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Posts posted by Vamp

  1. Hmm, I suppose hanging about with a bunch of exoticos (I'm not saying that all cross dressers are gay...) before going out there to set up a Rob Terry beatdown and the return of the corpse of Vampiro in front of a crowd that really doesn't give a shit about him might not be the highlight of his career.

  2. Have there ever been any examples of AJ Styles having a shitty attitude? I've been watching his match from last month with El Mesias and it drags and drags with AJ applying constant rest holds for the first ten minutes before they've even done much. And we're talking lazy rest holds not wearing down a body part or anything like that. I suppose it could be that they booked it to go twenty minutes but Mesias was too unfit to go that at any pace, he doesn't look his fittest here, but I'm actually inclined to think it's Styles. He gets no reaction when he comes out and just doesn't quite seem to have his working boots on. Normally I think he's capable of having an exciting match but I really can't stress how boring this thing was.

  3. Probably been posted before but it deserves a bump up. Great little promo from Regal.
    Everything about that angle was awesome. In terms of being the overall package Regal's probably one of the best to go from the UK over to America. I know Davey's probably the bigger star and had the better look but Regal's actually able to cut a promo.
  4. Do we have any gay members? Besides the new guy who started the thread I mean. I mean there's obviously a homosexual audience for wrestling, the same as there is with male epics like Spartacus and so forth, and this is quite a large forum so presumably we do. And presumably ones who don't come across as so pervy. Although then again there's been a fair few pervy posts about women over time so I don't know why I bring in that divide.

  5. Y'know what they should do? Have David Tennant star in a film with basically no plot where he just runs from Daleks, gurns, and jabbers at nameless assistants for 90 minutes. Faux-nerd fangirls go mental for it, film makes millions that can be injected back into the TV show. Flawless plan.


    Heh, I'm not so sure the money would go back into the series anyway.

  6. Why would anyone be thinking of dropping it though? It's only a few years into a very sucessful run and unless I'm mistaken it went nearly 30 years before it took it's first proper break. It's a concept that can just go on and on IMO.


    That point gets passed around quite a lot sadly. I don't see why. I mean the difference between Doctor Who then and Doctor Who now are easy to see. As are the differences between television. Its not the same deal. There's no way it'll be on that long before a break this time. The break won't be as long though. At least I wouldn't have thought so. But eventually people will start complaining about hwo the BBC should be investing its money in something new rather than the same old drama it's been churning out for ages. And they'll be faced with the dilema of making Doctor Who considerably cheaper or getting rid of it for a bit. If they have any sense they'll do the latter. The very successful run makes little difference to this ultimately. The BBC doesn't run for ratings. At the moment doctor Who's beneficial because its family television that critics and viewers like. But both critics and viewers will get fickle about it and complain it's run too long a lot longer before any such complaints were voiced before. And the movie's going to take quite a few years to get out of development.


    Just thought, how about having it at the changeover between Doctors? That way, it is a whole new story, yet also keeps in continuity


    I think there's meant to be a big issue with this idea. That would be a big narrative event and so there's some difficulty over whether or not the BBC could charge people to see it.

  7. Terrible news. Why they are hell bent on fucking Who up I have no idea.


    Anyway lets hope it gets stuck in development.


    How will this even fucking work? They're going to 'reboot' it. even though the TV series will also be going on?




    While I'm not one of those people dooming the current series I don't think the intention is to release it when the TV series is going on. They've admitted that they've got a long way to go with developing it and I wouldn't be surprised if they consider taking a break from the TV series after Moffat's finished his run. To me this seems like a plan for after the televised run has finished up for a while.

