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Posts posted by drkopen

  1. What WWE has done now is they haven't just stripped away the focus being on characters and storylines but the actual inring wrestling is just people no selling moves and jumping through the middle ropes and kicking out of finishers. It's like changing the fundamentals of wrestling. Heels don't get heat. Babyfaces don't do anything to make you like them. Everyone looks like regular people on the street. They've changed everything.

    I agree that the no selling is annoying especially in floppy flop matches but I don't really care for that style of wrestling anyway.


    I really don't believe that they look like ordinary folks they are all really well built and most over 6ft. This when we have the highest rate of obesity in history.


    The heels don't get heat thing is interesting because the Uso's, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, Corbin and Miz are all classic heels.


    Same can be said of Rusev.


    With regards to the moves haven't people been coming off their feet and through the ropes for 30 or 40 years now?

  2. Hasn't wrestling always been a little bit shit.


    Whether it's talking zombies, midget luchadores, eggs hatching, black ooze, puppies, giants being unrecognizable in a mask, big daddys, twin magic, arms that never heal or wrestlers never hitting a move off top despite trying every week for decades.


    It lives in its own little bubble like most TV.


    I mean Jessica Fletcher is either the most unlucky woman on earth or a serial killer. I'm not joking if I saw her enter a room I'd kill someone to stop myself being murdered.


    Delboy is a selfish dick


    Every Nana in the country should fuck up their grandkids for entering a tv talent contest.


    Now do I think WWE is amazing no but it's better than its been for a long time. The attitude era had high and low spots, the cartoon era had high and low spots and wos had high and low spots.


    I think Smackdown is the best best wrestling in telly at the minute.

  3. Think I would have been tempted to turn Sasha last night. Similar set up bit have Bailey come out and Sasha turn on her.


    A short fued with Sasha would give Bayley some momentum leading up to Mania with Charlotte.


    Sasha strikes me as a better heel anyway.


    Only problem is what filler you could give Charlotte.


    Bayley vs Charlotte has to be the money match at Mania.

  4. I watched this year's rumble last night and when Owens comes out, limping from the match earlier with his music playing he looked like a proper hard, do anything to win, fuck my body sort of bloke that would have been great with the main belt.


    Fucked that up didn't they.

    Didn't he also stop selling the second he got in the ring

  5. Well I really enjoyed that. Kinda sums up Smackdown solid with ever being special.


    Main was better than expected even with the dodgy ending.


    Watching last night and for a split second I thought Ellsworth was going to climb the ladder.


    Only real complaint is that the camera work is shit.


    Replays of fan reactions. Fuck off with that shit.

    Are they working these? Seems like they're planted people to react

  6. Looking forward to tonight. I think Smackdown has done a really great job of telling stories leading up to TLC it's just a shame Survivor Series got stuck in the middle as a needless distraction.


    With Corbin, Miz, Carmella and Alexa you've four proper heels and four decent stories as well.


    I'd like to see Miz and AJ retain and suspect the Wyatt will get the tag titles.


    Lynch and Bliss will be just another step on the road with whoever loses saying they were never pinned or tapped. Carmella is doing the job tonight.


    Kalisto match could be fun. They really just have to replicate Rey and he could get over and as the underdog baby face.


    Not bothered about the main but I think that's just because I can't care about Ambrose.

  7. an actual "which champion will they go after" angle could breathe life into that tired concept again..

    You could even just have 3 Raw guys and 3 Smackdown guys fighting for the chance to win a contract against their champ. It would still be a bit more interesting.


    Alternativly as WWE are more open to the indie scene stick a RAW or Smackdown contract in there. A few videos like they did for CWC and if could be fun.



    Do you really want to see the same entrances over and over? The shows are dull enough. In the attitude era, they'd often put the entrance in the commercial break. Made it seem like you weren't missing any action.


    Get the point about them having time to fill but if all they've got to fill it is more entrances, we're fucked anyway.

    I still prefer entrances, and as stupid as it sounds it can help make/break characters so cutting entrances to me makes some of the lower card look smalltime and worthless.

    I think some entrances are more over than the performers.



    Completely agree with the comments regarding the build to Reigns/Rusev. I don't tend to keep up with RAW, but didn't their feud begin with Reigns interrupting the whole wedding shenanigans, implying he fucked Lana, and then shoving her into a cake?

    Reigns did interrupt their celebration and pushed her into the cake, but he didn't imply that he fucked her. You're confusing that with the time The Rock did his Babyface Acts Like Cunt To Rusev bit a year ago or so.

    Ah, you're correct.

    Gotten my sexual-related insults muddled, Reigns instead came out and implied poor Rusev suffered from erectile dysfunction.

    Didn't Reigns have the corker of a line, of "I didn't make it personal"? There's no possible way that any of the writers actually follow their own programming and storylines based on that one sentence.

    He was winking at Lana during one match with Rusev for no apparent reason.


    Based on Raw last week I think the writers had actually forgot there was one more show before HIAC and ended up cobbling any of shit together.

  10. For how long it's been going and the intensity of the matches, Reigns and Rusev should feel like a major feud ender but it's way short of feeling significant at all.

    Raw this week really took the heat out of this feud. The week before you had the image of Reigns in the accolade on the steps. I think I've said it before but that should have been this week.


    I think the whole feud is a bit strange anyway. Reigns has been a complete dick throughout it and he is the baby face.

  11. Raw was weird. The Sasha/Charlotte segment felt like it should have been done weeks ago to start the build up to HIAC. Why have a contract signing weeks after you first promoted the match.


    The Reigns Rusev stuff also felt out of place, surely last weeks Raw segment with those two was the go home.


    It was so bad last night that at one point I thought we were going to get a list on a pole match

  12. Strowman speaks! I like him. Have him kill Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel, Jinder etc over the coming months and drag this out until Survivor Series and have him team with Gallows, Anderson and some other fella floating backstage and have him beat a team by himself without anyone else getting a chance to get in the ring. Then give him a singles feud after that. Onwards and upwards for the big, crazy bastard.

    I was thinking last night that if they have the patience they could build him up nicely for Lesner at Mania.

  13. On the subject on names - just saw the "Cody" vignette and accompanying graphic on Twitter, and that's exactly how he's billed.


    Seems they can't use "Cody Rhodes", so wonder if they're gonna go with Cody Runnels?


    Something horribly indy like "Cody Dream"?


    Or in the world of TNA is he considered a big enough star to be known by just his first name, like Cher? It'd be marginally better than that couple of weeks when they ran into legal problems once WWE signed the Shane Twins and Shawn's cousin was billed solely as "Michael".

    I hope they capitalise on his heritage and go with Cody Reign.


    Black Reign was awesome.

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