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Posts posted by DraxSpago

  1. Doesn't he mention in one of his books that he saw a promo poster mock up and he was in Foley's place? They probably had him as a back up in case Foley didn't want to come back (which was never not going to happen)

  2. I'm starting a job with a bookies next week, I'm getting paid monthly, does anyone know if I might have to work a month in hand? I've always worked for individuals rather than a large company, I'm fucked if I have to wait til the end of June for a wage


    I do wonder why they stuck with TNA for so long. Roode especially. He could have done so much more with his career and TNA had clearly been going nowhere for years.

    Money obviously, TNA were prepared to pay more than their competitors and until AJ Styles did well most of the TNA originals hadn't faired too well in the WWE, besides those that hada name from WWE and WCW.

    Just to add to this, Roode's peak years were when WWE wouldn't touch anyone with TNA stink





    You care about your favourite character? What show is he watching? Every character on their roster is wafer thin. They're impossible to root for because there's nothing there to relate to or get interested in.

    Course there is. Some of the characters have paid their dues on the indies and don't deserve to be buried, and some of them haven't paid their dues on the indies and don't deserve to be pushed. THE REALITY ERA.

    So desperate to get a jab in that you'll crowbar it in where no one's having that debate. Don't worry, none of us have forgotten what your views are.

    Well said, his post had a absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand, just another post about Internet wrestling fans, despite none of 'dem wans' actually posting on this board

  5. They never explicitly said he was leader no, as Tildeguy says Punk and Piper stirred the pot a bit during their feud with Punk but it's not like Cole was shouting 'here's the leader of the Shield' on every episode of Raw


    All the Rollins/Architect stuff only started when he joined up with Hunter as well, pretty much as an excuse for why he turned

  6. I don't think Reigns winning the match does too much damage to the rest of the roster, most of them are fucked anyway


    They put Austin over everyone in '98 and it worked, if they want to go full pelt with Reigns have him win it, put him against Hunter at Mania then you've still got massive matches with Cena, Lesnar and Rollins to go with after Mania, maybe even Taker and Ambrose

  7. Reigns goes from Number 1 all the way to win it. Then Triple H enters as a surprise number 31 to screw over Reigns and win the title. If Lesnar is in the match I see him being eliminated by the Wyatts to set up a feud for him there. Can't really see anyone else on the main roster for him to have a Mania match with. Unless they go with Kevin Owens. I hope they throw a few returning former WWE champions in the Rumble looking for one more shot at winning the title.

    They definitely need as many credible ex champions in there as possible, if you've got Zack Ryder, Stardust etc. In there it's just a waste of an entrant


    I know it won't be '92 levels of stardom but more people like Jericho in there helps

  8. When WWE went through that phase of desperately wanting to replace JR in 2005 (chucking money at Mike Goldberg, hiring Joey Styles) why didn't they just do what they ended up doing a few years later and move Michael Cole over to Raw?

  9. Were you not one of the ones crying about evil political mastermind HHH booking Raw to bury Daniel Bryan and CM Punk a couple of years ago then?

    To be fair, him beating Punk when Punk had just become their hot new babyface did have a bit of a cutting his legs off vibe about it, fuck knows who thought that result made any sense

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