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Posts posted by Rey_Piste

  1. I've avoided the Hobbit films, for the simple reason of I've read the Hobbit book it's about 300 pages long. There's no way it needs to be split into 3, 2 and a half hour long films. I can understand the LOTR films being split into 3 since they are 3 fairly large books, but the Hobbit films are shameful money grabbing. Never mind the fact I found the LOTR films to be piss dull for the most part anyway.

  2. The Prodigy announced as the third headliner for Sonisphere, which for me are 3 solid headliners, hopefully they get some good support acts. I enjoyed the festival when I went mostly because of a very diverse set of bands they had playing.

  3. I'll be picking up City of Owls Next time I'm in Waterstones, though they only seem to have Night of Owls in Hardback at the minute, so I'll be waiting a little while for the paperback version. It's stuff like this that means I only really read stuff that's in it's own self contained universes, or single story collection that have all 6 issues of a mini arc in a book. Though doing this I know I do occasionally miss out on soe good stories, but they tend to spread it a bit thin by adding stuff from other comics. So I'll just stick to buying those 3 trades for the time being.

  4. Whilst I'm not a 5FDP fan, I do find their stage show quite enjoyable, having seen them twice at DL 09 and 10, they were very energetic both times. I don't know if they've actually released any new material since then or what any of it is like and I'm sure if they have it's not breaking any new ground. They're a good mid level main stage band, by which I mean they're fine to watch at 4 in the afternoon, but I wouldn't want them to headline a second stage.

  5. I stand corrected. But I do seem to recall Napalm Death & Billy Idol playing the same day in 2010, so was an easy mistake to make.

    You're absolutely correct, I remember it started absolutely battering it down with rain during Billy Idol and it was damn near impossible to get into any of the music tents. By the time I got back to my tent to get my boots and warmer jacket I couldn't be fucked to go back to the main arena so I missed Steel Panther, Napalm Death and Suicidal Tendencies. I place the blame squarely on my mate firing up a joint went we got back

  6. I think my girlfriend summed it up when I told her that A7X were headlining with Rob Zombie being on before. "Well at least if we do go this year we won't have to sit through them just to watch Rob Zombie." I KNow they;re a popular band, but not being a metalcore fan, they've never really appealed to me.

  7. Online takes a bit of time to really open up, because you don't get all the missions right away. So to begin with you only have races and deathmatches. After a while you get proper missions and Horde mode style stuff and as you level up the missions become more complicated. It's definitely more fun doing the mission with friends, though some of the randoms are perfectly fine, but you do get the odd dick who tries to shoot your wheels out or something retarded, because they couldn't steal your car.

  8. Looks like I've lost about 20 grand from my account, I went to join online and it came up as me being Michael in my account so I clicked out and back in I lost about half of the money in my account. I was just short of buying a garage.

  9. After realising that Trevor is basically Hunter S Thompson I had him dressed up in some short shorts, a bowling shirt and trucker cap, with a pair of Aviator glasses. Shame I can't add a cigarette with holder and maybe a bucket hat instead.

  10. If I play online there's a good chance I'm in a party chatting to mates anyway, even if we're not playing the same game

  11. After I got made redundant at the end of February, I ended up getting a short contract for a couple of months working for the forestry commission, cutting down and burning Ash trees due to Ash dieback which is a fungal disease killing off young trees. Since June I've been doing a bit of security as well as door work for cash in hand. The problem's been that my hours have been cut recently and the door work I've done has been cash in hand and it's only the odd evening here and there covering because people have been on holiday. I know there's going to be more hours coming up with the ramp up to Christmas, but I'm just getting fucked off with the fact it's a lot of evenings and weekends.

  12. I was given a text this morning that I don't need to get into work today, so now I'm sat around bored shitless not making any money. More annoyingly I can't cancel my Amazon order now, otherwise I would've driven over to Tesco to try and pick up a copy.

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