * Latin Fury (Konnan) v The Juicer (Art Barr) - WWF Wrestling Challenge #282 Dark Match, 1/8/1992

    * Nova v Eddie Guerrero - OVW, 20/11/2002

    As much as I like Jim Cornette as a source of knowledge and expertise regarding wrestling, fuck is he an overbearing babyface commentator.

  12. 2 hours ago, JNLister said:

    It wasn't an outright tribute deal, but I'm 99% certain I remember Hitman Hobbs and Pete LaPaque teaming under that name in the early 90s. It was one of those deals where they borrowed an American name because it sounded good rather than to scam fans -- they also teamed as the New Rockers, though the new referred to a change of personnel from a previous team of that name in the UK (a move done years before the Jannetty/Leif Cassidy deal in WWF.)

    I saw them in Cannock as the New Rockers. LaPaque seemed to have about a dozen nicknames from Gordon Pryor, including "the Mouth of the South", which is unusual beyond being from Jimmy Hart because I understand he's from Leicester.

  13. I think with as good looking as he was it's a bit more surprising that he's aged a lot, but he's got the same thing as Raven wherein they remained good looking for a long time but the earlier drug use did the damage in the long run. Compare with Bret Hart, who it can't be say didn't have a dirty nose from time to time, but on the whole didn't have a dependency on drugs and looks about how you'd expect him to now, even though he needs his hair cut.


    Plus I bet Shawn has been out in the sun in Texas a lot, which will have done a bit of a job on his skin and complexion.

  14. I don't like Devon Nicholson/Hannibal at the best of times, his channel is good for shoot interviews despite him, but I think he's his own biggest fan as far as how good he is (or isn't). I'm not normally in the business of hate-listening to something, but the commentary he provides for this Colt Cabana/Brian Cage match is so obnoxious and self-indulgent:

    1. Starts off by knocking his regular commentator who didn't get the commentary done on time and fields for replacements.

    2. Admits he doesn't know much about either guy - isn't that your job? Says they don't get Impact in Canada, but being in the business you think he'd educate himself some way. Also knocks the referee, which to go by the look of him is actually fair.

    3. Calls a spinebuster an atomic drop and a flying headscissors a huracanrana.

    4. Vacillates between wanting to call the match like a shoot ("Cabana seems to be playing to the crowd a lot, he wants to focus on his opponent...") while also talking about all the upcoming shoot interviews that he'll be doing. His attempts at the former make him sound like Alan Partridge.

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