  8. It wasn't shit. That's a tad harsh. Lame or unsatisfying perhaps. There's something about this series where there's been good episodes, even a few great ones, adn even in episodes which arn't that good there's a few nice ideas and yet I never feel quite satisfied by it. I've mentioned it before but I always feel I'm promised something bigger. There was a hell of a lot of build up for this and I couldn't help escape the feelign of "Really? That was it?". Still some nice moments. I liked the fact that the Doctor clinged onto life so desperately and then realised with the death of one of his best friends that everyone needs to die sometimes. Although that went by the wayside a little when he cheated death with what I think was meant to be a 'twist' but of course was too simple to count as one. And I did feel like the first third of the episode was exposition and poorly disguised exposition at that. The wedding was a touching moment, but it came after Amy had ruthlessly slaughtered the Silence with a machine gun and then let a woman die which was appaling. I'm okay with stepping up the violence a little but not like that. Amy felt like the wrong character for it. The season finales are normally nowhere near the best episodes in a series, but with build up like this one had it kind of needed to be and that made it all the more dissapointing. I loved last series and the Christmas special, but this one I'm not very fond of overall. It hasn't been the worst, series two of the new series probably takes that honour, but I can't say its near the top of the list for me. But I get the feeling that more than last year's series this one was a transition towards something different. So I guess maybe that's why.So yeah, I'm disappointed. And actually I'm quite glad that's the end of the series. Here's to the break.

  9. It's Doctor Who. There's so many canon issues it's not worth worrying about, it's even become a joke within the actual show. The Tenth Doctor referenced the fact that the UNIT dates were complicated, the 'timey wimey' invention by Moffat himself was a comical reference to how complicated, convuluted and just overall messy the canon and continuity of the series is as well as the fact that the 'how' and 'why' of things is generally just worthless techno babble that does nothign for the story anyway. Even the Five Doctors has two pretty big flaws in it. It's a long time since Doctor Who's been presented as serious sci-fi, and if it ever is I'll stop watching. So would a lot of the audience I'd imagine. Half the charm of the show are these exact flaws. And it certainly shouldn't matter for what's basically a big birthday party. Multi-doctor episodes are all about having a big fanwank anyway, they're no better than fan fiction. Nor should they be. If any of the team are worried about canon or continuity they need to restart the series because that boat has long since sailed. Just as it did for Stark Trek. That's ignoring the fact that really, anyone who expects cannon in a long running science fiction series is, you know, a little bit unhinged.


    And Moffat's been as bothered with the how and why as RTD. He came up with 'timey wimey'. Doctor Who's not even presented as science fiction anymore really, and I'd argue it shouldn't be but that's another matter. RTD's era worked on essentially becomming a comic book/graphic novel on the screen. Moffat's first series in charge, perhaps less so this one although sometimes there's still an element of it, worked by writing the series as a fairy tale. There's often jokes which essentially boil down to being "Oh, and you have a sonic screw driver/whatever else" because they're lame plot devices. There's lines such as "Imagine its a whatever...well it's nothing like that, but if it helps imagine that" which is basically a line addressed directly to the viewer which says; "Accept the insane premise, don't worry about why because that's boring and we should get on with the fun stuff". Which is right, they should. If they do a multi-doctor story the how and wh will probably be something like "two time lines collided" or "they were plucked from their time stream" and then "their memories reset when they go back to their own time streams" and that'll be it. Why? Because most of the audience really won't give a shit. It's an impossible scenario in a show which has a man in a time travelling police box, I don't want loads of expositionary dialogue explaining bollocks.


    And the fact that the episode might be watched by more people is even less of a reason to care. Any new/unusual viewers will be watching it because its a big event, they couldn't give two hoots of a tossing monkey's auntie's uncle and why the buggering hell would they if they haven't watched it before? That'd be nonsense. They'll be watching it precisely because its a bit of fun with a few popular pop culture characters. Hard science fiction fans who worry about this kind of thing might care, but they're going to get pissed off by a show where the enemies are defeated by love anyway.


    In summary; its Doctor fucking Who. It's more important than continuity.




  10. And yeah, McGann would be ace, and is probably one of the few who'd actually do it.


    I'm not actually sure McGann would be a lock in for it. You'd have thought he'd like the work but he's always seemed to be a little indifferent to it in the past. Mostly about the damned wig I think. I've always felt he'd be difficult to include in a multi-doctor story because he's the least remembered one, probably, but then I suppose not all of the audience knows the older ones anyway so it doesn't really matter a jot.


    I'd still like to see a special based on the time war.


    Basic plot could be that the timelords and daleks have agreed to work together to try and break the time lock and take revenge on the universe (and the doctor).


    The only person who can stop them is the doctor, so doctors 8, 9, 10 and 11 join forces to fight the timelords and daleks.


    I love Paul McGann - Withnail & I is one of my favourite films.


    Sounds shit to me. They should leave the Time War well alone, as whatever way they try to present it will just disappoint. If the Doctors get together it should just be a fun run around, nothing more serious than that. And it's using the Daleks when they really don't need to and I'd like to think they'd avoid that. And I don't like the idea of the Daleks and Time Lords teaming up at all. It's wanky.


    Be interesting to see how they write it in, though - Smith's Doctor could never tell Tennant's he was the next one, because in The Eleventh Hour it's quite a key point that the Doctor doesn't know what he looks like.


    The issue isn't how you write it, it's more how the individual fan reacts to it. The Five Doctors special works because its not a serious attempt at telling the story, its just a bit of a fun reuinion really. It kind of works on the assumption that the individual doctor carries on after their death, or at least that's vaguely hinted at, which is a completely bollocks idea anyway, but whatever idea you come up with to explain it is going to be bullshit. Which is fine because its soft sci-fi, and most of the audience should expect that anyway. Of course inevtiably you'll get some twats who worry about whether its cannon or not, which doesn't really work for these stories. I'd just put in some shit about how nobody involved will ever remember any of it because of a time bubble or some nonsense. It ultimately doesn't matter and isn't really the point. The only joy that comes out of them is the fact that there's different Doctors hanging out with each other. If you make it more complicated than that you'll ruining the simple essence of the damn thing.


    Tom Baker is a maybe


    Baker will do it. He was willing to make fun of it all for the HIGFY episode and does the conventions and so forth. The only reason he didn't do the last one is because it would have been too soon for him in terms of escaping the role. Which was fortunate as I think had he been in it he would have overshadowed Peter Davison.


    The problem with doing it is if it's a CiN special I don't see it getting more than two fifteen minute slots, if that. I certainly don't see it being an actual episode. And if it is then I can't see it being more than one 45 minute episode and then you need to balance the different Doctors, which isn't going to be easy. If it does happen it'll be short, funny and throw away I would have thought, and it'll be all the better for it. Was it Rememberance of the Daleks they did for the 25th Anniversary? That was probably a better way of marking the occassion. It was slightly more subtle and I think a better story for it than the potential multi-doctor story. Although the Five Doctors is quite fun. They should really revisit the Game of Rassillon concept at some stage. It would have suited the Master's characterisation at one point, him rebuilding the game to throw the Doctor in to compete with some of his best adversaries.


    I wonder about the ones who are dead and will they do like they did in The Five Doctors and get someone who looks enough like them to take their place?


    If RTD, Gardner and Tennant were still in place that certainly wouldn't have happened. They didn't seem too fond of the idea in their Five Doctor's commentary. I'd leave the dead ones out of it, I don't really like the idea of dressing people up as them.

    I want to know how they plan on explaining the fact that Tom Baker and many of the older doctors look nowt like they used to eg: Tom Baker is 77(?) and looks like he's ready to have a stroke any day now.


    Moffat already did it in the last Two Doctor tale with the Fifth and the Tenth. Something about the effects of comign through the time lines. That's easy to get past anyway. It's Doctor Who, if you can't explain something that audiences really want to see with a stupid line that doesn't make any sense you really shouldn't be doing the job.

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